Brazil and its Neighbors Test


Match each item with the correct statement below.

a. / Orinoco River / f. / Montevideo
b. / Carnival / g. / Guaraní
c. / Caracas / h. / Amazon River
d. / ranching / i. / Paramaribo
e. / deforestation / j. / Brazilian Highlands

____1.Native American group of Paraguay

____2.Venezuela’s capital city

____3.major economic activity of Uruguay

____4.almost 4,000 miles long

____5.celebration held before Lent

____6.landform that covers about half of Brazil

____7.Suriname’s capital and chief port

____8.caused by logging, farming, and road building

____9.Venezuela’s most important river

____10.Uruguay’s capital city

Match each item with the correct statement below.

a. / prefect / f. / Juan Perón
b. / fútbol / g. / São Paulo
c. / José de San Martín / h. / Falkland Islands
d. / Guiana Highlands / i. / Paraná River
e. / ranches / j. / Maracaibo where gauchos work

____12.led Argentina’s fight for freedom from Spain

____13.French official who heads the government of French Guiana

____14.largest lake in South America

____15.Argentine dictator whose crackdown on freedom of speech and the press made people unhappy

____16.Brazil’s leading industrial center

____17.known as the Malvinas in Argentina

____18.area of Venezuela with Angel Falls

____19.location of Itaipu hydroelectric power generator

____20.favorite sport of Brazilians

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____21. The country shown in the shaded area of the map is

a. / Venezuela. / c. / Suriname.
b. / Guyana. / d. / Brazil.

____22.The national symbol of Argentina is the ____.

a. / bald eagle / c. / gaucho
b. / Andes / d. / vaquero

____23.In 1960 Brazil moved its capital from Rio de Janeiro to ____.

a. / Asunción / c. / Brasília
b. / São Paulo / d. / Caracas

____24.Suriname won its independence from the ____.

a. / Dutch / c. / French
b. / British / d. / Spanish

____25.In Venezuela the government owns the ____.

a. / ranching and farming industries / c. / service industries
b. / oil industry / d. / manufacturing industry

____26.The Amazon Basin is located in the northern region of ____.

a. / Argentina / c. / Venezuela
b. / Brazil / d. / Uruguay

____27.Today most of Guyana’s population is made up of people from ____.

a. / Spain / c. / Africa
b. / the Netherlands / d. / India

____28.The llanos are found in ____.

a. / Venezuela / c. / Argentina
b. / Brazil / d. / Uruguay

____29.The largest population of any South American country is found in ____.

a. / Argentina / c. / Brazil
b. / Venezuela / d. / Paraguay

____30.During most of the 1800s and 1900s, Venezuela was ruled by ____.

a. / caudillos / c. / estancias
b. / gauchos / d. / porteños

____31.The largest forest area in western Paraguay is the ____.

a. / Andean Highlands / c. / Amazon Basin
b. / pampas / d. / Gran Chaco

____32.Patagonia is located in ____.

a. / Suriname / c. / Argentina
b. / Brazil / d. / French Guiana

____33.The more common language spoken in Paraguay is ____.

a. / Portuguese / c. / Guaraní
b. / Spanish / d. / Quechua

____34.Brazil’s culture is largely ____.

a. / Spanish / c. / Guaraní
b. / Portuguese / d. / European

____35.Many Brazilian cities are surrounded by ____.

a. / selvas / c. / favelas
b. / telenovelas / d. / llanos

____36.A famous Carnival is held each year in ____.

a. / Brasília / c. / Asunción
b. / Caracas / d. / Rio de Janeiro

____37.Brazil’s Great Escarpment drops into the ____.

a. / Atlantic Ocean / c. / Amazon Basin
b. / Pacific Ocean / d. / Amazon River

____38.The area around Lake Maracaibo is mostly ____.

a. / desert / c. / swamp
b. / rain forest / d. / mountains

____39.The national dance of Argentina is the ____.

a. / lambada / c. / samba
b. / tango / d. / macarena

____40. According to the map, what is the main land use around the city of Rio de Janeiro?

a. / Ranching / c. / Commercial farming
b. / Forests / d. / Subsistence farming

____41. What does the symbol “Fe” stand for on this map?

a. / Fuel / c. / Fallen timber
b. / Iron ore / d. / Bauxite

____42. According to this map, where is gold mined in Brazil?

a. / on the ranch land of the MatoGrosso Plateau
b. / on the Brazilian Highlands near the coast
c. / in the Amazon rain forest
d. / around Rio de Janeiro

