You will be given one blank sheet of paper. It is your mission to turn this blank sheet of paper into a snapshot of your life. If you were to look at this in future years, what should you remember about this year(s)? Think about yourfavorite things (food, clothes, TV shows, etc). Think about the trends, popular music groups, and important world issues. It is almost like you are taking a picture of yourworld; hence, the term ‘snapshot’ is used. 

Things to Consider: Your favorite things could be written in a favorite color. The more important the item is to you, the larger it should be on the page. Be creative with your writing styles, sketches, and color choices. Consult the example Word Snapshots for some ideas.

Somewhere on the page you need to have the following information: WORD SNAPSHOT, NAME, DATE.

What to Do:

  1. Complete the ‘A Snapshot of myLife: Prewriting’ page (front and back).
  1. Write aONE PAGE explanation describing items from each category and possibly explaining why certain colors were chosen (one page in length).
  1. Create a Word Snapshot final copy. NO PENCIL ALLOWED!!!

“A picture is worth a thousand words.”


You will be given one blank sheet of paper. It is your mission to turn this blank sheet of paper into a snapshot of your life. If you were to look at this in future years, what should you remember about this year(s)? Think about your favorite things (food, clothes, TV shows, etc). Think about the trends, popular music groups, and important world issues. It is almost like you are taking a picture of your world; hence, the term ‘snapshot’ is used. 

Things to Consider: Your favorite things could be written in a favorite color. The more important the item is to you, the larger it should be on the page. Be creative with your writing styles, sketches, and color choices. Consult the example Word Snapshots for some ideas.

Somewhere on the page you need to have these words: Word Snapshot, the date, and your name.

What to Do:

  1. Complete the ‘A Snapshot of my Life: Prewriting’ page (front and back).
  1. Write a ONE PAGE explanation describing items from each category and possibly explaining why certain colors were chosen (one page in length).
  1. Create a Word Snapshot final copy. NO PENCIL ALLOWED!!!

“A picture is worth a thousand words.”
