Clapham ManorPrimary School

& Children’s Centre


Art Exhibition



  1. Children / Parents / Carers / Community
  2. Structure / Premises / Health & Safety
  3. Personnel Matters
  4. INSET
  5. Financial Position
  6. Extended Services & Children’s Centre
  7. Diary Items
  8. Holiday Dates 2014– 2015
  9. SEF
  10. Individual Governor Monitoring Report
  11. Lambeth Safeguarding Children’s Board – Partner Agency

e-safety Audit Checklist



Summer term 2014 at Clapham Manor has had a strong focus the arts and sport.

This year’s summer music concert organised by Karen Parker (music teacher with responsibility for the arts), was a fantastic celebration of the children’s progress and dedication to music. 160 parents were entertained by over 80 children, showcasing their talents by performing in the two school choirs, jazz band, orchestra and in several group arrangements. During the buffet reception, parents communicated their enjoyment and reported that they could see a distinct improvement in children’s ability from the previous year.

An uplifting performance from the choir

In June, Suzanne Wood (art club teacher) and Karen Parker organised an art gallery to display the creative work children had carried out during the term. Also exhibited were the submissions for the annual ‘Take one picture’ competition, these were in a variety of mediums and in 1,2 and 3D formats. This was an opportunity for children to share their excellent work with parents, friends and staff as the whole school visited the exhibition.

The 2013-14 Physical Education and Sports Grant focused on pupil behaviour, health and wellbeing. As part of this programme a PE teacher has been working with the children, playing a variety of sports and running an afterschool basket ball session. To embed this positive impact and extend children’s enjoyment, an additional PE teacher has been coaching children every morning during the summer term, supporting staff by working with groups of children during break times.

Clapham Manor has experienced a variety of sporting success this term; the football team continued their winning streak of four games in a row by beating Lyndhurst Primary 5 – 1. A team competed in the Quad Kids event, taking first place and Clapham Manor won the first annual collaborative

This year’s Mini Olympics event was a huge success, children enjoyed obstacle courses, football and running and egg and spoon races.

As part of the programme to energise and enrich break times for the children, a new football table has been sought; this means all children have access to this feature now. Ms Grace has worked with staff to zone the playground into targeted activity areas, this is supported by the development of resource stocked trollies designed to capture and retain children’s interest. Last year’s Olympics sparked the children’s interest in table tennis, to promote this fun form of exercise;the existing table was upgraded by the purchase of three new all-weather tables, two permanently fixed in each playground and a portable one.

New Food Laboratory

Building work on the food laboratory is nearing completion, the room will then have to be deep cleaned and outfitted with resources and equipment needed, ready for use in September. The room will consist of eight cooking work stations; these are set out against the walls, leaving room for tables and chairs in the middle. Work outfitting the larder area (previous SENCo office) is underway, the dishwasher and washing machine will be relocated to this area, along with dry and chilled goods.

Lambeth Food Flagship Programme – hosted at Clapham Manor

In July 2013 the Government published ‘The School Food Plan’, its focus is onimproving children’s academic performance through improved eating habits, studies have shown well-nourished children fare better at school. It is intended to instil a love of, growing, cooking and eating good food through a multifaceted curriculum. This leads from the provision of high quality, nutritious and exciting food at school, served in a positive and inviting environment.

Lambeth Local Authority have made a bid for the role of the Inner London Food Flagship Borough, following the initial bid and interview the borough hosted a day long visit by representatives of Greater London Authority and Government. Clapham Manor was invited to host the final stage of this visit, providing a venue for local organisations to display their excellent work for the community. Following a question and answer session visitors were given a tour to look at how healthy eating can be delivered successfully in a school. The tour of the Olympic playground growing beds, nature garden and afterschool club was completed by a visit to the new food laboratory where visitors were able to see the type of environment the new curriculum would be taught in.