____43. What type of fish are harvested off the northwest coast of Brazil?

a. / Shrimp / c. / Sardines
b. / Oysters / d. / Snapper

____44. What is the main land use for the northwest region of Brazil?

a. / Subsistence farming / c. / Ranching
b. / Forest products / d. / Commercial farming

____45. Based on the elevation profile, at what elevation are the Brazilian Highlands?

a. / Sea level / c. / about 4,000 meters
b. / about 2,000 feet / d. / about 6,000 feet

____46. What city does this profile show on the east coast?

a. / Lima / c. / Salvador
b. / Andes / d. / Rio de Janeiro

____47. About how far from the Equator is the region shown on this profile?

a. / 20° North of the Equator / c. / This region is directly on the Equator.
b. / 12° to 13° North of the Equator / d. / 12° to 13° South of the Equator

____48. Which of the following landforms on the profile is NOT located in Brazil?

a. / Andes / c. / MatoGrosso Plateau
b. / Amazon Basin / d. / Brazilian Highlands

____49. What is the capital of Argentina?

a. / Córdoba / c. / Buenos Aires
b. / Montevideo / d. / Bahía Blanca

____50. In which region of Argentina is the city of Rosario located?

a. / Patagonia / c. / Altiplano
b. / pampas / d. / Atlantic seacoast

____51. What borders Argentina on the east?

a. / Chile / c. / Paraguay
b. / Bolivia / d. / Atlantic Ocean

____52. Which of the following countries does NOT border Argentina?

a. / Brazil / c. / Peru
b. / Bolivia / d. / Uruguay

____53. Which of the following Argentine cities is located in the region of Patagonia?

a. / Buenos Aires / c. / Córdoba
b. / Sarmiento / d. / Salto

____54. What geographic feature separates the two regions of Paraguay?

a. / Bolivia/Brazil border / c. / Paraná River
b. / Paraguay River / d. / Tropic of Capricorn

____55.According to the map, which of the following statements is true?

a. / Paraguay borders Uruguay.
b. / The Gran Chaco lies east of the Paraguay River.
c. / The Paraná River divides Paraguay.
d. / Paraguay is landlocked.

____56. Use the map to determine which of the following statements is NOT true.

a. / Paraguay is bordered by three countries.
b. / The Tropic of Cancer runs through Paraguay.
c. / The Tropic of Capricorn runs through Paraguay.
d. / The Paraná River is shared by Paraguay and Brazil.

____57. According to the circle graph, which region of Brazil has the largest population?

a. / Northeast / c. / Southeast
b. / South / d. / West Central

____58. In which region of the Brazil do the fewest Brazilians live?

a. / North / c. / West Central
b. / South / d. / Northeast

____59. Based on the circle graph, where can you infer that the dense Amazon Basin is located?

a. / Northeast / c. / South
b. / Southeast / d. / North

____60. Brazil’s total population is about 176 million. Using the percentages in the circle graph, how many people live in the southeast region of Brazil?

a. / about 114 million / c. / about 42 million
b. / about 74 million / d. / about 42 thousand

____61. According to the map, which of the following statements is the best description of Brazil’s capital?

a. / It is located on the Atlantic coast.
b. / It is located on the Tropic of Capricorn.
c. / It is located in the northeast region of Brazil.
d. / It is located far inland.

