Chairman ……………………………………………………………Date: …………………..


The Horam Centre

3 Bank Buildings

High Street, Horam

TN21 0EH

Sally BladesTel: 07900 576236

Sally Blades - Clerk e-mail:

Minutes of Horam Parish Planning Committee Meeting

held on Monday, 27th March 2017 from 7.30 8.02p.m.

In Attendance: Councillors Michael Cousins (Chairman), Graham Knight, Andrew Lee, Virginia Roberts.

Also in Attendance: Councillor Susan Stedman, District Ward Member for Horam.

Recording, including filming, audio recording, photography and using social media sites is permitted at Council meetings which are open to the public. However, anyone wishing to do so must speak to the Chairman prior to the meeting.

Public Session:There were no members of the public present.

P/612/03/17 - APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE– Councillor Webb.

P/613/03/17 - DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Councillor Knight declared a personal interest in application WD/2017/0486/F– The Blacksmiths, Nettlesworth Lane, Vines Cross, Heathfield, TN21 9EN as he knows the owner of the property.


WD/2016/2834/F – Misty Meadow, Chiddingly Road, Horam, TN21 0JL – Demolition of Existing Buildings and Erection of Dwelling.

The application was recommended for approval and Members made the following comments with regard to their decision:

The application was recommended for approval and Members noted that the applicant had taken into account the comments made by the Parish Council on the previous application; therefore they had no further comments to make.

WD/2017/0382/F – Holly Barn, Maynards Green Road, Maynards Green, Horam, TN21 0DE – Construction of Two Bay Oak-Framed Car Port.

The application was recommended for refusal and Members of Horam Parish Council’s Planning Committee made the following comments with regard to their decision:

  1. This is a large building and too near the road and is a distraction on the highway.
  1. The proposed development is outside of the building line and situated in the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
  1. If WDC are mindful to approve this application HPC suggests that the garage should be behind the hedge line.

[Note: Councillor Knight took no part in the debate and abstained from voting on the following application.]

WD/2017/0486/F– The Blacksmiths, Nettlesworth Lane, Vines Cross, Heathfield, TN21 9EN -

1 Bedroom living unit with terrace to be constructed above associated existing workshop. Demolition and Rebuilding of w.c. serving workshop.

The application was recommended for approval and Members of Horam Parish Council’s Planning Committee made the following comments with regard to their decision:

  1. The building is aesthetically pleasing and low key and will tidy up the site.
  1. Ensure that, during construction, the building is made to look as one, not two separate units.
  1. Pleased to see that no trees will be removed and that vegetation on the site will be managed.


WD/2017/0149/F – The Spinney, Maynards Green Road, Horam, TN21 0HA - Proposed Cart Lodge Style Double Garage – Noted.

WD/2016/3080/F– 9 Paynesbridge Way, Horam, TN21 0HQ – Ground Floor Extension to side of property to increase size of kitchen and additional utility room – Noted.

P/616/03/17 - APPLICATION(S) REFUSED: None.


WD/2017/0099/F- Two Storey Side Extension and a Porch – Nightingales, Cowden Hall Lane, Vines Cross, Horam, TN21 9HH – Noted.

P/618/03/17 - PLANNING APPEAL: Land adjacent to 2 Dunsmore Cottage, Maynards Green Road, Maynards Green, TN21 0BU – Noted.

  • HPC would formulate a written representation for submission to the Planning Inspectorate by 6th April 2017.

P/619/03/17 - INFORMATION FOR/FROM COUNCILLORS (for noting or inclusion on future agendas) – None.

P/620/03/17 - DATE OF NEXT MEETING: to be held at 6.45 p.m. on Wednesday, 12th April 2017.

The Chairman thanked Members for attending and closed the meeting.