Drill on Personal Evangelism Page H-1

Drill on Personal Evangelism


  1. Evangelism—the Greatest Mission of Christians
  2. Before the ascension of Jesus, He commanded the disciples to “go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mk 16:15, 16).
  3. The Lord chose the believers by His grace, and they should give freely what they have received freely (Mt 10:8; 1 Pet 2:9; cf. Mk 5:18, 19).
  4. The disciples received the fullness of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, and preached the gospel to the end of the earth. The TrueChurch of the last days should preach the gospel even more to all the world (Lk 4:18, 19; Acts 1:8; Ro 10:15; Jn 20: 21, 22; Mal 4: 5, 6).
  • The gospel possesses God’s mighty power, having the ability to save all who believe. It is the way of life in which souls are saved, and is the word of eternal life and heavenly kingdom (Rom 1:16; Acts 5:20; Jas 1:21; Eph 1:13; Mt 24:14). It has the blessing of double promises for this life and the life to come.
  1. The Urgency for Evangelism—Calls of Distress from Every Corner of the World
  2. God said, “Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?” (Isa 6:8)
  3. The Lord Jesus saw that the crowds were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. And He said, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few” (Mt 9:36, 37).
  4. A man of Macedonia stood beseeching Paul and saying, “Come over to Macedonia and help us” (Acts 16:9).
  5. The rich man cried out in Hades, “I am tormented in this flame.” He also said: “...I beg you… that you would send [Lazarus] to my father’s house, for I have five brothers, that he may testify to them, lest they also come to this place of torment” (Lk 16:23-24, 27-28).
  6. Methods of Evangelism—Casting the Net or Fishing with a Rod
  7. Mass evangelism: using chapels, meeting/conferencerooms, factories, prisons, retirement homes, hospitals, and other locations (Acts 5:19, 20; Lk 12:1; 5:5-7).
  8. Personal evangelism: having no fixed time or location, appropriate for anyone (Jn 1:40-46). Some advantages are as follows:

a.May be performed at any time or location

b.Inexpensive; anyone is suitable for the work

c.Ease of catering to personal needs, more realistic results

  1. Examples from Jesus and the Apostles
  2. Jesus preached to the Samaritan woman (Jn 4:7-42).
  3. The Lord’s discussion with Nicodemus (Jn 3:1-15; 7:45-52; 19:39).
  4. The Lord called Zacchaeus (Lk 19:1-10; Mt 9:9).
  5. Andrew brought Simon to Jesus (Jn 1:35-42; Gal 2:7-9).
  6. Philip brought Nathanael to Jesus (Jn 1:43-51).
  7. Philip preached to the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:26-40).
  8. Paul’s work (Acts 20:20).
  9. Criteria for Personal Evangelism
  10. Having personal (spiritual) experience of receiving salvation.
  11. Having wonderful testimonies in daily life (1 Pet 3:1, 2; Lk 3:10-14).
  12. Having a love for the souls of men (Rom 9:2, 3; Acts 18:24, 25).
  13. Must equip yourself with:

a.Basic Bible knowledge (Eph 6:17; Heb 4:12)

b.The abidance of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor 10:4, 5)

c.Familiarity of gospel tracts and pamphlets

  1. Willing to put forth efforts in prayer (Acts 16:25, 26; Eph 6:19, 20; Col 4: 3, 4)
  2. Capable of sacrifice and endurance (Lk 8:15; Jas 5:7, 8; Eccl 11:4, 6)
  1. The Target Audience of Personal Evangelism
  • (Acts 1:8) Jerusalem all Judea Samaria the end of the earth
  • Unbelieving family members are our first priority(Acts 16:30-34; Gen 7:1; 6:18; 19:12-15; Ex 10:8-11; Josh 2:12-19; 6:22, 23).
  • Relatives, friends, classmates, and co-workers (cf. Mk 5:19; Ezek 3:16-19; 33:1-6; Rom 9:1-3; 2 Kgs 5:1-14).
  • Other Christians who have not experienced the Holy Spirit (Mt 10:5, 6; Rom 10:1-4; cf. Acts 10:44-48; 19:1-7).
  • Those who are suffering (Mt 9:12; Lk 4:18, 19).

a.The sick and demon-possessed (Mk 1:32-34; 2:1-12; Acts 5:12-16)

