Dear Parent/Guardian/Student,

Welcome to The Godley Station School’s Physical Education Program! We are looking forward to having one of the best programs in ChathamCounty with your help.


  1. Students are required to wear gym shorts (No denim or school uniform shorts allowed) and a solid colored t-shirt (Light Blue, White, Gray, or Navy: No logos on the shirt) or a Godley Station t-shirt with sleeves (No Tank Tops) for P.E.Warm up and wind pants are allowed (No pajamas) All shorts/shirts must meet Chatham County School Board Dress Code. Shorts must be worn at the natural waist line and not rolled. There should be no words or logos on the back of the shorts. P.E. uniforms may be purchased through the Godley Station PTA. The PTA will be selling PE uniforms on designated mornings throughout the school year. Students are not required to purchase these uniforms. It is only an option for those who choose to do so.
  2. Sweat pants and sweat shirts may be worn. Coats and jackets are not to be worn inside the gym.
  3. Nylon jogger, bike shorts, other spandex, pajamas, and boxer underwear are not allowed.
  4. Socks must be worn. No tights or panty hose allowed.
  5. Tennis shoes must be worn and laced during class. No other shoe is allowed. Backless shoes of any type are not allowed. Students may elect to bring a second pair of shoes for outdoor activity.
  6. Students are required to bring their dress out clothes to school in a clear or mesh bag. Students may bring their clothes in their book bag. Non see through bags are not allowed.


1st time not dressed: A verbal warning or alert notice will be issued. A grade of 0% will be given for not dressing out. The student will be required to do a written assignment or participate in their regular clothes as assigned by their teacher to gain back as much as 80% of their participation points. Failure to adequately complete the written assignment may result in parent contact.

2nd time not dressed: Parent contact by a phone call, e-mail, or alert form will be made.

A grade of 0% will be given for not dressing out. The student will be required to do a written assignment or participate in their regular clothes as assigned by their teacher to gain back as much as 80% of their participation points.

3rd time not dressed: Student will also be assigned a7:30AM detention. A grade of 0% will be given for not dressing out. The student will be required to do a written assignment or participate in their regular clothes as assigned by their teacher to gain back as much as 80% of their participation points.


1. Students are required to enter the gym area orderly and go directly to the locker room. All students should place their bookbags in

the locker room. Students who are dressing out should then do so.Students are not allowed to use the restroom and shower stalls for


2. Students will have five minutes to dress out. Once students have dressed out, they are to report directly to the gym and start

walking until all students have exited the locker rooms.

  1. No gum, drinks, candy, snacks, pens or markers will be allowed in the gym or locker rooms. Students caught vandalizing the gym will be referred immediately to the appropriate administrator.
  2. CD players, cell phones, radios, headphones, etc. are not allowed in the gym at any time. Students caught with these items will have them collected without warning and turned over to an administrator.
  3. The physical education equipment is not to be touched until permission is given by one of the coaches.
  4. The physical education staff nor Godley Station will be responsible for items that are lost and/or stolen from the locker room area during PE class.Although the locker room will be secured during class, students are encouraged to bring locks to place on their lockers during PE class. Locks must be removed after class. Locks that are left on after class will be cut off.Students will be assigned a specific locker. Students are not allowed to leave items in the locker room after their class has been dismissed.
  5. All studentswho would like to get water from the fountain in the gym hallway, will do so at the designated time in a quiet and orderly manner.Students may not exit the gym to use the water fountain in the main hallway. As an option, students may bring money from home to purchase bottled water prior to starting activity or at the end of class. Students may also choose to bring plain bottled water from home. The PE staff does not assume responsibility for money lost in the water machines. Bottles should be disposed of in a proper manner.Flavored water, sports drinks, vitamin, water, soft drinks, etc are not allowed.
  6. Personal items (ex. lotion, deodorant, etc.) are to be used in the locker room and not in the gym.
  7. Students needing to use the restroom should do so when they enter the locker room to dress out at the beginning of class and when they dress back into their regular clothes at the end of class. Students will not be allowed to exit the gym during class without permission.
  8. At the end of class, students will return all equipment to the designated area and walk quietly to the locker to change clothes.Students are to be dress code compliant (shirts tucked, ID’s around neck, etc.) prior to exiting the locker room at the end of class.After dressing at the end of class, students should go to their assigned area in the gym.
  9. Students are notto sit in the bleachers .
  10. Respect everyone’s personal space as well as their property.
  11. When a coach blows the whistle, all classes are the stop activity and wait for directions.

*Inability to follow Physical Education rules may result in parental contact and/or detention.


Students may be given tests, homework, and written assignments per activity. When students are absent from class on a test day, upon returning to school, the students will be expected to make up the test. Failure to do this will result in a “zero” for that particular assignment. Late homework will not be accepted.

Students should be prepared to dress for class every day, regardless of weatherconditions. A note from a parent will excuse a student from participation. The student will also be required to complete a written assignment to earn back 100% of their participation and dress out points for that excused day. If your child needs to be excused for more than two days, he/she will need to bring a doctor’s note. Students who fail to bring a note will not be excused. Dressing out is a daily homework grade.


40% - Class assignments. homework, participation, dressing out, make up work, and extra credit.

60% - This includes student assessment (written, oral, or practical)


During the first marking period, your child will be participating in a fitness testing program. This program is known as the FitnessGram. FitnessGram is a complete battery of health-related fitness items that are scored using criterion-referenced standards. These standards are age and gender specific and are established based on how fit children need to be for good health. uses scientifically determined standards that are based on how fit children should be for good health. FitnessGram results will be sent home to parents.


Students are required to dress out on Fridays unless notified earlier in the week by their PE teacher. On Fitness Fridays, students will participate in activities that are designed to improve their level of fitness.

Fitness Fridays are tentatively set to only takeplace on designated weeks in which there are five full school days.


7th and 8th grade Physical Education students will line up inside the gym as instructed and then will be escorted out the back door of the gym and along the side walk back to class by their physical education.6th grade students will be escorted back though the main hallway. Students are expected to walk quietly in a single file line on the right side of the hallway away from the wall.Students are to walk with their arms crossed or with their hands in their pockets. Students are not to loiter and should go directly to their next class.

Please help us by making sure that your son or daughter is prepared for class daily.

Thank you for your support. Please feel free to contact us anytime via phone (395-6000) or e-mail!

The Godley Station Physical Education Staff,

William Buckley Catherine CawleyJustin Hudgins

Please sign this form and have your child return it to their physical education teacher, not their homeroom teacher, their next PE class period. A homework grade will be assigned for returning this signed form in at the next designated PE class.

* Students will be required to begin dressing out on August 11 (A Day) or August 12 (B Day), 2014


Please list below any medical conditions that we should be made aware of:


Student’s Name(Print):______Student Signature:______

Parent /Guardian Name (Print):______

Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date:______

Home Phone:______Cell Phone: ______

Work Phone:______Emergency Phone:______

