Peninsula Travel

32 Buller Close Crowborough

East Sussex TN6 2YE

24th March 2014

Dear Delegate

Your committee has chosen Edinburgh as the venue for this Spring’s conference. It will be based at the Holyrood Hotel on The Royal Mile, with eminent speakers, and is centrally located for your social programme.

Friday’s session subject is currently very relevant to the Scottish vote in September on the subject of independence: Legal Implications, Advantages and Disadvantages of Independence, Devolution and Federalism.

The social programme included in your conference fee begins with a tapas meal at Café Andaluz, kindly sponsored in part by the Edinburgh German Consulate.

Saturday’s session topic is: Piercing the Corporate Veil. On Saturday afternoon there is a guided tour of the Scottish Parliament and of Edinburgh Castle with its magnificent views over the city.

Saturdays’ programme concludes with an optional conference dinner and by, popular request following its success at the Lake District conference, a ceilidh.

The subject for discussion on Sunday morning will be: Access to Justice and Cost of Litigation.

I wish you another successful conference.

Yours sincerely

Ian Carr


with Deutsch-Britische Juristenvereinigung eV


16th – 18th May 2014

6 CPD Points are available for attendance at this conference


Friday 16th April

07.15 hrs Meet London Kings Cross Station

07.30 hrs Train departs for Edinburgh

12.12 hrs Arrive Edinburgh Waverley Station

12.00 hrs Conference registration in foyer of Holyrood Hotel

13.00 hrs Lunch at Holyrood Hotel Rocca Restaurant

14.30 hrs Conference Session 1:

Subject: Legal Implications, Advantages and Disadvantages of Independence, Devolution and Federalism

Venue: Holyrood Hotel, Holyrood Suite, 81 Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8AU

British Speaker: The Right Hon Lord Hodge. Justice of the Supreme Court.

German Speaker: Marion Eckertz-Höfer, Former President of the
German Federal Administrative Court

16.00 hrs Tea/coffee break

16.30 hrs Discussion

17.00 hrs Session ends.

17.15 hrs Joint Committee Meeting: Holyrood Suite

19.15 hrs Depart on foot to Café Andaluz, 77b George St., Edinburgh EH2 3EE

19.30 hrs Dinner including wine at Café Andaluz

Hosted by Verena Gräfin von Roedern, Consul General of Germany, Edinburgh

After dinner speech: Verena Gräfin von Roedern von Roedern

Saturday 17th May

09.30 hrs Conference Session 2:

Subject: Piercing the Corporate Veil

Venue: Holyrood Hotel, Holyrood Suite

British Speaker: The Right Hon Lord Mance, Justice of the Supreme Court

German Speaker: Prof. Dr. Alexander Schall, M.Jur.(Oxford)
Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

11.00 hrs Tea/coffee break

11.30 hrs Discussion

12.00 hrs Session ends

14.15 hrs Meet at Scottish Parliament Building. Tour One.

14.45 hrs Meet at Scottish Parliament Building. Tour Two.

16.00 hrs Meet at entrance of Edinburgh Castle for guided tour.

19.00 hrs Dinner (inc wine) The Rowantree, The Caves, 8-12 Niddry Street South, Edinburgh EH1 1NS, followed by a ceilidh.

23.15 hrs End of ceilidh.

Sunday 18th May

09.30 hrs Conference Session 3:

Subject: Access to Justice and Costs of Litigation

Venue: Holyrood Hotel. Holyrood Suite.

German Speaker: Matthias Killian, Rechtsanwalt and Akademischer Rat at Institut fur Arbeits - und Wirtschaftsrecht at Cologne University.

British Speaker: Charlotte Pragnell, Legal Adviser at the Department for Business Innovation & Skills, London

11.00 hrs Tea/coffee break

11.30 hrs Discussion

12.00 hrs Conference ends

13.30 hrs Departure Edinburgh Waverley Station

17.52 hrs Arrive Kings Cross


Edinburgh 16th – 18th May 2014


Conference Fees:

The Conference Fee is £300.00 which covers the cost of attendance at the conference sessions and the social programme. This includes lunch on Friday at the Rocca Restaurant in Holyrood Hotel and dinner on Friday evening at the Cafe Andaluz, tours on Saturday of the Scottish Parliament building and Edinburgh Castle. Dinner on Saturday evening with a ceilidh is an optional extra – please see the travel and accommodation booking form on page 6 of this document to indicate your attendance.