  • With the mighty power of the Lord, bravely testify His salvation; ask for the Lord’s healing according to their faith (Mk 16:17-20; Acts 4:29-31; 14:8-10)

b.The poor—materially or spiritually (Lk 4:18; Jas 2:5; 1 Cor 1:26-31)

c.Orphans and widows (Ex 22:22-24; Jer 49:11)

d.Those who are in trial or tribulation (Isa 48:10; Ex 2:23-25)

e.Those who are disappointed or in trouble (cf. Ps 50:15; 107:10-32)

f.Those bound by sin (1 Tim 1:15; Lk 19:1-10; 7:36-50; 15:1-7)

  1. Those who sincerely hunger for righteousness (Mt 5:6).

a.God is pleased with those who sincerely hunger for righteousness (Neh 9:7-8; Acts 10:1, 2, 34-35; Lk 2:25-32)

b.We should patiently lead those people who sincerely seek after the truth (Mt 7:6; Jn 3:1-15)

  1. How to Carry Out Personal Evangelism
  2. Pray and seek after the guidance of the Lord (cf. Gen 24:12-14).
  3. Ask the Lord to teach us to say the right things (1 Sam 16:18; Neh 2:4; Mt 10:19-20).
  4. Seize the right opportunity: like a businessman seeking and seizing a business opportunity.
  5. Speak boldly according to your faith (cf. Jn 3:3; 4:3-26).
  6. Pay attention to the following during a discussion:

a.Be focused with your topic of discussion

b.Be sincere and respectful

c.Be willing to listen

d.Target the needs of those to whom you evangelize

e.Do not be overly concerned

f.Avoid heated disputes or criticisms

g.Make the best use of time

  1. The importance of stating a conclusion.
  2. Continue with follow-up works.
  1. Reference #1: Common Questions Pertaining to Faith
  2. How do I know that there is a God? (Rom 1:18-20)
  3. The retribution for good and evil (Rom 1:18; Rev 22:12).
  4. Man’s natural desire to worship (Rom 1:19; 21-23).
  5. Natural inclination toward good (Rom 1:19; 2:14, 15; Mt 19:17).
  6. The creation of all things (Rom 1:20; Heb 3:4).
  7. The mystery of life (Rom 1:20; Job 12:10).
  8. The orderliness found in universe (Rom 1:20; Heb 1:3).
  9. The existence of miracles (Rom 1:20; Acts 2:22).
  10. The experience of the Holy Spirit (1 Jn 3:24).
  11. How did God come to be?
  12. Not a creature (Rom 1:25).
  13. Not transformed from adeadperson (Job 7:9, 10).
  14. Self-existent and everlasting, “I AM WHO I AM” (Ex 3:14).
  15. The only God (Mk 12:29; 1 Cor 8:5, 6).
  16. Fills all in all (Jn 4:24: Eph 1:23).
  17. Why should one worship the true God?
  18. Our duty (Eccl 12:13).

a.He gave birth to (created) us (Ps 139:13-15)

b.He raised us (Acts 14:15-17)

c.Life, death, curses, and blessings are all in His hands (1 Thess 2:6, 7)

d.He has a father-son relationship with us (Lk 3:38)

  • We ought to obey and respect Him like a parent (Acts 17:24-29; Isa 1:2, 3).
  1. To have peace (Job 22:21; Isa 26:3).
  • The world is a bitter sea
  1. To return home in heaven (Heb 11:13-16; Rev 21:4) like the prodigal son.
  • We are like pilgrims
  1. Why should one believe in Jesus?
  2. Everyone has fallen into sin (Rom 3:23- 5:12).
    (Please also refer to question H)
  3. No one can save himself or others (Rom 7:14-24).
    (Please also refer to M)
  4. Everyone shall be destroyed in the future (Heb 9:27, Rom 6:23).
    (Please also refer to I)
  5. Faith in Jesus can release one from bondage (Jn 3:16-18).
    (Please also refer to J)
  6. Who is Jesus? (Mt 16)
  7. He is God born as man (Jn 1:1, 14, 18).
    (Please refer to F)
  8. He is the Savior of mankind (Lk 2:8-11; Jn 3:16).
    (Please refer to G)
  9. How do we know that Jesus is the true God?
  10. His birth (Mt 1:18-25).
  11. His miracles (Jn 3:2; 10:37, 38).
  12. His character (Rom 5:6-8).
  13. His resurrection (Jn 20:26-28).
  14. His promise (Jn 14:16-20; Acts 2:4).
  15. What He called Himself (Jn 10:30; 14:8, 9).
  • Was He a lunatic, a liar, or the True God?
  1. How do we know that Jesus is the Savior?
  2. Sinlessness (Rom 5:12; Ps 4:15; Mt 1:20, 21).
  3. Victory over sin (Rom 7:15-29; Heb 4:14-16).
  4. Forgiving sins of men (Mk 2:5-12).
  5. Resurrection (1 Cor 15:20-22; 50-58).
  6. Ascension to heaven (Jn 14:2, 3; 16:5-7).
  7. Do I have sins?

