/ association of healthcare internal auditors
board of directors meeting
March 24, 2010
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm eastern time



/ Task / who / Due Date

1.Call to Order @ 12:00 EST

Members Present:

Debbie Radke, Chair

Mike Fabrizius, Vice Chair
Joyce Lang, Secretary/Treasurer
Mark Eddy, Immediate Past Chair
Heidi Crosby
Debra Muscio
Kelly Nueske
Dan Pantera
David Stumph, Executive Director
Sally Kittredge, Meeting Manager
Members Absent:
Steve Gasparich

2.Approval of minutes

  • December 2, 2009 minutes approved by email.
  • MSC to approve January 25, 2010 as written.

3.Chair’s Report

  • AHIA Policies & Procedures
  • The updated Policies and Procedures are posted, now also include Investment Policy (Sept 2007) and Education Fund use.
  • Speaker Guidelines
  • The revised speaker guidelines were reviewed. The guidelines include an updated Exception Clause. MSC to approve revised guidelines as presented.
  • Dan Pantera will contact Barbara Winburn and provide the revised guidelines for follow-up with potential speakers when planning Houston regional event.
  • RC to post on the Education Committee Website and Kelly Nueske will inform the chairs of the Education Sub-Committees.
  • Strategic Plan
  • The plan was discussed. Debbie Radke asked the Board liaisons to establish and coordinate deadlines for the goals in the next month.
  • Objective #5- goal for membership for 2010 will be 1,150.
  • Dashboard
  • The Board was asked to choose five of the items on the dashboard that are the most important and send the list to Joyce Lang for coordination.
  • Nominating Committee
  • Mark Eddy asked that if any of the Board members have names for the slate to send them to him.
  • HCCA
  • Sally Kittredge will represent AHIA at HCCA in April.
  • New England Healthcare Internal Audit Group
  • Based on recent input about the status of this group Debbie Radke is speaking with Debra Muscio and Mike Fabrizius to ask them to facilitate re-visiting opportunity to align efforts/develop enhanced relationship with the NEHIA group. Contacts will be made within the coming weeks.
/ Action Item
Action Item
Action Item
Action Item
Action Item
Action Item / Dan Pantera
Kelly Nueske
Committee Board Liaisons
Joyce Lang
Board Members
Mike Fabrizius/
Debra Muscio / Done – 3/24/2010
Done – 3/26/2010

4.Financial Review

  • February 2010 financial statements were presented and discussed.
  • Quarter Ended 12/31/09 full Investment reportwill be reviewed by Joyce Lang; any issues of importance will be shared at a future meeting.
  • The engagement letter for the 2009 annual audit has been executed. The auditor will be conducting fieldwork within the next two weeks. The target completion date, including AHIA tax return, is May 15, 2010.
  • MSC to accept the financial report
/ Action Item / Joyce Lang / 4/28/2010

5.Executive Director’s Report

  • 2013 hotel comparison was discussed:
  • The hotel list will be pared down to two per city.
  • The locations proposed should be in the downtown area and close to things for attendees to do.
  • Task List
  • The task list will be expanded to include all requests – RC staff, Board and Committee.
  • The updates will be posted to the Board site on Monday morning for the previous week.
  • Staff Directory
  • The directory will be added to the Education Committee webpage.
  • David Stumph asked that if anyone emails a staff member with a request to include him and Sally Kittredge on the email.
  • Consolidated Ad/Exhibit/Sponsorship
  • The bids are due next week from two companies. They will be reviewed and a recommendation will be made to the Executive Committee in April.
  • Volunteer Database
  • RC is able to track all committee and board members within the current database.
/ Action Item
Action Item
Action Item
Action Item
Action Item / Dave Stumph/
Sally Kittredge
Dave Stumph
Dave Stumph
Dave Stumph
Dave Stumph / 4/28/2010
Done – 3/26/2010

6.Consensus Agenda - Committee Reports:

  • MAC*
  • Technology*
  • Editorial*
  • Education*
  • Annual Conference*
  • CAE Workgroup*
  • Regional Seminars*
(*) Report provided
  1. Action Items from Committee Reports:
  • MAC:
  • Approved request to discontinue developing a certification program and liaison relationship with IIA.
  • Editorial
  • The Editorial committee requested input from the Board whether to pursue the CPE for authors. The consensus of the Board was the Editorial Committee should determine whether the cost benefit is justified, and if then warranted propose action to the Board for review.
  • The Special Focus magazine was discussed. The status of the issue and sponsorship is unclear. Concern was expressed as to the feasibility of self-funding.
  • Education
  • The December Atlanta event which has been sponsored by KPMG and organized locally was discussed. Kelly Nueske will communicate with Debi Weatherford that the event as such is not an AHIA sponsored event, AHIA would be happy to provide speakers from the membership if requested. Debbie Radke will reach out to the group to clarify the use of AHIA’s name on any bank accounts.
  • Regional Seminars:
-Discussed ability to modify registration fee amounts based on specific event budget and sponsorship (examples discussed – no fee and discounts for multiple registrations. Overall AHIA FY 2010 operating budget for these seminars was approved with a specific net for AHIA. MSC to require a minimum registration fee of $150 (members)/$199 (non-members) for any regional event and to implement a $25 discount for multiple registrations for members and non-members after the first registration of $150/$199.
The approved discount approach will be implemented for the Northwest Regional and used as a marketing effort to increase registration.
-Daniel Ellis has been under the impression that he was guaranteed a speaker slot at the AHIA Annual Conference in Baltimore. Mark Eddy and Debbie Radke have both recently talked with him and indicated no guarantees had ever been provided. Kelly Nueske brought the opportunity to the Education Sub-Committee Chairs for discussion, who felt at the time of his last speaking opportunity with AHIA, evaluations and attendee response was not positive. Kelly Nueske will communicate with Daniel that he is welcome to submit proposals for the Annual Conference in the future and will be evaluated with the same criteria as everyone else that submits.
-Regional Seminar Toolkit - link will be sent to the Board for information purposes.
-Pursue establishing limited access to the Education Committee site to facilitate information access for Regional Coordinators, once their event completed access rights would be removed, similar to process used today with Board members. / Action Item
Action Item
Action Item
Action Item
Action Item
Action Item / Joyce Lang
Kelly Nueske
Debbie Radke
Kelly Nueske
Dave Stumph
Dave Stumph / 4/28/2010

8.Unfinished Business

The Technology committee is creating a subcommittee to investigate options for the update of the website.

9.New Business

None raised


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