The Weight of Water

Problem Statement: How can you raise people’s awareness of the importance of protecting and preserving our water supply?

Introduction: Your team has been assigned the task of raising awareness of the importance of water conservation. Changes in the climate,increased pollution, and lack of water educationare leading to increased water contamination and scarcity.

Your task: Your production team will create a Public Service Announcement (PSA) to raise people’s awareness of the importance of water quantity and quality. You will create ONE of the following:

  1. A print PSA to run in targeted media (i.e.: magazines, newspaper) chosen to best reach your target audience.
  2. An audio PSA to run on targeted media (i.e.: radio stations) chosen to best reach your target audience.
  3. A visual PSA chosen to run on targeted media (i.e.: television channels) chosen to best reach your target audience.


  1. You have read several articles and watched a video explaining the problems associated with protecting and preserving water. Each team member will be required to find one additional article to analyze. Teams will then compare notes, develop an understanding of the problem, and prioritize information necessary to construct an effective PSA.
  2. Groups will then decide what type of PSA they will create (print, audio or visual) and begin constructing either a script or a storyboard (see “How to Create the Perfect Public Service Announcement” handout).
  3. Each member of the team will write a rationale (explanation) detailing what elements/information their team chose to use in their PSA, how their product raises awareness of the importance of protecting and preserving our water supply, and why this PSA format is the most effective way to reach their audience. This must be TYPED and at least ½ page. Each team member must write THEIR OWN rationale displaying their own perspective on their final product.
  4. Each group will present their final product to the class. The presentation should include an explanation of the target audience and the elements incorporated into the final product that reach this audience. All group members must participate.

Specific Requirements for Different PSA Formats

1. Video: Your video must be a minimum of 30 seconds in length but no longer than one minute. Your group must write a script and then produce a video as well as a rationale (see “Weight of Water” handout).

2. Audio: Your audio must be no longer than 30 seconds in length. Your group must write a script and then produce the audio. You must also include a rationale (see “Weight of Water” handout).

3. Print Advertisement: Your advertisement must be a minimum 11 by 14 inches (half of a poster board) but no larger than full poster board size. You must include a listing of detailed elements describing each component of the advertisement. You must also include a rationale (see “Weight of Water” handout).