British Geological Survey

Meeting room booking form

Your details

Company/business name:Click here to enter text.


Click here to enter text.

Contact person:

Email:Click here to enter text.

Telephone no./mobile:Click here to enter text.

Fax no.:Click here to enter text.

Your booking

Date:Click here to enter text.

Access requiredfrom:Click here to enter text. toClick here to enter text.

Number of attendees (provisional):Click here to enter text.

Room(s) required:

Room / Hire rate (full day/half day) / Full day/half day (am or pm) / Room layout
De La Beche Conference Suite and Exhibition Space / £800/£530 / Click here to enter text. / Theatre (max capacity 100)
Conference & Exhibition package / £1200 / Full day only / Includes up to 10 exhibition tables with cloths. Additional space may be available. Please discuss floor plan in advance
VAT / 20 per cent / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
ROOM HIRE TOTAL / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /

Title of event:

Invoice address


Click here to enter text.

ContactClick here to enter text.

EmailClick here to enter text.

Telephone numberClick here to enter text.

Fax numberClick here to enter text.


Please bring your presentations on a laptop. The conference suite includes a lectern with an interface for a laptop. Allow 30 minutes between your access time and your first presentation for one of our technicians to provide initial instruction on use of the projections system, microphones and room lighting. During normal office hours a technician will be on call.

Catering requirements(provisional, see menu for details)

Time(s) / Number
Buffet lunch / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Standard additional lunch options / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Premium additional lunch options / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Ploughman’s lunchtime platter / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Meat/Cheese platter / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Continental platter / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Continental style breakfast / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
English style breakfast / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Still and sparkling mineral water / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Fruit juice / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Tea/coffee with biscuits / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Other catering options / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /

Special dietary requirements can be catered for. Please provide details with your booking or with confirmation of final details (seven working days before your event).

Other items

Also available to hire:

☐Poster boards (set of six A1 panels)£30 plus VAT

☐Additional flip chart and pens£15 plus VAT

☐Additional exhibitor tables with cloths£9 plus VAT

☐Photographer (arranged in advance of completing this booking form)

I have read and accept the terms and conditions.

Signature:...... Name...Click here to enter text.

Date: ...... Click here to enter text..Position....Click here to enter text.

Please return the completed form to

BGS Event Manager, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG

Terms and conditions


The Natural Environment Research Council, as represented by the British Geological Survey (BGS), means the organisation offering the conference facilities to you, the Client, via a Contract, which includes written confirmation to be agreed between BGS and the Client.

The Client means the organising body/company and organiser responsible for commissioning of and payment for the event, and will be stated as such on the written confirmation from BGS. Unless BGS agrees otherwise in writing, the Contract will be personal to the Client and it may not be assigned.

The Contract means the written confirmation between BGS and the Client for a specific booking or series of bookings, together with these terms and conditions.

1. Quotations

Written quotations are valid for 90 calendar days from the date of the quotation and are subject to VAT at the current rate.

2. Bookings

2.1The acceptance of bookings by BGS is carried outon a case-by-case basis. The BGS reserves the right to refuse a booking to any organisation.

2.2 Bookings will be treated as provisional until the Client provides a signed booking form to BGS.

2.3 The Client mustprovide provisional numbers and catering requirements at the time of booking.

3. Amendments and final numbers

3.1 The Client must advise BGS of the anticipated number of guests attending not less than seven working days before the function.

3.2 Final numbers for meals must be confirmed seven working days prior to the function. These numbers will be used as a minimum to calculate the invoice.

3.3 The Client is required toconfirm final details on timing and special instructionsseven working days prior to the function.

4. Price variations

4.1Due to any event or circumstances beyond BGS's control (e.g. increases in the standard rate of VAT), BGS reserves the right to vary the prices accordingly.

4.2 Should the Client make significant changes to the programme or the expected number of guests, this may result in amendments in the applicable rates and/or facilities offered by BGS.

5. Cancellation by the Client

5.1 Cancellations by the Client will only be accepted in writing.

5.2 At BGS's sole discretion, in the case of cancellation charges may be levied as follows up to a maximum of:

(i)100 per cent of the cost if less than four weeks;

(ii)50 per cent between four and six weeks;

(iii)25 per cent for more than six weeks, and up to eight weeks.

6. Postponement by the Client

6.1 Postponement by the Client will only be accepted by letter, email or fax.

6.2 BGS will charge the Client for all costs incurred and irrevocable commitments.

7. Cancellation by the British Geological Survey

BGS reserves the right to cancel the booking at any time if:

(i)the booking, in the opinion of BGS, would prejudice either the security or reputation of BGS;

(ii)the Client is more than 30 days in arrears of previous payments to BGS;

(iii)BGS becomes aware of any alteration in the Client's financial situation.

8. Postponement by the British Geological Survey

In the event of postponement by BGS, the Client will be offered alternative dates for the booking. Upon agreement of any new dates, the Client will receive new written confirmation from BGS, which together with these terms and conditions will constitute a new Contract.

9. Payment Terms

9.1 Should a deposit or pre-payment be required for any function, this will be specified in the written quote.

9.2 BGS reserves the right to require full payment before the function. Where full payment is required in advance, the amount as invoiced must be paid seven days prior to the function.

