(I)Circle the correct option:

  1. Outsiders/ Natives/ Black people: were referred to as Dikus.
  2. Fallow/ Arable/ Barren land: left uncultivated for sometime so that the soil recover its fertility.
  3. Gaddis of Kulu were: Cattle herders/ reared goats/ shepherds.
  4. Bakarwals of Kashmir reared: Goats/ sheep/ cattle.
  5. Khonds lived in: Orissa/ Bengal/ Bihar.
  6. Baigas/ Santhals/ Mundas: were reluctant to do work for others.
  7. In1900/ 1905/ 1910: Birsa died of cholera.
  8. The revolt of 1857 started from: Delhi/ Meerut/ lucknow.
  9. British PM/ Governor General/ British Queen: assumed the power to rule India after 1858.
  10. Aurangzeb/ Bhadurshah Zafar/ MurshidQuli Khan:was the last Mughal Emperor.
  11. Baji Rao/ Nana Sahib/ Shivaji: was the adopted son of PeshvaBaji Rao II.
  12. In 1801/ 1800/ 1900: subsidiary alliance was imposed on Awadh.
  13. The main centres of revolt were: Delhi/ Meerut/ Both of these.
  14. Governor –General canning/ Hastings/ Dalhousie: announced that Mughal king and his family would be shifted out of the Red Fort and given another place in Delhi to reside.
  15. Governor- General Canning/ Hastings/ Dalhousie: announce that Bahadur Shah zafar would be the last Mughal king.
  16. The Central dome of the Viceroy’s palace was copied from: Jama Masjid/ Taj Mahal/ Sanchi Stupa.
  17. Surat/ Calcutta/ Madras: was not a presidency city.
  18. Delhi/ Surat/ Bombay: experienced de- urbanization during the 19th century.
  19. The British gained the control of Delhi in 1803 from: Mughals/ Marathas/ Sikhs.
  20. New Delhi took nearly: 10/ 20/ 30 years to build.
  21. After partition over: two third/ One-third/ three-fourth Delhi Muslims migrated to Pakistan.
  22. In: 1888/ 1889/ 1900 Lahore Gate Improvement Scheme was planned.

(II)Correct the following statements:

  1. British were comfortable with the groups who moved from place to place.
  2. Birsa Munda belonged toSanthal tribal group.
  3. Slash and Burn is a term used for shifting cultivation in Madhya Pradesh.
  4. In Hazaribagh (Jharkhand) Bhils reared cocoons.
  5. Vaishnavas are the worshippers of lord Shiva.
  6. The British wanted to preserve the tribal way of life.
  7. The jhum cultivators plough the land and sow the seeds.
  8. In 1840, a new law was passed to make conversion to Christianity easier.
  9. Bakht Khan was the general of Nana Sahib during the Revolt of 1857.
  10. Bahadur Shah Zafar died in the British jail in November 1862.
  11. Nana Sahib was hanged to death for attacking his officers in Barrackpore.
  12. In Bihar, an old zamindar named Hazi Ali joined the rebel sepoys and battled with the British.
  13. Delhi was recaptured from rebel forces in 1858.
  14. Ab Dullah Bukhari was the Maulvi from Faizabad who prophesized about the end of the British rule.
  15. The Delhi College was turned into school and shut down in 1888.
  16. The British transferred their capital from Delhi to Calcutta in 1911.
  17. The Delhi improvement trust was set up in 1935.
  18. After 1857 worship in the Jama Masjid was not allowed for six years.
  19. New Delhi was constructed as a 20 square mile city on Raisina Hill.
  20. The western walls of Shahajahanabad were broken for safety reasons.

(III)Answer the following questions in short:

  1. Where did shifting cultivation widely practice?
  2. Who were Baigas?
  3. Why did Khonds of Orissa supply Kusum and Plash flowers to local weavers?
  4. How did British describe tribal people?
  5. Name the activities (occupations) followed by the tribal people.
  6. Who was Verrier Elwin? Why did he visit the land of Baigas in central India?
  7. How did forests acts affect the life of tribal people?
  8. Where did tribal people get work?
  9. Which law related to employment was passed by the British in the year 1856?
  10. What was the demand of Nana Sahib that was refused by the British?
  11. Why were the Indian sepoys against going overseas?
  12. How did the East India Company plan to bring Mughal dynasty to an end?
  13. What was Taiping Rebellion?
  14. Why did the importance of Machlipatnam port decline during 18th century?
  15. Name the three areas that were deurbanized during the 19th century.
  16. Why did the period from 1830 to 1857 refer to as period of Delhi renaissance?
  17. Name the architects who designed New Delhi.
  18. Why was Viceroy’s palace built at a higher platform than the Jama Masjid?
  19. How did British created racial difference with Indians?
  20. Who palnned Lahore Gate scheme and for whom?

(IV)Answer the following questions in detail:

  1. How did colonial rule affect tribal lives?
  2. Mention 3 reasons for which British introduced land settlements.
  3. Why did tribal groups rebel against the British?
  4. Who was Birsa Munda? What was his vision of golden age?
  5. Mention two significant impacts of Munda rebellion.
  6. Why did Indians begin to feel that the British were destroying their religion and social customs?
  7. Describe the immediate cause of the revolt of 1857.
  8. How did British change their policies after the revolt of 1857?


In what ways did British try to win back the loyalty of the people?

  1. Locate and label major centres of the revolt of 1857.
  2. What did British do to vanish Mughal Glory?
  3. Mention three differences in the city design of New Delhi and Shahjahanabad.
  4. How did the Partition of India in1947 change the face of Delhi?