Lambeth Food Flagship Programme Tour of the New Food Laboratory

Hosted at Clapham Manor

Children are growing beans for a workshop with Chef Sylvain

The Friends of Clapham Manor

The Friends of Clapham Manor organised a very successful Easter Fair, they continue to support the school using the money raised to fund class tripsand they have also agreed to make a donation to the cost of the Food Laboratory.

Children sharing their art work


a)The school roll is currently 453 as at week ending 19th June 2014.

Year / Teacher / Roll / Year / Teacher / Roll
6M / Ms Mumby / 29 / 6H / Mr Harrison / 30
5G / Ms Goodhew / 30 / 5W / Ms Welch / 30
4B / Ms Bond / 31* / 4P / Mr Pittard / 27
3B / Ms Beaver / 30 / 3F / Ms Freeman / 30
2Z / Ms Zad / 30 / 2R / Ms Ross / 30
1T / Ms Teigh / 30 / 1M / Ms McCallum / 30
RH / Ms Hollamby / 30 / RT / Ms Tennant/Gillespie / 30
Nursery / Full time / 15
P/T am / 11
P/T pm / 10
Totals / 453
Children’s Centre / Ms Macpherson / 40

b)Mobility of pupils (Leavers Spring term 2014 and Arrivals Summer term 2014)

Year / Leavers / Arrivals / Year / Leavers / Arrivals
6M / 0 / 0 / 6H / 0 / 0
5G / 0 / 0 / 5W / 0 / 0
4B / 0 / 0 / 4P / 3 / 0
3B / 0 / 1 / 3F / 0 / 0
2Z / 1 / 0 / 2R / 0 / 0
1T / 0 / 0 / 1M / 0 / 0
RH / 0 / 0 / RT / 0 / 0
Nursery / Full time / 0 / 0
P/T am / 0 / 0
P/T pm / 1 / 1
Totals / 3 / 2

Reasons for pupil leaving:

  • Moved out of borough2
  • Emigration2
  • Moved to independent school1

c)Attendance, Summer term 2013:97.4 %

Our attendance for the current academic year is 96.4 %.

Note: One session = half a day

One whole day absent represents two recorded absences

Attendance (Summer term 2014)

Group / Presents (%) / Authorised Absences (%) / Unauthorised Absences (%) / % Attend
1M / 98.7 / 1.3 / 0.0 / 98.7
1T / 97.2 / 2.4 / 0.4 / 97.2
2R / 96.0 / 3.5 / 0.5 / 96.0
2Z / 94.7 / 3.1 / 2.0 / 94.8
3F / 99.2 / 0.6 / 0.2 / 99.2
3B / 96.6 / 3.0 / 0.3 / 96.6
4B / 95.2 / 3.8 / 1.0 / 95.2
4S / 93.3 / 2.0 / 4.4 / 93.4
5G / 96.5 / 2.6 / 0.4 / 97.1
5W / 97.9 / 1.9 / 0.2 / 98.0
6H / 93.8 / 4.1 / 1.1 / 94.8
6M / 94.5 / 3.4 / 1.3 / 95.2
Totals / 96.1 / 2.7 / 1.0 / 96.4

An unauthorised absence is:

A pupil who is absent with an unacceptable reason or

An absence which has not been satisfactorily explained / or has not been explained

An unauthorised holiday.

Authorised absences: mostly illness and some authorised holidays.

Unauthorised absences: either unauthorised holidays or no reason given for absence.

Excluded pupils (fixed term) for last term (Spring 2014): Fixed term exclusion: 2 (1-4 days), 4 (5 +)

d)Lunches taken on 12th March 2014

Class / FSM / School meal / Total school meals / Sandwiches
RH / 5 / 22 / 27 / 2
RT / 10 / 15 / 25 / 3
1M / 8 / 20 / 28 / 2
1T / 10 / 19 / 29 / -
2R / 12 / 14 / 26 / 2
2Z / 8 / 18 / 26 / 2
3B / 5 / 18 / 23 / 6
3F / 2 / 23 / 25 / 5
4B / 7 / 18 / 15 / 4
4P / 7 / 12 / 19 / 6
5G / 7 / 22 / 29 / 1
5W / 7 / 22 / 29 / -
6H / 9 / 17 / 26 / 3
6M / 7 / 17 / 24 / 4
Nursery & Children’s Centre / 9 / 22 / 31 / -
TOTALS / 113 / 279 / 392 / 40