9.3 Where advance payment is not required, the Client will be invoiced within 10 working days of the function, and full payment is due within the timescales quoted on the invoice. Payment must be made in pounds sterling (GBP). If payment is not received within the timescales quoted on the invoice, BGS reserves the right to charge interest at four per cent above the daily base rate levied by the Bank of England on the date the debt is due.

10. Client property and equipment on BGS premises

10.1 Should the Client wish to bring electrical or other equipment into BGS (e.g. amplification, lighting, etc), BGS’s written agreement will be required.The Client will provide current electrical test certificates for inspection prior to the function.

10.2The Client is responsible for ensuring all their equipment is checked before use, is fit for purpose, and is installed so as not to cause an obstruction to others or cause interference to any of BGS’s equipment on-site.

10.3 BGS accepts no responsibility for the property of Clients or their guests. Cloakroom facilities are provided for the convenience of Clients and guests, but any goods deposited in the cloakroom areas or left unattended on BGS premises are deposited at the owner's risk and without any liability on the part of BGS.

11. Client’s obligations

The Client will:

11.1 be clearly identified as the organiser responsible for the function;

11.2 fully and fairly represent the purpose for which the venue is required;

11.3 provide BGS with a copy of the guest list;

11.4 provide name badges to all delegates on arrival and ensure they are worn clearly at all times;

11.5 inform BGS if they wish to contract the services of a third party in connection with the event;

11.6 ensure that the stated capacity limits are not exceeded;

11.7leave the rooms hired in a clean and tidy condition and to remove all rubbish in containers supplied by and at the cost of the Client.The BGS reserves the right to charge a reasonable fee for cleaning and rubbish disposal if the premises are left in disorder.

11.8Any damage to BGS premises or equipment by any act, default or negligent act by the Client, the Client’s staff, or contractors or guests of the Client,during a function will be charged to the Client.

11.9 No notices, signs or decoration may be attached to the fabric of the function rooms. Subsequent costs of making good will be charged to the Client.

11.10 The Client may use the Wifi system. All external storage devices (including USB sticks, CDs, DVDs, external hard disks, cameras, mobile phones, iPods etc) must be given to BGSbefore they are used in a BGS computer. We will screen them for viruses beforehand.

12. Finishing times

Conference facilities will be made available for the times shown on the written confirmation, and BGS premises should be vacated by the end of that period. If requested, BGS will use its reasonable endeavours to accommodate the Client with any extension, but this may not always be possible. Where BGS is able to accommodate an extension, then additional charges willbe made.

13. Insurance

The Client is responsible for arranging insurance cover for public liability, damage to property and cancellation. Any contract of insurance should be made by the Client directly with the insurance company involved and should include reimbursement for cancellation for whatever reason. Evidence of adequate insurance (a certificate, etc) shall be made available for inspection by BGS at the event.

14. Health, safety and security

14.1 BGS accepts no liability for personal injury or damage as a result of the Client’s (and their delegates) activities or negligence.

14.2 All Clients running or organising a function at BGS must ensure full compliance with relevant health and safety legislation.

14.3 A health, safety and securitybriefing (the standard wording for which will be provided by BGS) must be made by the Client or Client’s representative at the start of the event. Where this is not practical, the BGS information sheet for visitors must be clearly displayed on the Client’s registration desk.

14.4 The Client is responsible for making a full assessment of their event, taking into account the likely activities, number of delegates and supervision necessary. A copy must be forwarded to BGS at the time of booking and the Client must advise the BGS of any requirements or concerns, especially where emergency arrangements may be affected.

14.5All Clients and their guests must stay within the prescribed areas and not go onto other areas of the BGS site.

14.6 Smoking is not permitted within any BGS buildings or outside areas other than the designated smoking area adjacent to the front security gatehouse.

14.7 BGS reserves the right to refuse Client parking within the BGS site boundary.

14.8 Health and safety incidents or accidents must be reported to BGS Reception and followed by an email to the BGS Events Manager.

15. General

15.1 The Client must request permission (and BGS reserves the right to refuse) to the presence of any photographer, media representative, or other persons in connection with any function.

15.2Attendance byMembers of Parliament, Royalty or other VIPs must be declared at the time of booking.

15.3 BGS's name/logo may be used in publicity, once a proof of the promotional material has been agreed in writing with BGS, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld.

15.4 No animals (with the exception of 'assistance' animals such as guide dogs) are permitted on BGS site.

15.5 All web usage on BGS networks is managed and logged.

16. Force Majeure

16.1 BGS will not be held responsible for any failure or delay in carrying out the Contract due in whole or in part to any circumstances whatsoever beyond its reasonable control including, but without limiting the generality thereof, governmental regulations, fire, flood, industrial dispute affecting a third party. It shall also include but not limited to industrial action, failure of plant or equipment, failure of water, gas or electrical supplies, failure of or delays to the postal service, fire alarm evacuation.

16.2 In the event of incidents of Force Majeure, booking fees for the venue will be waived or refunded, but catering charges will remain the responsibility of the Client where BGS is unable to cancel an order for catering/food without incurring a charge.

17. Disclosure Legislation

The Client understands that BGS may be subject to requests or statutory duties concerning information held by BGS. In such situations BGS may be required to disclose information under the Data Protection Act 1998, the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and/or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and the Client agrees it will assist and co-operate with BGS to enable compliance with these information disclosure requirements.

18. Governing Law

The Contract shall be governed by and construed in all respects according to the laws of England and Wales and the Parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts in all matters relating to this Agreement.