From the following consequences or recompenses of sin, we know that one has sins

  1. Toils of life (Gen 3:16-19; Ps 90:10).
  2. Death (Gen 19; Eccl 8:8; Rom 5:12).
  3. Sinful deeds (Gen 3:7; Rom 7:14-23).
  1. God is good and kind. Will He condemn men’s sins?
  2. God is merciful and does not want the sinners to perish (Ps 103:8-13; Ezek 33:11; 2 Pet 3:9).
  3. God is just and cannot ignore sin (Dan 9:14; Nah 1:3).
  4. I have so many grievous sins. Will God want me?
  5. Jesus came to save sinners (1 Tim 1:15; Isa 1:18).
  6. Jesus was and still is a friend to sinners (Mt 9:10-13; Rom 5:8).
  7. As long as you repent and receive the Lord's baptism (Acts 2:38; 3:19).
  8. After I have improved myself, I will believe in Jesus
  9. Man cannot rely on himself to forsake evil for good (Rom 7:18-24).
  10. Only by relying on the Lord can one be perfect (Rom 8:1-4).
  11. As long as my heart is sincere, it does not matter what I believe
  12. We must worship God in spirit and truth (Jn 4:24).
  13. Believe in Jesus, and He will forgive your sins and give you salvation (Jn 3:16; Mk 16:16; Acts 22:16).
  14. If one refuses to believe in the truth, he will be condemned (II Th 2:10-12).
  15. Why should I believe in anything if I can cultivate myself and do good deeds?
  16. There is no one in the world who always does good and never sins (Eccl 7:20; Rom 2:10-12).
  17. Confucius said: “Knowing righteousness but unable to act upon it; knowing evil and incapable to change, such is my sorrow.”
  18. Paul (Rom 7:18).
  19. It does not come from righteous deeds but from one’s faith in the Lord (Rom 3:23-28).
  20. It does not matter what denomination you belong to as long as you believe in Jesus
  21. The church is the body of Christ; there is only one body (Eph 1:23; 4:4).
  22. The church is the bride of Jesus; there is only one bride (Rev 21:2; Mt 19:4, 5).
  23. The church is the ark of the end time; there is only one ark (I Pet 3:20-21).
  24. Prerequisites of the church:

a.Truth (1 Tim 3:15)

b.Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:9; Eph 1:13)

c.Miracles (Mk 16:20)

  1. I cannot forsake my former friends
  2. If you sincerely believe in the Lord, your “good” friends will not leave you.
  3. Having fools as companions will bring you harm (Pr 13:20).
  4. Do not desire to be with evil company (Prov 24:1, 2).
  5. “Bad company corrupts good habits” (1 Cor 15:33).
  6. “The fear of man brings a snare” (Prov 29:25).
  7. “Friendship with the world is enmity with God” (Jas 4:4).
  8. I want to believe in Jesus but my family and friends will oppose and persecute my faith. The price I have to pay is too much. I dare not believe.
  9. One treasures what one fights hard for.
  10. We should have the determination to suffer for the Lord (1 Pet 4:1-6; 2 Tim 3:12).
  11. The Lord will surely look after you (Mt 10:28-33; 1 Pet 5:7-10).
  12. There will be blessings for those who suffer (1 Pet 2:20; Mt 5:10-12; 2 Cor 4:17-18; Rom 8:18; 2 Tim 2:12).
  13. I am still young; I will believe in Jesus later
  14. Do not boast about tomorrow (Pr 27:1; Jas 4:13-14).
  15. The foolish landlord (Lk 12:19-20).
  16. Seize the opportunity (2 Cor 3:2; Eccl 12:1).
  17. I am too busy; I have no time for Jesus
  18. Why are you busy? (Ps 39:4-9; Eccl 1:2-3).
  19. “All is vanity” (Eccl 1:2, 3; Ps 90:10).
  20. Faith in Jesus brings satisfaction (Ps 17:14-15).
  21. I will lose my freedom if I believe in Jesus
  22. Believe in Jesus to receive true freedom (Jn 8:36).
  23. Those who sin become slaves of sin (Jn 8:34).
  24. “The truth will make you free” (Jn 8:31-32).
  25. I cannot believe in Jesus if I have to restrain from worshipping my ancestors
  • The purpose of ancestor worship is to respect the elderly and to remember our sources
  • Respect for the elderly: We should show filial piety when our parents are at the old age so that they can enjoy their old-age.
  • Those who believe in Jesus should show filial piety because it is a commandment with a promise of blessing (Eph 6:1-3)
  • Remembrance of our source: To search our roots is to not forget our origin.
  • Those who believe in Jesus worship the source of mankind—the true God (Lk 3:38; Eccl 12:13)
  1. Is the Bible reliable?
  2. Inspired by the True God (2 Tim 3:16).
  3. Attested by Jesus (Mt 22:31-32).
  4. Fulfillment of prophecies (Is 44:9-10).

