Monday, November 24, 2014

President Tod Ehl called a special meeting of the Board of Education of the Corunna Public Schools to order on Monday, November 24, 2014, in the Corunna High School Media Center located at 417 E. King Street, Corunna, MI 48817 at 7:00 p.m.

Board members, administrators, supervisors and guests were welcomed to the meeting followed by silent meditation and the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken.

Present:MembersErwin Lenneman, Janice Ray, Jennifer Strauch,

Tod Ehl, Dean Welte, Dennis Braid

Absent:Lyle Brooks

Superintendent Moore asked to have the agenda revised to add (F1) prior to (F) Communications and Expressions from the Public.

Approval of the Agenda

Motion made by:Member Lenneman

Supported by:Member Welte

To approve the Agenda with the addition of F1 as requested by Superintendent Moore.

Approved by voice vote

Superintendent Moore addressed the board and audience. He explained some of the figures regarding the scope and extent of the proposed bond. He gave the results regarding how the committee voted for the amount of the bond. He explained the bond options along with exactly what an extension and additional amount would mean for the community. He explained why some items were removed and why others were added after the last Citizens Committee meeting. He wanted the list to remain as close to the list that was used to maintain the integrity of the committee. He explained the process used in voting for each item on the needs list. He had several handouts that included what other districts have for debt, and the summary of estimated bonding capacity at the current debt levy bonding.

Communications and Expressions from the Public

Several community members addressed the Board of Education. They expressed their opinions regarding the proposed bond issue. Many stated that they had appreciated the process and opportunity to be a part of the Citizens Committee.

Bond Proposal

Motion made by:Member Lenneman

Supported by:Member Welte

To approve a bond issue of 2.69 mills on top of the 2.31 extension not to exceed 20 year for a total of 5.00 mills.

Approved by roll call vote

Members voting Yes:Lenneman, Welte, Ray, Strauch, Braid, Ehl

Members voting No:None

Motion made by:Member Welte

And supported by Member Strauch

To adjourn at 7:58 p.m.

Minutes respectfully recorded by Peggy Friess

Tod Ehl
Board of Education President / Dr. Erwin Lenneman
Board of Education Secretary