1 In this godless age

Lord, You need some Samuels

Burdened with a vision clear of Your economy

Where’s Your ark today?

And the ones who’d care for You,

E’en to put themselves aside to gain Your heart’s desire?

Raise up some to meet Your need, some Nazarites,

Prophets, priests, and judges, and men of prayer,

Speaking forth Your word, with Your authority,

A photo of Your heart for Your move.

2 Train us up today,

Full of vision, seeking You,

We’d await Your timing, fully subject to Your will,

Treasuring Your face,

Staying in Your presence, Lord;

E’en the very index of Your eye would we obey.

Raise up some to meet Your need, some Nazarites,

To bring in Your kingdom on earth today,

Taking You as King that You might return

To usher in the end of the age.

3 When God wants to move,

He must gain an instrument;

Overcomers separated from the current age.

They have joined themselves

Through His word to His desire.

Overcomers constituted with the Holy Word.

Raise up some to meet Your need, some Nazarites,

Voluntary consecrated ones,

Who through Your word are joined to Your desire;

Your living testimony on the earth.

4 God needs men who pray;

Those who lay the tracks for Him;

God’s economy is carried out through men of prayer.

They love not themselves;

But a willing sacrifice.

What they fear—offending God, losing His presence dear.

Make us those who meet Your need, the Nazarites.

Make us those through whom You’d close this age;

Who are one with You to bring the kingdom in,

Young people absolute for Your move.

2 - OVERCOME! – Hymn 1273

1 Christ has called us once to Him,

But He calls us once again.

To His call we say Amen!


For the church has fallen low,

Thinking everything they know,

But the life is missing; so,


Overcome! Overcome!

Overcome degraded Christianity!

All your working lay aside,

All the teachings that divide;

Eat the Lord whate’er betide—


2 Eating is man’s destiny

And the Lord’s recovery;

This defeats the enemy—


Come enjoy the tree of life,

Leave the doctrines, leave the strife!

Overcome by eating Christ—


3 Teachings ne’er transform the soul,

Teachings never reach God’s goal,

Eating Christ will do it all—


We must overcome to eat,

By ourselves and when we meet,

Eat Him as the feast complete—


4 Eating gives the manchild birth,

Eating brings the Lord to earth;

Eat Him now midst all the dearth—


Be the manchild Christ requires,

Thus the church that He desires,

Then the Bride that He admires—



1 God used John, the Baptist,

Who left his home and good past;

Left the religion of his age.

He turned from the oldness,

And spoke the Word with boldness,

Repent and leave this crooked age.


God needs the overcomers,

Our dear Lord Jesus lovers!

Make us those who live to turn the age!

God needs the overcomers,

Our dear Lord Jesus lovers!

Make us those who consummate the age!

2 God called Saul of Tarsus,

For His own plan and purpose,

Who became Paul, the Apostle;

He saw a heav’nly vision,

Where there is no division,

In the one Body of the Lord.

3 God called Timothy, now,

Like-souled with Paul, who knew how

To pray and be soaked in the Word;

His spirit fanned into flame,

Lord, make my spirit the same,

An overcoming man of God!

Make us the overcomers,

Christ’s bride, and God’s age-turners.

Make us those who consummate the age!


1 Will you be an overcomer?

Christ is calling now!

Will you then be such a follower,

Though you know not how?


Will you be an overcomer?

Will you make this choice?

Christ is calling, Christ is calling,

Listen to His voice!

2 Will you be an overcomer?

To the Lord be drawn!

Keep the “first love,” never leave it,

Till the break of dawn.

3 Will you be an overcomer?

On His life depend!

Dare to suffer persecution,

Faithful to the end.

4 Will you be an overcomer?

Testimony bear!

Keep away from false religion,

“Hidden manna” share.

5 Will you be an overcomer,

Simple, real, and pure?

Overcome all evil mixture,

Ruling pow’r secure.

6 Will you be an overcomer?

Trust the living Lord!

Keep your “garments” from the deadness,

Win the life-reward.

7 Will you be an overcomer?

Never lukewarm be,

Ne’er content with what you’ve gotten,

More you need to see.

8 Will you be an overcomer?

Christ is calling still!

Will you now be loyal to Him,

His demand fulfill.


1 Father God, forgive me if I groan;

For so long I’ve been on a plateau.

Now with tears, I bow my knees and pray

By Your Spirit make my spirit strong today.


O that Christ may make His home my heart,

Spread Himself in every part!

Saturate and life impart!

That with all saints, I may apprehend

All the vast dimensions of my loving Christ.

2 As I came this morning to Your word

With no strength to even read a verse;

Yet my plea, is “Lord, I do need You!”

How You strengthen me, Your power within to prove.

3 I myself was losing heart each day;

Then the Lord brought some saints my own way;

I alone could not Thee apprehend

But with all the saints You now my joy have been.

4 All these years I’ve come the church to know,

Yet O Lord, there’re things I can’t let go;

Yet within me there is an “Amen”;

O now joy I never knew in me’s flowin’.

6 - WE REST ON THEE – Hymn 881

1 We rest on Thee, our Shield and our Defender;

We go not forth alone against the foe;

Strong in Thy strength, safe in Thy keeping tender.

We rest on Thee, and in Thy Name we go.

