LWVCC Leadership Team Meeting

Monday, May 9, 2016

The LWVCC Leadership Team met in Salida at Bank of the West on Monday, May 9,

2016. Present were: Marjie Gray, Scott Hartman, Rose Mirich, Libby Fay, Gail Brooks,

Nancy Hudelson, Barb Brady, Marilyn Bouldin , Jan Scar and Marilyn Box, Treasurer.

Minutes from the annual meeting were approved.

Marilyn Box, Treasurer, reported on our annual dinner and on the geranium sales.

We made a profit of $264 on the dinner since the meal was prepared by league members

in lieu of a caterer. We made an additional $148.50 on geranium sales, selling

20 more plants than originally ordered. We still need to pay sales tax on this income.

Marilyn will remain a co-chairman for the plant sales and Nancy Huddelson volunteered to be

co-chair for the Salida area.

Marjie agreed to continue as Board Coordinator and Jan Scar will be secretary. Libby

Fay volunteered to fill in as secretary when needed.

A presentation was made by Jimmy Sellars regarding the Sellar’s Project and their

sponsorship of an upcoming program by TR Reid about health care around the world. The

program will be on June 28th at 7 pm in the SalidaSteamplant. The Sellar’s Project has made

all arrangements for this program including advertising. There will be a fund raiser to support

the Colorado Care proposed amendment to the Colorado constitution either before or

after his presentation to the general public.

We had previously discussed donating money from our annual dinner to help

sponsor this event. Rose moved to donate $200 to the Sellar’s Project to be used as

needed. Marilyn B. seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. We will request that the LWV logo be used in advertising. Rose and Nancy also volunteered to be in charge of a LWV information table in the Steamplant prior to the presentation.

Committee Reports:

Voter Service: Scott feels that we need more publicity, especially on Facebook,

to create more interest in our forums. Gail can track FB clicks for the online forum videos.

We need increased publicity to let voters know about the video availability. We voted not

to put DVD’s in local libraries due to lack of interest.

The state league will publish Pro/Con pamphlets for ballot issues. We will

ask local banks to sponsor these through donations in return for their logo on the pamphlets.

Scott brought up the “empty chair” issue for our league forums. We will discuss

possible solutions at our membership meeting and hopefully appoint a committee to

research a policy for our league.

We will need an issues forum in September for the Colorado Care amendment

and other ballot issues.

Voter Registration: Chaffee County Clerk, Lori Mitchell, recommends registering

people on ipads or laptops. Individuals can go online for training and also to take the

required test to become certified registrars.. It was suggested that we could register voters

at the TR Reid event. Marilyn Bouldin offered to take a computer to the Colorado Care booth

at local farmer’s markets this summer. Rose will check on therequirements to become a certified registrar.

Scott attended training for vote411 . He will send a letter to county commissioner

candidates asking them to respond to the 411 questions.

Publicity: Marlyn will check with Cheryl Brown-Kovacic to see if she has the Salida

LWVCC banners.

Gail has set up our FB so that anyone can post articles.

Gail & Marjie suggested letters to the editor to explain the “rights” of voters

during our forums and the candidates’ responsibilities.

Membership: Our two Making Democracy Work Award winners were made honorary

members of the local league (LWVCC).

Membership renewals are due Sept. 1st. Paypal automatically sends renewal

notices. Dues can also be paid at our summer picnic in August.

Libby suggested establishing a local ed fund. Individuals can make tax deductible

donations directly into this account.

Nancy, Rose and Ann Graham will update our membership list.

Program: The next meeting is May 16th and is a program planning meeting.

Unfinished Business: Gail requested that we review the website and let her know of

any corrections.

Meetings: The community center in Buena Vista is still available at no charge.

The Methodist Church in Salida might be available for an annual donation of $50.

We voted to change our monthly meetings to the 2nd Monday of the month.

New Business: Our annual picnic will be August 15th. Gail Brooks offered her home.

We will invite Jim Wilson, Kerry Donovan and possibly Lori Mitchell, Chaffee County Clerk. Salida members will organize this event.

Approval of Mission Statement, Non-Discrimination clause, Candidate Eligibility,

Audio-Visual policy and Non-Partisan Policy: Libby moved to accept these

Policies as reviewed and sent to board members via email. Marilyn seconded

the motion and it passed unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned.

Jan Scar, Secretary