Election Manual

Chapter 1 – Elections Staff and Elections Manual

1-1: Elections Board

  1. The ElectionsBoard is made up of (4) predetermined Student Affairs Staff members and the Elections Commissioner.
  2. The Elections Commissioner will chair the Elections Board.
  3. The Elections Board reserves the right to modify specific rules and regulations based on changing election circumstances.

Chapter 2 – Elections Procedure

2-1: Election Dates

  1. The Primary and General Election dates shall be set by the Elections Board.
  2. In the event of a low turnout the Elections Board may decide that a Primary Election may not occur.

2-2: Election Ballots

  1. Official ballots shall be available through Grand Canyon University via a university approved online voting system, but can also be administered through other methods deemed necessary by the Elections Board as to accommodate all voters when the online option is unavailable.
  2. Candidates’ names shall appear on the ballot according to alphabetical order by last name.
  3. The (2) tickets for executive office receiving the highest number of votes from the Primary Election shall advance to the General Election ballot. If no primary election occurred, all candidates for that particular office shall advance to the General Election ballot.
  4. Space(s) for write-in candidates will not be made available.

2-3: Tabulation/Results

  1. Tabulation of official ballots for all elections will be done electronically through the use of Grand Canyon University approved voting software. The Election Board will certify all results.
  2. The winning candidates’ will be determined by a plurality of votes, the largest number of votes received by one ticket out of the entire group of eligible tickets or candidates.
  3. In the event the tabulation results in a tie, a re-vote election shall be held the day following the last Election Day.

Chapter 3 – Qualification of Voters

3-1: Qualification of Voters

  1. Any and all currently enrolled and registered ground traditional undergraduateGrand Canyon University student shall be considered qualified voters.

Chapter 4 - Campaign Procedures

4-1: Candidate Meetings

  1. All candidates must attend mandatory candidate meetings. Candidates may not send a representative in their place.
  2. Prior to the campaign period beginning, there will be at least one official meeting with the candidates. This meeting will cover campaign procedure, policies, and appropriate conduct.
  3. Candidates shall be held responsible for any and all information presented and/or distributed at candidate meetings.

4-2: Campaign Conduct

  1. Campaigning shall not begin before the dates established by the Elections Board.
  2. All campaigning activity shall be in accordance with the policy set forth in this Manual.
  3. No campaigning is allowed at any time in the ASGCU or Student Affairs Offices.
  4. No campaigning is allowed at any ASGCU sponsored events, subject to discretion of the Elections Board.
  5. No campaigning is allowed at any Grand Canyon University Spiritual Life events.
  6. You are permitted to campaign at other university events; however the use of university resources to campaign is not permitted unless provided by the Student Engagement Manager.
  7. During the dates of the Primary or General Election, candidates shall not campaign within a seventy-five (75) feet radius of a polling station.
  8. There shall be no campaigning by any candidate and/or their staff in any Grand Canyon University libraries, computer labs, or classrooms.

Chapter 5 - Campaign Finances

5-1: Expense Limits

  1. Candidates for ASGCU President and Executive Vice President shall not exceed a campaign-spending limit of $1000.
  2. Candidates for any office shall not share expenses or resources with opposing candidates.
  3. Candidates and their staff may not commission other students or third party groups to spend money on the candidate or for the campaign without reporting the expenses on the expense report.

5-2: Accounting of Expense

  1. Any and all campaign material and advertisements purchased by either a candidate and/or their staff for the purpose of campaigning shall be included in the expense limit and reported on the Expense Report.
  2. Candidates shall be responsible for providing receipts or documents as approved by the Elections Board for all campaign materials purchased for the purpose of campaigning.
  3. Any and all taxes, fees, and/or charges assessed for campaign materials shall be included in the expense limit and reported on the Expense Report.
  4. Candidates shall submit a Goods and Services report containing all goods and services obtained prior to the campaign. This must be submitted to the Elections Board by 12:00 pm the day campaigning commences. Failure to do so will result in a budget penalty.
  5. Expense reports are due two hours prior to the general elections results party. Failure to turn this information in may result in disqualification pending the Elections Staff’s discretion.
  6. In the event that a candidate exceeds the spending limit, he or she may be subject to disqualification pending the Elections Staff’s discretion.

5-3: Campaign Contributions

  1. Each candidate may solicit or accept campaign contributions not to exceed $100 per contributor, which shall be included in the expense limit and reported on the Expense report.
  2. There is no contribution limit for approved candidates.
  3. Any officially recognized Grand Canyon University club or organization may not financially contribute to a candidate’s campaign with club resources.
  4. It shall be the responsibility of the candidate to include in the expense limit and Report as contributions any funds contributed for the sole purpose of an ASGCU election by the contributor.

5-4: Reporting of Expenses

  1. All candidates are required to submit the Expense Report with all receipts or documents as approved by the Elections Board listing expenses and contributions two hours prior to the election results party.
  2. Submission of the Expense Report accounts for the candidate attesting to the accuracy of the Expense Report. All candidates will be held accountable for all declared and undeclared campaign expense.