Number of children having home lunch 0

Percentage of children having school lunch 90.7%

e)Secondary Transfer Data 2013 / 2014

The table below shows the percentage breakdown of secondary places allocated and the percentage of parents that were supported with their application by the Learning Mentors.

1st Choice / 2nd Choice / 3rd Choice / 4th Choice / 5th Choice / 6th Choice / Allocated by LEA / Not allocated / Parents supported
58% / 7% / 5% / 5% / 7% / 3% / 3% / 3% / 31%

The table below shows the percentage of our year 6 leavers who will be going to Lambeth Academy and those going to any other borough outside Lambeth.

Lambeth Academy / Any other borough
24% / 38%

Mini Olympics Egg and Spoon Race


Resource Meeting – Wednesday 25th June 2014

Premises & Health & Safety Report

New Building:

There is no news from the local authority regarding replacement of the windows.

Original Building:

Shaun Child project manager from Potter Raper and Tom Weal project manager from United House met with Ben Dickey (Governor for Health & Safety), Russell and Eileen to discuss the repair of the existing windows in the old building. The works is planned to take place over the summer holiday and will most likely run into the autumn term (worst case scenario until November).

United House are the unofficial contractors for the works (they are still waiting on a purchase order being raised by Lambeth). They would like to start putting up scaffolding before the summer holiday, this is only possible in the Reception playground during the last week of term as the children can use this time as a transition period to get used to the infant playground or possibly visit the children’s centre. The plan is to take the scaffolding down as the work progressed, this would mean that the Reception playground would be finished for the new children to start in September. The scaffolding will continue to be put up around the junior playground, with storage behind allocated in the corner of the junior playground. The children attending the holiday club will be able to use the Olympic playground and top half of the junior playground safely. The works to the hall can be carried when the holiday club is closed. Window repair in the infant playground can be started during the holiday.

A quote for the flat roof on the original building has been obtained, £8,450, however this relies on using the scaffolding from the window replacement. United house have a roofing company they have used before and would be happy to work with them whilst repairing our windows as they know their standards of health and safety etc. We have requested a quote.

Health & Safety

The Statutory Health and Safety audit scheduled for 23rd June was cancelled by Patrick Howell, this will be rescheduled. Ben Dickey has agreed to be involved in consultation regarding windows as health and safety govenor.

Works to be carried out – Summer 2014

Due to the disruption of the window works only minimal, in house repairs and maintenance are planned

  • Delayed from half term – painting of top hall turner staircase & hall outside
  • Depending on roof repair – repainting / repair to Deputy’s room and new SENCo room top floor.
  • Small decoration & repair works to hall, hallways, doors & walls.