The Accompanying Person’s Fee is £120.00, which includes the social programme as given above.

Conference Bookings:

Bookings for the conference and for the accompanying person’s programme should be made using the attached Conference Booking Form (page 5 of this document). The completed form and a cheque (payable to the British-German Jurists’ Association) should be sent to:

Ms. R. Valdinger, BGJA, 7 Summerhays, Cobham, Surrey KT11 2HQ

Tel: 07504 278223, e-mail:

Payments may be paid directly online to our bank account (details on the booking form), but please send the completed conference booking form either by email or by post.

Travel and Accommodation:

Travel and accommodation bookings should be made direct with Peninsula Travel using the enclosed Accommodation Booking Form (page 6 of this document), which should be sent to:

Mr. Ian Carr, Peninsula Travel,

32 Buller Close, Crowborough, East Sussex, TN6 2YE.

Tel: 01892 667716, E-mail:

Student Bursary

The Association is again offering one bursary available to a student (trainee solicitors, pupils or law students) who may attend the conference and the full social programme at no charge. Transport and accommodation are the responsibility of the bursary recipient. Applications for the bursary should be sent to:

Dr. Sybille Steiner, Hon. Chairman, British-German Jurists’ Association, 14 New Street, London EC2M 4HE, Tel: 020 7972 9720, E-mail: by 8th April 2014.

Please Note: The Hon. Chairman’s decision will be final and the recipient is required to produce a short report of the conference which is to be sent to the Hon. Chairman within two weeks of the conference taking place.

Cancellation Policy

Please note all conference and accommodation bookings must be received by no later than 15th April 2014. After that date no refunds will be made in the event of the cancellation of a booking. Prior to this date, the person cancelling must bear the cost of any disbursements incurred by the Association.


Edinburgh 16th – 18th May 2014


Send completed form below to:

Ms. R. Valdinger, BGJA, 7 Summerhays, Cobham, Surrey KT11 2HQ

Tel: 07504 278223, E-mail:

Name of attending delegate: ………………………………………………………………..……………..



Tel: (Work)……………………………………………….....…(Mobile)………….……………………………………

DX No:………………………………………………………………………………Fax No:..….….……………………


Accompanying person (Name)……………………….………………………………………………….....

Conference fee at £300.00 per person £ …………….

Accompanying person’s fee at £120.00 per person £……………..

Membership Subscription if not already paid, £35.00 £ …………….

I enclose a cheque payable to the

British-German Jurists’ Association totalling £……………..


I have transferred this amount online to the British-German Jurists‘ Asscn.‘s bank account (please use your name in the reference):

Barclays plc, sort code 20-32-00, account No. 30772410

IBAN:GB93 BARC 2032 0030 7724 10, SWIFTBIC: BARCGB22

Amount paid: £ ...... Date paid: ...... Reference: ......

I/my accompanying person have/has the following special dietary requirements:



Edinburgh 16th – 18th May 2014

Travel & Accommodation Booking Form & Invoice

Booking Deadline 15th April 2014

(Please use block capitals and state title)

Names: 1......


Address: ......

Telephone...... Email ……………………………………………………………….

Please reserve the following facilities in respect of the above conference.

Group Rail Ticket London–Edinburgh–London @ £75.00 pp £ ......

Hotel with two nights bed & breakfast

The Holyrood Hotel, 81 Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8AU

+44(0)131 550 4500

En-suite Bathrooms on a Bed and Breakfast Basis

Single Room @ £ 250.00 per room £ ......

Double/Twin Room @ £280.00 per room £ ......

Optional Social Programme item

Dinner/Ceilidh (some wine) Saturday 17th May
The Rowantree @£75.00pp Number of people: ………… £ ......

Please find enclosed cheque made payable to Peninsula Travel Total £ ......

Alternatively e-mail and transfer funds to Peninsula Travel

Sort Code 20 88 13 A/C 20223018 stating delegates’ name.

Signed.………………………………………………………………….……… Date.………………………..………..

SEND TO: Peninsula Travel, 32 Buller Close, Crowborough, East Sussex, TN6 2YE

Tel 01892 667716. E-mail