Chapter 6 – Candidate Campaign Procedures

6-1: Campaign Materials

  1. All campaign posters must be stamped by the Office of Student Engagement for approval.
  2. The Office of Student Engagement will incur the cost of printing for no more than 250 posters. The posters may only be 8.5x11 or 11x17 in color or black and white.
  3. Candidates may use butcher paper, paint, and paint brushes from the ASGCU Office. All other ASGCU resources are off limits, including computers, event equipment, etc.
  4. No ASGCU resources may leave Student Engagement - Cypress Hall.
  5. Posters on Grand Canyon University property shall be placed only in approved spaces as defined by this Elections Manual and the standard policy regarding posters on campus, including all residence halls.
  6. No poster shall obstruct another poster including non-campaign related materials.
  7. No non-campaign materials should be removed unless the date of the event has passed.
  8. No posters shall be relocated or removed by anyone besides that candidate or a member of their campaign staff of whom the poster belongs to.
  9. No posters shall be placed on light or power poles, traffic signal poles, traffic signs, bus stop shelters, benches, trees, trashcans, the Amazon Locker, or other properties not designated within this manual.
  10. Each candidate is permitted to use (3) banners for advertising purposes. For the purpose of this manual, banners are any materials created to advertise with dimensions larger than 4ft x 3ft.
  11. Banners must be hung by the university facilities department.
  12. Candidates must have approval of each type of display used in the campaign before utilized.
  13. Each candidate will be allowed 2 event requests for campaign related activities.
  14. An event request is defined as requesting university resources for the purpose of campaigning. Resources must be approved and provided by the Student Engagement Manger. Approved resources include, but are not limited to tables, chairs, and audio visual equipment.
  15. Each candidate will be permitted to host an elections result party. The elections result party will not count towards the 2 event request limit.
  16. Event details for the elections result party must be submitted by 10:00 am on January 20, 2016.
  17. All events request must be submitted by 10:00 am on January 20, 2016.
  18. Each candidate will be provided one table and two chairs by the Student Engagement Manager for campaigning purposes. These resources will be held in the Student Engagement Office and are not to be listed on event requests.
  19. Each campaign will be allowed 3facilities request for purpose of hanging banners.
  20. All facilities requests must be submitted by10:00 am on January 25, 2016. The request must be accompanied by the actual banner and the supplies necessary to hang the banner.
  21. All standard rules apply regarding hanging posters on campus.

6-2: Electronic Resources

  1. All Electronic Resources utilized for the purpose of the campaign by a candidate and/or a member of their campaign staff are subject to the scrutiny of the Elections Board and bound by the rules and regulations of this manual.
  2. Mass emails can only be sent through a personal email account.
  3. Social Media content shall only be shared through a non-GCU-official account.

6-3: Other Campaign Material

  1. No campaign material shall be posted or distributed until the official campaign period has begun.
  2. No chalking is allowed.
  3. Window chalking is allowed on personal property, and GCU property is allowed subject to university staff approval.
  4. Misuse of chalk can result in penalties subject to the discretion of the Election Board.
  5. A debate may be held and hosted at the discretion of the Elections Board. Details of the debate will be determined by the Elections Board unless otherwise indicated. Participation by the candidates is optional.

6-4: Candidate Campaign Material Removal Responsibility

  1. All campaign materials must be removed by noon the day immediately following the election.
  2. Malicious tampering of campaign and non-campaign material by any candidate and/or member of their campaign staff as determined by the Elections Staff will not be tolerated and may result in disqualification.

Chapter 7 – Failure to Abide by Campaign Policies

  1. Failure by any candidate to abide by all policies established in this manual, or any modifications established by the Elections Board, may result in disciplinary action or disqualification.

2016 ASGCU Elections Expense Report

Purchased Goods/Services

Candidate Name: ______Phone: ______

The Elections Commissioner may request a candidate’s updated Expense Report with receipts or documents as approved by the Elections Staff at any time during the election period. The updated Expense Report with receipts and/or documents as approved by the Elections Staff, shall be submitted to the Elections Staff within twenty-four (24) hours of the request.

Purchased Goods/Services___ Supplier Contact Person Phone Date



Total: ______Form: ___/___

I, ______, do hereby attest to the accuracy of this Report.


Candidate Signature Date

2016 ASGCU Elections Expense Report

Non- Purchased Goods/Services

Candidate Name: ______Phone: ______

Candidates shall report on the Expense Report how and from where non-purchased goods and services (goods and services in possession prior to the election) were obtained, but do not have to include such goods and services in the expense limit.

Purchased Goods/Services___ Supplier Contact Person Phone Date



Total: ______

Form: ___/___

I, ______, do hereby attest to the accuracy of this Report.


Candidate Signature Date

2016 ASGCU Elections Expense Report

Contribution Form

Candidate Name: ______Phone: ______

It shall be the responsibility of a candidate to include in the expense limit and Report as contributions any funds contributed for the sole purpose of an ASGCU Election by a contributor.

Contribution___ Contributor Email Phone Date Obtained



Total: ______

Form: ___/___

I, ______, do hereby attest to the accuracy of this Report.


Candidate Signature Date