3D Art Work


a)Current School Staff 2013 / 2014

Headteacher: / Brian Hazell
Deputy Headteacher: / Jo Clarke
Assistant Headteachers / Amanda Grace, Inclusion Paul Jobson, Excellence & Enjoyment
Class Teachers: / Tammy Hollamby Iona Mumby
Jen Teigh
Sara Zad
Carmel Spanswick
(Julia Tregaskis / Lucy Goodhew
Clare Welch
Helly Freeman
Nell Bond
Mat Leave) / Amy McCallum
David Pittard
Robert Harrison
Jennifer Ross
Sarah Tennant (0.6)
Sally Gillespie (0.6)
Float Teachers / Ama Ellis-Baidoo
SEN Manager / (Kate Lingard 0.5 Mat Leave) Lorna Burns (0.8)
Music Teacher: / Karen Parker
P/T Teachers / Sarah Tennant
(Kate Lingard 0.1 / Karen Daniells
Kim Harrison
Mat Leave) / Sally Beaver
Sally Gillespie
Lorna Burns (0.2)
Language Teachers: / Laura Davies
Student Teachers / Naomi Smith
Learning Mentors / Michelle How / Simon Allen
Early year’s Educator – R / Sylwia Gajda / Josephine Pulman
P/T Instrumental Teachers: / Helen Duke
Chris Huning / Gill Schubert Juliet Inch
Michael Bresnahan
SEN Musictherapy / Ian Grundy
Premises Man. / Russell Hasleden
Site Officer: / Baba Sumaila
School Business Manager: / Eileen Grant
School Admin. Officer / Margarita Williams
Clerical Officers: / Margaret Kennard / Emma Anderson
Finance Officer / Candice Savio
Support Staff: / Eileen O’Neill
Carol Cameron
Sue Hayes
Hayley Ives
Tracy Messenger
Lisa Kelly
Ieesha Tulloch (Mat Leave) / Mandy Reddey
Alison Hyman
Karen Stevenson
Joy Preddie
Judi Kenney
Sonia Winifred
Monika Grivnova / Carol Duncan
Chanel Nelson
Marcus Ekeh
Diana Alexandre
Zlata Camdzic
Centre & Ext. ServicesMan. / Jane Christofi
Children Centre Teacher / Fatemeh Mozaffari
Childcare Manager / Diane Macpherson (Acting) (Basia Watrobaon maternity leave)
Childcare Deputy Manager / Louise Amos
Clerical Officer –Centre / Kahra Horsford-Osborne
Alizaa Sheikh / Vanessa Harry
Outreach Worker / Nadine Bennett
YvonneHumphreys / Tracy Green Roe Wells
Early Year’s Educators & TAs –Nursery & Centre / Laura Nixon
Karen Reidy / Beverley Alakija
(Helen Wibberley Mat Leave)
Stay and Play worker
One O’Clock Club / Candy Place
Responsive Crèche / Jeya Veluppillai / Charmaine Bennett
N & CC Support staff
Senior Midday Supervisor: / Eileen O’Neill
Midday Supervisors: / Sue Hayes
Hayley Ives
Alison Hyman
Carol Duncan / Tracy Messenger
Joy Preddie
Lisa Kelly
Mandy Reddey / Judi Kenney
Diana Alexandre
Natalie Powers
Anna Campbell
Extended Services – Breakfast &
After school Care / Alison Hyman
Mandy Reddey / Eileen O’Neill
Una Halsted / Judi Kenney
Carolyn Boyd
Collaborative Staff / Robert Dyer / Emily Rothon / Hung San

b)Current Responsibility Points

Name / Responsibility [TLR] / Curriculum Area
Simon Allen / Learning Mentor – Attendance/ Pupil Support
Russell Hasleden / Premises Manager
Sally Beaver / Education Induction Mentor / Science
Fatemeh Mozaffari – Chinjani / CC Teacher
Jane Christofi [SMT] / Strategic Partnership Manager
Jo Clarke (SLT) / Deputy Head Teacher / Whole School Co-ord. & English
Robert Dyer / Extended Partnership Services Manager
Amanda Grace(P/T SLT) / Assistant Head teacher – Inclusion / Supporting D&T
Karen Daniells (P/T) / Float / PE Consultant
Ama Ellis Baidoo / RE
Kate Lingard [P/T] / SEN Co / PSHCE
Eileen Grant (SMT) / School Business Manager
Laura Davies / EMAG Teacher / Supporting RE, English
Lucy Goodhew / D&T, English
Karen Parker / Music Teacher / The Arts
Kim Harrison [MM] / Whole School Focus Objective / Science
Rob Harrison(SMT) / KS2 Leader / ICT
Carmel Spanswick / Nursery Teacher
Brian Hazell (SLT) / Head Teacher
Tammy Hollamby / Early Years Leader / Environmental Education
Michelle How / Learning Mentor – Parent/Carer Liaison/Pupil Support
Paul Jobson (SLT) / Assistant Head teacher – Excellence and Enjoyment / PSHCE
Alison Hyman / Breakfast Club Manager
Margaret Kennard / Personnel Administrator
Amy McCallum / D&T
Iona Mumby [MM] / Mathematics*
Eileen O’Neill / Senior Midday Meal Supervisor
David Pittard / Humanities
Mandy Reddey / After School Club Manager
Jennifer Ross / Gifted & Talented Manager / ICT Coordinator
Jen Teigh / PE
Julia Tregaskis [ SMT] / Early Years/KS1 Leader (Mat Leave) / RE
Kahra Horsford-Osbourne / Clerical – Children’s Centre
Barbara Watroba [Basia] / Child Care Centre Manager (Mat Leave)
Margarita Williams / School Administrative Officer
Sara Zad [MM] / English*, Key Stage 1 Leader

