Church Office: (402) 443-4220 Pastor’s Cell Phone: (402)277-0165

Notes from the Hill
The Newsletter of First Presbyterian Church
October 2017
From Your Pastor’s Heart

When we were children we learned to mimic, "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me." We learned it, but it is NOT true. Words do hurt. Words have great power to create or destroy, to tear down or to build up.

God created all things by the power of the Word. Jesus Christ, who has shown us God's way to live peaceably together, is described by the writer of the gospel of John as the WORD (LOGOS, in Greek) that was with God in the beginning, and who IS God. (John 1:1ff)

There are many hurting people in this congregation. Some hurt from the death of a child: a deep hurt that never goes away completely.

Others hurt from the death of a spouse, or divorce, or from abuse in a significant relationship. Some may hurt from sexual abuse, or verbal abuse. All these wounds and others leave deep scars that only God can heal, and only if we are willing to allow God to work miracles in and through us. Then God can and will heal. It is God's deepest desire.

With so much woundedness in the Body of Christ, it is amazing that the love and grace of God ever shines through. And yet, it does, which testifies to the reality of just how good and powerful is the God we serve.

Sometimes it is in spite of ourselves that healing happens. We can be stubborn in our free will and our insistence to do things our own way. But God never stops reaching out, calling to our spirits and souls, inviting us into the healing that is available, if we will simply receive and celebrate it.

My mother, who suffered all her life with depression, learned how to manage her symptoms and taught others to use the same techniques she learned (Recovery Method: see Upon her death we received many cards and memorial gifts from people she had helped through the help she had received. She knew and lived the lesson of 2 Corinthians 1:3-4:

A children's song I shared with my sons when they were small teaches this: "Change your thoughts and you can change your world."

God has given us the ability to choose our thoughts and our words, and both of these choices provide us with great hope for healing, both individually and as the Body of Christ.

It is true, "Hurting people, hurt people," AND it is true that any one of us hurting people can stop the cycle of hurtful words and thoughts, by choosing encouraging, affirming, upbulding words and thoughts, God's Words and Thoughts, Words and Thoughts that heal, and usher in the new thing that God wants to do among us.

It is our choice. It only takes one choice to begin the healing. It is how to become great in God's kin-dom, by being a servant of all, by treating every single person like a child of God who matters, whose feelings matter, and whose heart and spirit are the heart and spirit of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. (Matthew 25:36-40)

My challenge this month is to pray the following pray each day, at least once. I'll pray it with you each day:

Dear God, who is the WORD made flesh, the creative, forgiving, healing Word, help me to choose your words. Make me more like you, because Lord, I want to be like Jesus in my heart, in my heart. Lord, I want to be like Jesus, in my heart. Amen.

Shalom to each and every one of you!

Pastor Kathleen

Worship News

World Communion Sunday will be celebrated Sunday, Oct. 1. This is the Sunday we share communion with Christians around the world. The Peacemaking Offering will also be received that day. Envelopes will be in the pew racks or send your donation to the church.

Fall/Winter PresbyPraise This is a casual, comfortable, and relaxed worship service on select Sunday evenings at 5:00 P.M.. If you seek an alternative to our traditional Sunday morning service, please JOIN US!!!! Also, please mark your calendars for the following dates: October 1st November 5th December 3rd and 17th

Sunday School News

We’ve had a great first month of Sunday School! We have a great group of teachers and students. If you want to check us out, feel free to stop in some Sunday morning. Feel free to check out our Sponsor wall and decide how you may want to support our Sunday School children. Thanks to those who have donated items already!

During Sunday School on the second Sunday of the month our children will participate in a Lego activity together. The activity will allow the children to work together in groups to create and learn lessons using hands-on opportunities with Legos. Sunday School children will continue to sing on the second Sunday of the month. During this service, the children will collect pocket change from the Congregation. The change that is collected from the Congregation will fill our Lego head container to support a Mission of the children’s choosing.

Trunk or Treat is quickly approaching! This year, the date for Trunk or Treat is Sunday, October 22 from 6:30-7:30 pm. Trunk setup will be from 6:00-6:30 and then kids will be welcome to begin trick-or-treating from 6:30-7:30. Let’s get a great group of trunks ready for the children of Wahoo! TREATS too!!

Important dates:

·  October 8

o  Lego Sunday

o  Children sing during Worship

o  Mission Collection

·  October 22

o  Trunk or Treat

§  Set-up--6:00-6:30

§  Trick or treating--6:30-7:30

·  November 12

o  Lego Sunday

o  Children sing during Worship

o  Mission Collection

Prayer/Sponsor Wall

The front entry wall of the church has become a Prayer wall and a Sponsor wall. The Prayer wall will give the members of the congregation a chance to add a prayer to the frames on the wall. The prayers can be written with dry erase marker and then can be erased and new prayers may be added. The Sponsor wall is a way to support our children of the church. There are envelopes placed on the “clothesline” that have a variety of ways that a family could provide sponsorship to the children of the church. Look at the envelopes, decide how you may be able to help, take off the envelope, put the money or check in (checks to First Presbyterian Church and in the Memo write “Sponsor Wall”) and place it into the offering plate. We will be able to use the sponsorship to help grow our Church’s Foundation! Special thanks to Jennifer Stevens for painting and creating the wall with the assistance of Jason Stevens!