____62. Which country has Paramaribo as its national capital?

a. / Venezuela / c. / Suriname
b. / Guyana / d. / Uruguay

____63. Which of the following cities is located at 10°N, 67° W?

a. / Recife / c. / Caracas
b. / Cayenne / d. / Georgetown

____64. How many countries form land borders with Brazil?

a. / 5 / c. / 9
b. / 7 / d. / 10

____65. Which of Brazil’s neighbors is a colony?

a. / French Guiana / c. / Guyana
b. / Suriname / d. / Venezuela

____66. What does the letter “D” signify on the map?

a. / Orinoco River / c. / Amazon River
b. / Paraná River / d. / Itaipu Dam

____67. Which letter on the map is located on Venezuela?

a. / C / c. / H
b. / E / d. / J

____68. What is the letter “J” pointing to on the map?

a. / Guyana / c. / Uruguay
b. / French Guiana / d. / Suriname

____69.Rio de Janeiro, the site of elaborate Carnival festivities, is signified by which letter on the map?

a. / A / c. / D
b. / B / d. / G

____70. About how much coffee does Brazil produce per year?

a. / 1.36 billion kilograms / c. / 0.91 billion kilograms
b. / 2.5 billion pounds / d. / 2.5 million pounds

____71. Which of the following statements supports the information shown in this graph?

a. / Most of the world’s coffee is grown in African countries.
b. / Brazil produces twice as much coffee as Colombia.
c. / Brazil has the right soil and climate to grow large amounts of coffee.
d. / Mexico and Guatemala together produce as much coffee as Brazil.
“I watched the river. Each boat carried a tiny cross-section of Amazon society. . . . Canoes drifted past. Small wooden passenger boats or traders mumbled their smoky way downstream. No matter how blue the sky, the river never caught the color in its reflection; it was loaded with sediment carved from the Andes. Logs and brush and whirlpools moved past in endless flow, and river dolphins rolled ahead of us.”
National Geographic

____72. What is described in this quote?

a. / the Orinoco River / c. / the Amazon River
b. / the Andes / d. / the Rio Grande

____73. What is the source of the Amazon River?

a. / the Amazon Basin / c. / the Atlantic Ocean
b. / the Andes ranges / d. / the Pacific Ocean

____74. Which of the following types of transportation was NOT seen on the river in this quote?

a. / canoes / c. / wooden passenger boats
b. / sailboats / d. / trading boats

____75. The writer saw all but which of the following in the Amazon River?

a. / clear freshwater / c. / river dolphins
b. / sediment / d. / whirlpools
Buenos Aires has often been called “The Paris of South America” and likened to European cities. Many streets and much of the city’s architecture were purposely fashioned to resemble famous European counterparts. The Avenida de Mayo was constructed to resemble the Gran Via in Madrid, Spain. The Colon Theater copies Italy’s La Scala in Milan. Carrio Norte (The North Neighborhood) resembles the Right Bank of Paris, France.

____76. Which of the following would be the best title for this paragraph?

a. / Argentina and Its Struggle to Modernize
b. / Buenos Aires, City of Farmers
c. / Beautiful Buenos Aires
d. / Spain’s Cultural Legacy

____77. Buenos Aires has elements of all of the following cities EXCEPT _____.

a. / New York City / c. / Milan
b. / Paris / d. / Madrid

____78. Based on the paragraph, which of the following statements about Buenos Aires is NOT true?

a. / The city has a French-style area called Barrio Norte.
b. / One of the streets in Buenos Aires is similar to a famous street in Spain.
c. / The city has no theaters.
d. / The city’s architecture includes Italian elements.
A few acres of Brazil’s rain forests might contain 450 different species of trees. Thousands of other types of plants—orchids, ferns, and vines—grow on, among, or beneath the trees. Experts estimate that more than 300 new plant-based medicines are yet to be developed from rain forest plants. In addition, the forests hum with countless insect species. A single tree might hold 650 kinds of beetles. Sharing the forest are an incredible variety of birds, snakes, frogs, bats, jaguars, and monkeys.