SLT – Senior Leadership Group * TLR for curriculum area MM – Middle Management Team

c)Staff Sickness Monitoring – Spring Term 2014

Teachers Number of employees: 30

Absence Categories / Number of Employees / Number of days
Nil absence / 21 / 0
1 – 5 / 9 / 12
6 – 10 / 0 / 0
11 – 20 / 0 / 0
21 – 30 / 0 / 0
31 + / 0 / 0
Maternity / 2 / 88
TOTAL / 32 / 100

Support Staff - Number of employees: 49

Absence Categories / Number of Employees / Number of days
Nil absence / 21
1 – 5 / 22 / 53
6 – 10 / 1 / 10
11 – 20 / 0 / 0
21 – 30 / 4 / 95
31 + / 1 / 37
Maternity / 4 / 215
TOTAL / 53 / 410

d)New Teaching Staff

I am pleased to announce that we have recruited 8 new teaching staff for September, leaving only 1 vacancy to fill (Key Stage 2 Leader). We have had a higher than usual turnover of staff this year due to various factors, including the need for maternity and sabbatical leave cover. Teachers have also moved to the private sector and moved outside London to teach as well as leaving the profession completely.

New Staff – Support

Dawn Langley, teaching assistant and midday supervisor started at the beginning of this term. Rebecca Daly-Owens, part time receptionist and clerical officer at the children’s centre also started this term. Rebecca Higgins, previously a bank staff member, has taken a fixed term contract to cover Karen Reidy’s maternity leave.

Ella Minja, previously with a supply agency, has been recruited as a teaching assistant at the children’s centre.

Silvana Avelino dos Santos, Charmain Bennett, Jeya Veluppillai, Vincent Woodcock, Carla Martins, Shirley Miller and Syeda Begum have all been employed as bank staff at the children’s centre.

e)Maternity Leave

DianaAlexandre returned from maternity leave in May, however,Basia Watroba, Helen Wibberley, Julia Tregaskis, Sylwia Gajda and Kate Lingardare all still currently on maternity leave. Ieesha Tulloch and Karen Reidy started their maternity leave in June 2014. Jen Teigh will begin her maternity leave in August 2014.

f)Staff Leaving

Stephanie Williams has left to go travelling in South America; she is currently working on a project in the Amazon jungle. Justine Sears left to work in a school nearer to her home.


Continuing Professional Development Meetings

Summer Term 2014
23.4.2014 / 28. Business [BH] / 3B
30.4.2014 / 29. Pupil Progress Meetings - SMT / 2Z
7.5.2014 / 30. Most Able/Differentiation [JR] / 6H
SATs Week 12th May – 16th May 2014
14.5.2014 / 31. Marking /Assessment Workshop / 
21.5.2014 / 32. Closing The Gaps ¾ Assessment Review / RH
4.6.2014 / 33. / 
11.6.2014 / 34. SMT Summer Pupil Progress Meetings / 4S
13.6.2014 / Whole day CPD Summative Assessment Day
18.6.2014 / 35. / 1T
25.6.2014 / 36. Teacher Staff Meeting / St Rm
2.7.2014 / 37. SEN [LB] / 2R
9/10.7.2014 / 38. No meeting Parent / Carer Conferences
16.7.2014 / 39. Summer Term Pupil Progress & Class Report [JC] / 3F
21.7.2013 / CPD Day Performance Management & Whole School Self Evaluation Review [JC] / T Hall
  • *whole day PDM
  • ++++ support staff welcome