a.The birth of Jesus (Isa 7:14; Mt 1:18-25)

b.The descent of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:4-5, 2:1-4)

  1. Experiences in faith (Lk 1:37; Jn 5:39).
  1. Will I have the guarantee of salvation if I believe in Jesus?
  2. Bible's promise (1 Jn 5:13).
  3. Receiving of the Holy Spirit (Eph 1:13-14).
  4. Experiences from daily life (2 Tim 1:12).
  5. If I believe in Jesus and go to heaven while my spouse suffers in hell because of his/her unbelief, how will I be happy in the heavenly kingdom?
  6. Life is like a play. The world represents the big stage where each of us plays a different role (Heb 11:33). Therefore, those who are spouses on stage do not have the same relationship off-stage.
  7. Human relationships are limited to this lifetime only. In the life after death, there will be no distinction between male and female, old and young. “They neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven” (Mt 22:29-30).
  8. If there is not any human relation in heaven, then we will not need to cry sorrowfully for our unbelieving friends and relatives (Rev 2:3-4).
  9. Nevertheless, while we remain on the stage of life, we should be a successful actor/actress. We should fear God and love men so that we shall receive honor, glory, blessings, and joy in the heavenly kingdom (2 Tim 4:7-8)
  10. What are the benefits of believing in Jesus?
  11. Receive peace (Job 22:21).

a.Peace of the body (Mt 8:17)

b.Peace of the mind/spirit (Mt 11:28)

c.Eternal peace (Jn 16:33; Heb 4:9, 10)

  1. Receive eternal life (Jn 10:10).

a.People of the world die in sin (Eph 2:1).

  1. Receive freedom.

a.Bondage of sin gives no freedom (Rom 7:14, 17-24; Heb 2:15).

b.True peace comes only from faith in the Lord who forgives sins and gives Holy Spirit (Rom 8:1, 2; Jn 8:36).

  1. Receive hope.

a.There is not hope for those who do not believe in the Lord (Eph 2:12) because they will receive eternal punishment (Rev 21:8).

b.Faith in the Lord brings living hope (1 Pet 1:3, 4).

  1. Some skeptics say,“All religionsare the same because there are good and bad followers in each religion. It is sincere faith that counts.”
  2. There will always be some bad fruits in any big tree. One should not generalize.
  3. The parable of casting the net (Mt 13:47, 50) tells us that evil believers will be abandoned in the end.
  4. One ought to pursue and understand the object of his belief (2 Tim 1:12; Mt 5:48). Man changes but God does not. Therefore, one should have faith in God and not in man.
  5. Questions pertaining to baptism

Q1.Why should one receive baptism?


a.“For the remission of sins” (Acts 2:38)

b.“He who believes and is baptized will be saved” (Mk 16:16)

c.“Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God” (Jn 3:5)

Q2. What is the mode of baptism?


a.In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38)

b.Head bowed (Rom 6:4, 5; Jn 19:30)

c.Full immersion in water (Col 2:12; Jn 3:23)

Q3. Who can receive baptism?

A: Anyone who believes, repents, and determines to live a new life for Christ can receive baptism (Mk 16:16; Acts 2:38; Lk 14:25-33).

