PCSC Parents and players

Behavior Expectations Agreement

Portsmouth City Soccer Club was formed to create a positive, fun soccer experience with the goal of creating better skilled soccer players.

We acknowledge that our family is participating in the PCSC soccer program. We understand that ______is expected to adhere to the behavior

PCSC Player Name

expectations outlined in the attached document. Failure to do so could result in disciplinary action at the discretion of the coach and/or the Board.

Examples of inappropriatebehavior are not limited to, but include:

  • Abusive or foul language
  • Unprovoked physical actions against another person
  • Disruptive behavior during both practices and games
  • Actions that jeopardize the safety of the players or coaches
  • Actions that could be deemed as bullying
  • Persistent and/or consistent failure to follow the player expectations

Depending on the severity of the behavior, disciplinary action can include the following:

  • The player’s play time could be limited
  • The requirement of parental attendance at allpractices/games
  • Dismissal from the team with Board approval

We are looking forward to an enjoyable and successful soccer season and hope that participation in the PCSC program allows your child to grow as a player and member of a team.


Guardian SignaturePlayer Signature

Behavior Expectations of PCSC Parents

I will make every effort to…

  • Attend my child’s game and be a positive role model
  • Be a supportive parent for the coaches and team
  • Communicate with the coach in appropriate ways
  • Cheer for all players on the team
  • Be there when my child is successful or struggling for success
  • Respect and support volunteers and referees
  • Understand that the game is very difficult to learn and play
  • Work with my child on the skills of the game
  • Be positive and supportive when the team wins or loses and model good sportsmanship

Behavior Expectations of PCSC Players

I will make every effort to….

  • Do my best in practices and games
  • Develop a teamattitude
  • Listen and learn from my coaches and teammates
  • Cheer on and support my teammates
  • Hustle on and off the field and be on time for practices
  • Understand and follow the rules of the game
  • Be a good sport at all times
  • Show respect to the referees and coaches
  • Develop self-control and be dependable
  • Respect myself, teammates, and opponents
  • Wear my uniform with pride
  • Take responsibility for myself and my actions
  • Learn from losing as well as from winning
  • And, always remember that it is a privilege and not a right to play PCSC soccer