Take On Picture – Mask of the Devil


Actual Surplus Balance B/F from previous year £257,719.30 – (9% of last year’s income )
Projected Surplus this year £150,407.07 (5%)
Initial Outlook – Fair, Focus – Sustainability
Signpost – Significant staff movement and Maternity cover issues for Main budget expenditure plans –Therefore staffing budget includes contingencies for various scenarios covered by incorporating Main Budget Surplus balance brought forward £51,035.59 and the Extended Schools Surplus of £14,929.31
Projected Surplus Balance 2014-15
Main Budget £0
Extended Services £3,292.05
Daycare £12,563.40
Children’s Centre £134,684.62
Total £150,540.07 / 2 BUDGET SUMMARY 2014-15 / 3 CAPITAL PROJECTS:
Roof repair –
Essential repairs to roof are to be carried out during the works to the original building windows – taking advantage of the scaffolding and project management expertise.
Food Laboratory –
Room to be equipped with 8 cooking work stations, white goods etc, and remodelled.
Budget Share Income for 2014-15 £2,335,778.83
Newly Delegated Items are:
(LA Maternity Provision £7,683.42 and NNDR School rates £50,525)
Early Years Funding £124,985.77
(A 5% reduction of £6,498 due to a drop in pupil nos in the Oct 13
Pupil Premium £234,000
(An increase of £61,560- Unit value per child increased from £900 to £1300 plus additional children added)
Contingences included in 2014-15 Budget
(£51k & £15Kto offset maternity cost £90,000)
Projected Surplus at Year End 2014-15
£150,407–5% of Budget
Budget Projection 2014-15 –Balanced Budget
4TOP RISKS (HR & FINANCE): / 5 BUDGET 14-15 v ACTUAL 13-14
Actual 13-14 Budget 14-15 Movement / 6 SDP Development Priorities – targeted funding:
Consultant employed to support SLT, teaching & support staff 2013-14
Differentiation Closing Gaps – investment in targeted support for stuck learners 2013-14
Technology & outdoor Enhanced Learning – large investment in new technology to ensure 21st Century learning embedded throughout school 2013-14
Food laboratory to meet new government initiative and school priorities re healthy eating 2014-15
Potential problems / Importance / Actions / Total Income
Total Employees
Pupil Premium
Repairs & Maintenance
Professional Support
Educational Resources
Expenditure / 3,932,972
4,054,575 / 3,881,596
4,082,716 / -1%
Experienced staff leave / High / Retention package included in pay policy
Old Building requires repair / Med / Repair programme incorporated into new budget (due to financial constraints – minimal investment planned this year)
Overspend supported by £257,719.30 carry forward 13/14
•Staffing Budgets –Estimates include all incremental staff movement and 1% Pay Awards for both Teaching and Support (Employee costs as a % of funding = 80% –Optimum % range = 75-85%)
•TeachingStaff Costs include maternity cover contingency of aprrox £90k. .
• Non Staffing Budgets –include 3% inflationary rise or as per advised contract prices / 9 SDP Potential Development Priorities:
(Where are we going document)
Grafton Square – development building into usable space
State of the art food laboratory room
Potential problems / Importance / Actions
Office manager retiring / High / Analysis office needs & dev succession plan & training
Head reducing hours to 4 days per wk / High / Succession planning & support via PA & consultant
High maternity 4+ staff 2014/15 / High / Money set aside for maternity cover

S:\Governing Body\Head's Report To Governors\Head's Report 2013 - 2014\HTRG SUMMER 2014.Doc1