Q4. What are the basis for infant baptism?


a.Infants are born with sin (Ps 51:5)

b.Hebrew male children receive circumcision on the eighth day (Gen 17:9-14; Col 2:11-12)

c.Israelite babies also crossed the Red Sea (Ex 10:9; 1 Cor 10:1-2)

Q5. How should one behave after baptism?

A: He/she should “live a new life” (Rom 6:4)

  1. Questions pertaining the baptism of the Holy Spirit

Q1.What is “baptism of the Holy Spirit”?

A:It is the descent of the Holy Spirit upon one’s body, filling within his/her heart (Acts 1:4, 8; Ezek 36:26, 27).

Q2.What is the Holy Spirit?

A:It is also called “God's Spirit” or the “Spirit of Christ” because the Father and Son are one. Holy Spirit is the True God’s own Spirit (Rom 8:9; Jn 4:24).

Q3.What is the importance of receiving the Holy Spirit?


a.The Lord said: “...unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God” (Jn 3:5)

b.“The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God” (Rom 8:16)

c.“[The Holy Spirit] is the guarantee of our inheritance” (Eph 1:14)

d.“If any one does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His” (Rom 8:9)

e.“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you” (Acts 1:8)

Q4.What is it like to receive the Holy Spirit?

A:When the Holy Spirit comes upon a person, his tongue will be moved to speak a tongue and his body will move. An observer can witness the movement and hear it (Acts 10:44-46; 2:33).

Q5.How may one receive the baptism of the Spirit?

A:One must believe the Lord, receive the correct water baptism, and pray earnestly for the Holy Spirit (Acts 19:1-7; Lk 11:5-13).

  1. Reference #2: Methods Used by Jesus in Preaching the Gospel
  2. The call of Peter and Andrew (Mt 4:18-20)
  3. An insight into the other’s needs

a.Be able to “push the right buttons”

b.Encourage your target to speak more often so that you may discover his/her needs

  1. Select topics of discussion which relate closely to the listener

a.Enable the person to listen willingly

b.Everyone should have questions concerning himself

  1. Experiences which are easy to understand

a.Even the uneducated can understand

b.Avoid profound theories

  1. Short but full of attraction

a.Condensed format (the most economical method of lecture)

b.Appropriate to the needs of contemporary society

  1. The sure promise

a.Helps to establish faith

b.Urges him/her to forsake the net and follow the Lord

  1. The call of the chief tax collector Zacchaeus (Lk 19:1-10)
  2. He was a sinner (7), like a lonely lion

a.Because of his deeds, society had abandoned him. He hungered to be loved.How much he craved for friendship!

b.There are sinners like Zacchaeus throughout the world (Lk 7:36-50; Jn 8:3-11). They need salvation more than the self-righteous (Mt 9:11-13).

  1. Jesus said He would stay at his house (5)

a.This statement greatly moved Zacchaeus (it fulfilled his need).

b.The bishop’s acceptance of Valjean touched him greatly (Refer to Les Miserables by Hugo).

  1. Zacchaeus truly repented as a result of his gratitude (8)

a.Even sinners have good conscience (1 Cor 13:7).

b.A vicious dog will not harm infants—because children do not pose as a threat to the dog.

c.Sinners often prefer to draw near to the saints (Recent story on an Indian saint).

  1. Discussion of rebirth with Nicodemus (Jn 3:1-8)
  2. Nicodemus knew of Jesus from the miracles He performed (3:2)

a.This is the simplest means of judgment (Jn 9:25, 30).

b.Today, many people have joined our church on account of miracles.

  1. Jesus discussed rebirth with him (3:3).

a.Miracles are the means by which to lead one to the Lord, not the end.

b.Those who experience miracles do not always believe the Lord (Lk 17:12-19).

c.The purpose for the Lord to call someone is for one to be reborn and be able to enter the kingdom of God.

d.Let the listener understand the importance of rebirth.Do not dwell only on testimonies of miracles.

  1. Nicodemus did not understand the meaning of rebirth (3:4)

a.Unless one has heard the gospel, he/she cannot understand.

b.Pastors and theologians from other churches also do not understand.

  1. Jesus instructed His listener the method of rebirth (3:5-8)

a.Likewise, we need to instruct the truth-seekers concerning the method of rebirth.

b.Our attitude must be gentle and sincere (2 Tim 2:23-26).

  1. Preaching to the Samaritan woman (Jn 4:7-29)
  2. Prompted her to speak (4:7, 9)

a.Create opportunities for discussion