____79. According to the paragraph, about how many different species of trees are found in a few acres of Brazil’s rain forest?

a. / 300 / c. / 650
b. / 450 / d. / 1,000

____80. Which of the following statements about Brazil’s rain forests is FALSE?

a. / Frogs and snakes live in the rain forest.
b. / The canopy prevents other plants from thriving in the rain forest.
c. / Countless insect species live in the rain forests of Brazil.
d. / Many medicines can be developed from rain forest plants.

____81. What will be lost if the rain forests of Brazil are continually destroyed?

a. / better roads / c. / farming areas
b. / new plant-based medicines / d. / lumber profits
“Any Spaniard who does not . . . work against tyranny in behalf of this just cause, will be considered an enemy and be punished as a traitor to the nation. . . . On the other hand, a general and absolute amnesty is granted to those who come over to our army. . . , as well as to those who render aid to the good citizens who are endeavoring to throw off the yoke of tyranny. . . .
Simón Bolívar, Liberator of Venezuela, June 15, 1813

____82. Simón Bolívar spoke these words as he was preparing to lead an army to free Venezuela from Spanish rule. What do these words imply about Spaniards?

a. / No Spaniards lived in Venezuela.
b. / All Spaniards were being asked to leave Venezuela.
c. / Many Spaniards lived in Venezuela.
d. / No Spaniards would be allowed to immigrate to Venezuela.

____83. Which of the following phrases is the best definition of “tyranny”?

a. / forced labor / c. / citizens of a country
b. / fight for freedom / d. / cruel and powerful leadership

____84. What did Bolívar promise to those Spaniards who aided the fight for freedom?

a. / They would be treated as enemies. / c. / They would be punished as traitors.
b. / They would be granted amnesty. / d. / They would be yoked with tyranny.

Short Answer


/ Using the map, summarize the economic activity of Brazil.


/ Use this profile to write a generalization about the elevation of South America.
A few acres of Brazil’s rain forests might contain 450 different species of trees. Thousands of other types of plants—orchids, ferns, and vines—grow on, among, or beneath the trees. Experts estimate that more than 300 new plant-based medicines are yet to be developed from rain forest plants. In addition, the forests hum with countless insect species. A single tree might hold 650 kinds of beetles. Sharing the forest are an incredible variety of birds, snakes, frogs, bats, jaguars, and monkeys.


/ Summarize the types of biodiversity found in Brazil’s rain forests.
“Any Spaniard who does not . . . work against tyranny in behalf of this just cause, will be considered an enemy and be punished as a traitor to the nation. . . . On the other hand, a general and absolute amnesty is granted to those who come over to our army. . . , as well as to those who render aid to the good citizens who are endeavoring to throw off the yoke of tyranny. . . .
Simón Bolívar, Liberator of Venezuela, June 15, 1813


/ To whom was Simón Bolívar speaking in this passage? For what reason?
Over the years, music from three different continents has influenced the music of Brazil. The samba became popular in the 1930s. It is a mixture of Spanish and African music. In the 1950s, the bossa nova became a favorite dance. It borrowed themes from American jazz. The lambada is a modern example of Brazilian music. It contains Caribbean rhythms and has became popular all over the world.


/ Based on the paragraph, from which cultures have Brazilians borrowed musical elements?


/ What is the main idea of this paragraph?



/ Why is the Amazon rain forest now facing danger?


/ How have oil prices affected Venezuela?


/ In which of the South American countries would you most like to live? Explain your answer.


/ List three of the important events in Venezuela’s history in the order that they occurred.

Brazil and its Neighbors Test

Answer Section
























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Forest and timber products are the main land use of the Amazon rain forest in northwest Brazil. Ranching occurs throughout the central and southern parts of the country. Subsistence farming is the main economic activity surrounding many of the large cities on the eastern seacoast. Brazil has a large fishing industry. Its resources also include many minerals mined throughout the country. Commercial farming is found in the southern part of Brazil.