Name: Mr. Thompson & Mr. Kanowitz

Social Studies 7th Grade Class

Document 1:
"The American claim is by right of our manifest destiny to overspread and to possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and [our democratic] government entrusted to us. It is a right such as that of the tree to the space of air and earth suitable for the full expansion of its principle and destiny of growth. It is in our future far more than in our past or in the past history of Spanish exploration...that our true title is found."
- John O'Sullivan - reporter for the Morning News
1. What does O'Sullivan suggest Americans should be able to possess by right of the Manifest Destiny?
2. What reasons does he give?
3. Why might he think the right of Manifest Destiny is more in the U.S.'s future, than in the future of the Spanish?
Document 2:
"I have held my hands in an ant-hill until they were covered with ants, then greedily licked them off...I have taken the soles of my moccasins, crisped them in the fire, and eaten them. In our extremity, the large black crickets, which are found in the country, were considered fair game. We used to take a kettle of hot water, catch the crickets and throw them in, and when they stopped kicking, eat them." - Joe Meek, a Mountain Man
1. What types of food did Meek eat?
2. What does this suggest about the conditions Meek faced in the wilderness?
Document 3:
Two Oregon trail pioneers describing life on the trail
"Counted 150 dead oxen. If is difficult to find a camping ground [without] carcasses." - J. G. Bruff, 1849
"Looked starvation in the face. I have seen men passing an animal that has starved to death on the plains, stop and cut out a steak, roast and eat it and call it delicious."
- Clark Thompson, 1850
1. Based on the above quotes, what evidence is there that the Oregon trail pioneers faced hunger on the plains?
Document 4:
Depiction of Mormon pioneers traveling westward in 1856.

1. Using Document 4, describe the evidence which showed the harsh conditions the Mormons faced as they traveled westward.
2. What does this picture suggest about the determination of the Mormons?
Document 5:

1. According to Document 5, why would Americans want to go to California?
2. Would the Americans who traveled to California support the Manifest Destiny? Why or why not?
Document 6:
"It is my duty to assert and maintain by all constitutional means the right of the United States to that portion of our territory which lies beyond the Rocky Mountains. The world [sees] the peaceful triumphs of the [hard work] of our emigrants. To [the U.S. government] belongs the duty of protecting them adequately wherever they may be upon our soil. [The protection of our laws] and the benefits of our [democratic government] should be extended over them in the distant regions which they have selected for their homes."
- James Polk - President of the United States
1. According to document 6, why does President Polk think the U.S. should extend its borders?
2. Would he support or oppose the Manifest Destiny?
Document 7:
A U.S. governor, speaking about the possible consequences of the Mexican War:
"Oh Mr. President, if hell itself could yawn and vomit up its [insides] it would plunge the [north and the south of the United States into a civil war.] Shall we not pause before it is too late?Let us abandon all ideas of [gaining] further territory and... cease at once this war. Let us call home our armies... Let us wash Mexican blood from our hands, and... swear to preserve honorable peace with all the world and eternal brotherhood with each other."
1. According to document 7, why does this governor want to avoid a war with Mexico?
2. Would he support, or oppose the Manifest Destiny?
Document 8:
A Mexican officer reacting to the annexation of Texas (the adding of Texas to the United States) Texas was formerly part of Mexico.
"The annexation of Texas to the United States... does not yet satisfy the ambitious desires of the [immoral] sons of Washington. The civilized world has already recognized in that [annexation], all the marks of injustice, inequity, and the most scandalous violation of the rights of nations. The right of conquest has always been a crime against humanity...To the United States, [the right of conquest] has been put in practice... in order to [gain] possession, in the [middle] of peace, of the territory of a friendly nation, which generously relied upon the faith of promises and the [seriousness] of treaties."
1. Using evidence from Document 8, did the person quoted support or oppose the annexation of Texas.
2. How would this person view the Manifest Destiny?
Document 9:
"...Long ago there were many Indian people, like wind on the sea, like shell-money, like oysters, but that day is ended long ago, and many Indian peoples now are only something to cry over. I will not speak nor make tears over our coming to waste, and I will not make words to white people for making this come to pass, and maybe we somewhat have done this together.
- Chief Seattle, 1854
1. According to Chief Seattle, what has happened to the Indian peoples?