The Gathering--UBBG Phase Two 2016

SOULS GGC Project & Part One SF Early Forum Members Invitation

Sonship Fellowship’s Immediate Personnel Wanted List!

To all those who wish to assist and help in the startup of the SF, SOULS, and Phase Two Plan:

This is a short list of positions open, and opportunities for you to become involved now. Don’t worry if you don’t happen to have any of these talents listed, it is only the tip of the iceberg, as it all melts out the SF, SOULS, or Phase Two program will find need of your specific ways you can contribute most, or you might have something we are not mentioning here, on this short list and we are unaware of now, but feel free to make us aware of any talents, projects, skills, and abilities which you feel could be of help now, or later. Eventually, all things of value and worth can be utilized as SOULS is initiated and grown.

  1. Forum Members. MP Core Group members who will form to begin a team to further initiate SF and SOULS. Reviewing and assisting to perfect and produce items to grow Phase Two Plan. Each member only expected to participate as they can, to produce a whole effect needed to accomplish undertaken items.
  2. Office Management. Assistant editors, secretaries, prep and paste-up, Spanish translator, office staff, at-home services by many helpers will produce getting the jobs done where and as needed.
  3. Legal Advisors. Counsel, services, all legal matters which must be done to accomplish startup of SF, SOULS, and its properties under current law.
  4. Bee Hive Productions. As items are reviewed and determined to be undertaken by Early SF Forum and Members, there will be many opportunities for personalities to begin their involvement. Marketing and sales must be made, items will be produced and manufactured as best possible by expanding SF membership allowing growth.
  5. Executives and Management. Project heads will be appointed to each property undertaken. Some might wear several hats in startup, each managing their own, or assigned project to completion working with all teams, Board through Forum direction overview, to produce item to market. Many executive and management work talents needed in SF startup.
  6. Publishing. One of the SF’s strong suits to help initiate SF, SOULS, and Phase Two is ability to provide outreach to UBBG personalities and others with our exclusive SF items developed. Publishing is important in this; Uversa Press or another capable publishing company will come forth, or be created by SF to perform these services.
  7. All other unlisted services, and also the continued help and efforts made by our spirit associates on the other side, who are involved in Phase Two.

Copyright © Terrell Ashendon Clark 2016All rights reserved to same.