1. Incident Name:
NWWIHCC Exercise Design Work Group / 2. Operational Period:
October 7, 2016
1200-1300 / 3. Incident Location:
Barron EOC
5. Attendees: Aimee Wollman Nesseth, Brian Kaczmarski, Erica Kamish, Mark Manning, Keri Nelson, Dave Salter, Natasha Cardinal.
Call to Order / Meeting called to order at 1200 following the NWWIHCC Membership Meeting
Purpose of meeting / To review the Exercise Plan based on the conversation during the first Exercise Design Planning meeting, and decide next steps.
Review of the Ex Plan / Aimee shared the Exercise Plan for “Ice Storm Ilias—NWWIHCC Exercise Series. This is a HSEEP form that outlines the dates, scope, core capabilities, objectives, and scenario for the exercise series. Brian Kaczmarski added that the core capabilities will need to be “cross walked” with the other disciplines so this exercise “fits” for everyone. The plan is for there to be three Area exercises in February with a large Regional Exercise in April. Discussion was held about the possibility of having local, facility based exercises even before the Area exercises since some members of the committee feel we need to begin at that level of training for some staff members. It would also be good to know what will be asked of hospitals, groups prior to the Area exercise. Localized drills may help with that. Brian and Aimee stated that it would be possible to put together a “template” for a localized training based on one or more of the capabilities. They will try to have that ready by December for the next Design Team meeting.
Proposed Capabilities / Aimee suggested the following core capabilities:
1.  Critical Transport
2.  Emergency Operations Coordination
3.  Information Sharing
4.  Medical Surge
5.  Volunteer Management.
The group felt these were good capabilities to work on.
Exercise Objectives / There was discussion about the exercise objectives. Aimee would like to engage the Exercise Design members by asking them to complete the Strategies part of the Exercise Evaluation Guides (EEG). Aimee will provide the form. The idea is to identify the objective, then strategies to complete the objective, and finally tasks or steps we want people to take to accomplish the strategy. Aimee asked the members to pick an objective. Mark and Rob will work on the Critical Transport objective. Keri and Lee Huber will work on the EOC coordination objective. Dave Salter and Natasha Cardinal will work on Information Sharing. Dr. Krantz will work on Volunteer Management. Will ask other members not able to attend to join a group.
Next Steps / ·  Aimee will work on setting up the dates and venues for each Area Exercise. Erica Kamish offered to host one at St. Croix Medical Center.
·  EEGs will be sent out to design team members with instructions on coming up with Strategies for each objective.
·  Next meeting will be after the Membership Meeting on December 9, 2016. Barron EOC.
Adjourn / 1240
5. Prepared by :
Aimee Wollman Nesseth