Financial News

Financial Update: The General Fund as of August 31 was $31,121.18 in the red. Total receipts for the month were $7,132.46 and total expenses were $12,780.28. Please prayerfully consider how you might be able to support your church.

Study and Fellowship

The Presbyterian Women will meet Thursday, Oct. 5, at 1:30 P.M. The program will be by Pastor Kathleen & Jim Splitt on the New Orleans Mission Trip. The Serving Committee is Grace Ketner and Norma Barry. On Nov. 2 the women will meet for a program by Leann Jeppson on a Video of Nebraska Churches. Barb Texel and Leona Torrens will serve.

Women’s Bible Study will meet Thursday, Oct. 19, at 1:30 P.M. hosted by Adele Jackson.

The Pastor’s Bible Study is now held every MONDAY from noon to 1:00. We are having a small group, and more are always welcome. Please stop in when you can. Bring your lunch if you wish, and a study Bible if you have one. No meeting October 16.

Joys and Concerns

(Please keep us posted.)

Anniversaries, 50th & Over:

Oct. 23 – Don & Dottie Bern (62nd)

Our hearts go out to the family and friends of Lurine Little and Darwin Robbins on their deaths.

Mission and Outreach

Saunders County Food Pantry: A collection box is in the coat rack across from the restrooms. The Pantry especially has the following needs: canned fruit, canned tomatoes, peanut butter, jelly, canned chicken, and boxed potatoes.

Lincoln City Mission: The Presbyterian Women continue to collect items for the Lincoln Mission, which include new or used clothing, household goods, toiletries, books, etc. Please take items to the back of Fellowship Hall.

The Presbyterian Fellowship Group will meet next on Oct. 25 at South Haven at 9:30 A.M. and Oct. 26 at the Care Center at 9:30 A.M. Pastor Kathleen will also be there to provide communion.

The Mission and Outreach Committee would appreciate the donation of clean, gently used clothing, shoes, and jewelry for the Boutique fundraiser. Donations may be left in the overflow area behind Torrens Fellowship Hall. This is a continuation of the fundraiser begun last fall. Thank you to everyone who donates.

Session & Deacon News

The Session will meet on Monday, Oct. 9, at 7:00 P.M. The committees will meet before the Session meeting at 6:30 P.M.

The Deacons will meet on Monday, Oct. 16, at 7:00 P.M..

Once a month we would like to share lunch together on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. On October 17 we will go to Chips in Wahoo. Please meet for lunch at 11:30 A.M. Everyone is invited!


Boutique: A Boutique will be held on October Saturdays from 10:00 A.M. to Noon in Torrens Fellowship Hall. You will find new and gently used ladies’ clothing, shoes, purses, and jewelry for all occasions at super bargain prices! This is a Food Pantry Fundraiser.

Please help yourself to the sherbet dishes and juice glasses in Torrens Fellowship Hall. There are lots of them to be taken.

The Deacons will host a 5th Sunday Potluck in October. It’s almost here! Ham-o-ween and Spooky Scalloped Potatoes will start the hauntingly good Potluck on Sunday, October 29th! Please bring a favorite dish to share and join us in Torrens Hall for food and fellowship.

If you are in need of pastoral care/visitation, please call the church office or Pastor Kathleen at 402-277-0165. Please feel free to leave a message.

Don’t forget your receipts! The PW is still collecting receipts from Sun Mart and the Corner Market. Whenever you buy anything there, bring your receipt in and drop it off in the baskets in the coat rack across from the restrooms. Even gas at the Corner Market counts!

Any articles for the newsletter are due by October 25 for the November newsletter.

Church Leadership Training
February 5-8
Calvin Crest Camp Conference & Retreat Center
Rev. Dr. Gene Fowler
"The Defaming Church:
How and Why Congregations Abuse Pastors"
What became knownas 'Clergy Killing' is rampant today. A contemporary understanding of this abuse of clergy based on new and effective resources will be presented."
Rev. Dr. Gene T. Fowleris a pastoral theologian and church pastor. He currently serves the Irondequoit Presbyterian Church congregation in Rochester, NY. After obtaining his Ph.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary, he taught seminarians for five years while receiving extensive pastoral psychotherapy training. However, Dr. Fowler found his true professional home in the congregational setting. In over 30 years, he has served many congregations and has written three books. He currently is writing a new book dedicatedto the subject of how and why congregations abuse pastors.
Youth Ushers
Oct. 1 –
Kristin Callan, Leah Maass, Will Shanahan
Oct. 8 –
Greeley Hauswald, Kristin Callan,
Kendall Brigham
Oct. 15 –
Grant Crockett, Joe Scanlon, Alex Tomjack
Oct. 22 –
Logan Rouse, Leah Maass, Kendall Brigham
Oct. 29 –
Kristin Callan, Greeley Hauswald,
Will Shanahan
Nursery Care
Though we love the sounds of infants and children in worship, we provide a cry room for your convenience.
Coffee Time
Oct. 1 – Arlinda Snelling &
Christi Grabowski

First Presbyterian Church

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