2 Yea, in Thy Name, O Captain of salvation!

In Thy dear Name, all other names above;

Jesus our Righteousness, our sure Foundation,

Our Prince of glory and our King of love.

3 We go in faith, our own great weakness feeling,

And needing more each day Thy grace to know:

Yet from our hearts a song of triumph pealing;

We rest on Thee, and in Thy Name we go.

4 We rest on Thee, our Shield and our Defender:

Thine is the battle, Thine shall be the praise

When reigning in the Kingdom of Thy splendor;

Victors, we rest with Thee, through endless days.


1 O Lord, breathe Thy Spirit on me,

Teach me how to breathe Thee in;

Help me pour into Thy bosom

All my life of self and sin.


I am breathing out my sorrow,

Breathing out my sin;

I am breathing, breathing, breathing,

All Thy fulness in.

2 I am breathing out my own life,

That I may be filled with Thine;

Letting go my strength and weakness,

Breathing in Thy life divine.

3 Breathing out my sinful nature,

Thou hast borne it all for me;

Breathing in Thy cleansing fulness,

Finding all my life in Thee.

4 I am breathing out my sorrow,

On Thy kind and gentle breast;

Breathing in Thy joy and comfort,

Breathing in Thy peace and rest.

5 I am breathing out my sickness,

Thou hast borne its burden too;

I am breathing in Thy healing,

Ever promised, ever new.

6 I am breathing out my longings

In Thy listening, loving ear;

I am breathing in Thy answers,

Stilling every doubt and fear.

7 I am breathing every moment,

Drawing all my life from Thee;

Breath by breath I live upon Thee,

Lord, Thy Spirit breathe in me.


1 Are you willing to be an age-turner?

Are you trusting to listen to Him?

The Spirit of life is ours for the taking

So let’s charge forth with boldness,

Leave the world behind!


We have to claim this divine power,

Not be ashamed of our wonderful Christ.

We have to claim this divine Spirit

To minister and function, propagate and spread!

2 Will you be making a fresh consecration?

To build a new altar, preparing for His bride,

It’s all up to us—His corporate expression

So let’s charge forth with boldness,

Taking Christ as life!

3 Are you open to this dispensation?

Are you ready to answer His call?

To turn this age, He needs the young people

So let’s charge forth with boldness

For the Lord’s return!


Yes! We will claim this divine power,

Not be ashamed of our wonderful Christ.

Yes! We will claim this divine Spirit

To minister and function, propagate and spread!


To the church of God which is in Corinth,

To those who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus,

The called saints, with all those

Who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

In every place—

Who is theirs and ours.

To the church of God which is in New York City,

To those who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus,

The called saints, with all those

Who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

In every place—

Who is theirs and ours.

Who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

In every place—

Who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

In every place—

Who is theirs and ours.

To the church of God which is in Paris,

To those who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus,

The called saints, with all those

Who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

In every place—

Who is theirs and ours.

To the church of God which is in Bueno Aires,

To those who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus,

The called saints, with all those

Who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

In every place—

Who is theirs and ours.

Who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

In every place—

Who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

In every place—

Who is theirs and ours.


1 I dare not be defeated

With Calvary in view,

Where Jesus conquered Satan,

Where all His foes He slew;

Come, Lord, and give the vision

To nerve me for the fight,

Make me an overcomer

Clothed with Thy Spirit’s might.


A victor, a victor!

Because of Calvary.

Make me an overcomer,

A conqu’ror, a conqu’ror, Lord, in Thee.

2 I dare not be defeated

Since Christ, my conquering King

Has called me to the battle

Which He did surely win.

Come, Lord, and give me courage,

Thy conquering Spirit give,

Make me an overcomer,

In power within me live.

3 I dare not be defeated,

When Jesus leads me on

To press through hellish regions

To share with Him His Throne;

Come, Lord, and give Thy soldier

The power to wield the sword,

Make me an overcomer

Through Thine inerrant Word.

4 I dare not be defeated,

Just at the set of sun,

When Jesus waits to whisper,

“Well done, beloved, well done”;

Come, Lord, bend from the Glory,

On me Thy Spirit cast,

Make me an overcomer,

A victor to the last.


1 Pursue Him and know Him; be found in Him.

Count all things loss for Him.

Just gain Him, obtain Him; lay hold of Him.

It’s Christ the central vision.


Forgetting the things which are behind,

Press on, pursue with this mind.

By any means each hour now redeem;

Stretch forth, lay hold of Him.

2 Pursue Him and seize Him, Christ the supreme.

Just love this precious Person.

Forgetting and leaving all other things,

Love Him with your whole being.

3 Christ now is my center and reality,

My life for eternity.

All things are just dung compared to Him,

So love and just gain Him!


1 You have longed for sweet peace, and for faith to


And have earnestly, fervently prayed;

But you cannot have rest, or be perfectly blest,

Until all on the altar is laid.


Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid?

Your heart, does the Spirit control?

You can only be blest and have peace and sweet


As you yield Him your body and soul.

2 Would you walk with the Lord in the light of His


And have peace and contentment alway;

You must do His sweet will to be free from all ill;

On the altar your all you must lay.

3 Oh, we never can know what the Lord will bestow

Of the blessings for which we have prayed,

Till our body and soul He doth fully control,

And our all on the altar is laid.

4 Who can tell all the love He will send from above!

Oh, how happy our heart will be made!

Oh, what fellowship sweet we shall share at His