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ISP Quotation Journal Record

You should complete a Quotation Record for both of the novels you read. The purpose of this record is threefold: i) on several occasions in January and March, you will be asked to bring this journal to class where you will be asked to write an extensive analysis of four of the quotations you record here, ii) the quotations you record here will form the basis of your developing understanding of each novel as you read it, and iii) the quotations you record here and your record of their importance will find a place in the essay you ultimately develop.

The range and relevance of the quotations you choose will be evaluated at the time your ISP essay is evaluated.

Considering, therefore, the uses to which this record will be put over the course of the next 8 months, you should:

i) record those quotations which you determine express something essential about significant elements of the novel as you understand it; consider, where relevant, such things as character (main and secondary), conflict(s), setting, imagery (including figurative language), elements of plot, and theme(s);

ii) ensure that your quotations are taken from throughout the book (don’t cluster quotations around the beginning or end of the text); the in class analysis of these quotations will require you demonstrate a sense of the whole novel, not just sections of it;

iii) as you read, keep track of all the important quotations you come across;

iv) once you have finished the book, or as you become confident of your sense of the novel as it develops, record here those 10 quotations you feel are most significant (this is important as your sense of what is significant in the novel will likely change by the time you have finished reading it);

v) once you begin reading you second novel and recording quotations from it, begin considering relations between your two novels;

vi) double check each quotation for accuracy, in terms of both content and spelling(it is very poor form indeed to introduce errors into a quotation you use in your essay)

Full Title of Novel ______

Author ______

Publication Data (year, publisher, city) ______

Quotation #1 (page # ____)


Quotation #2 (page # ____)


Quotation #3 (page # ____)


Quotation #4 (page # ____)


Quotation #5 (page # ____)


Quotation #6 (page # ____)


Quotation #7 (page # ____)


Quotation #8 (page # ____)


Quotation #9 (page # ____)


Quotation #10 (page # ____)


Additional Notes: