This deed of rectification is executed on this the ...... day of ...... , ………….. in the Christian Era:-

1.Name of the Executant (Vendor):-

Sri/Smt...... son/daughter/wife of...... , aged about ……….. years, Occupation ……………….., resident of ...... , P.O.- ………………Pin………….., P.S.- ...... , District- ...... , in the state of …………….., at present resident of ...... , P.O.- …………Pin…………….., P.S.- ...... , District- ...... , in the state of ……………..,Nationality Indian (which include his/her/their heirs, successors, successor-in-office and legal representatives, executors, administrators and assigns etc.).

PAN …………………….

Mobile no. ………………………..

Addhar No……………………………

2.Details of Vendee:-

Name of the Claimant (Vendee) :-

Sri/Smt...... son/daughter/wife of ...... , aged about ……….. years, Occupation ……………….., resident of ...... , P.O.- ……………Pin…………..…….., P.S.- ...... , District- ...... , in the state of …………….., at present resident of ...... , P.O.- …………………Pin…………...., P.S.- ...... , District- ...... , in the state of ……………..,Nationality ………………..

PAN …………………….

Mobile no. ………………………..

Addhar No……………………………

3. Nature ofDocument :-

Deed of Rectification

4.Amount of Consideration :-

Rs. ……………/- (Rupees ……………………..) only.

Note :- Govt. value is mentioned at Code No.-……..& Zone- ….. of M.V.R. …..-…...

5.Particulars of the Property :-

All that piece and parcel of land measuring total area of ...... sq.ft. equivalent to ...... Decimals more or less, situated at Mohalla- ...... , Mauza- ...... , Survey Thana- ...... , Present P.S.- ...... , Thana no.- ....., District- Patna, bearing Tauzi no.- ...... , Khata no.- ...... , Cadastral Survey Plot no.- ...... , Circle no.- ...... , Ward no.- ...... , Sheet no.- ...... , Municipal Survey Plot no.- ...... , Holding no.- ...... ,which is within Sub and Sadar Registration Office, …………….., District Registration Office …………….., and within the limit of P.R.D.A. (Dissolved)/PMC/Nagar Parisad and annual rent (Land revenue) of Rs. …and ……. paise is payable to the State of Bihar through Circle officer, …………….., vide Jamabandi no...... having the following Boundary :-

Boundary :-

North :- ……………..……………..

South :- ……………..……………..

East :- ……………..……………..

West :- ……………..……………..

A sketch map of the property marked in red area is attached herewith and it forms integral part of this deed.


Whereas, a deed of absolute sale was executed by the Vendor in favour of the Vendee in respect of the property fully mentioned in the Column no. 5 of this deed, which wasregistered in the office of District Registrar Patna in Book no.-……., Volume no.-…………….., C.D. no.- ……………../…………….., Pages from …………….. to …………….. bearing deed no. ……………../…………….. on ……………...

And whereas, due to typos/clerical error …………….. has been written as …………….., and this error is which correction is required.

And whereas, by virtue of this Rectification Deed, the property of Column no. 5 of the aforementioned Deed no. …………….., dated …………….., the Khata/Plot no. …………….. is entered incorrectly, the correct Khata/Plot is …………….. and the same is read for all future references.

In witnesses whereof the Vendor aforesaid has put his/her/their respective signature on this Rectification Deedafter fully understanding the contents of this Deed, on the day, month and year first above written in presence of below noted attesting witnesses who have also signed on this Deed in their presence.

Witnesses :-


……………………Signature of the Vendor


2…………………..Signature of the Vendee



Drafted as per instruction of the Vendor & Vendee,




Note: Words and/or sentences which are not applicable in the context could be replaced and/or omitted. Any other terms & conditions may be added which are legally correct.


1.Name of the Executant (Vendor):-

Sri/Smt...... son/daughter/wife ...... , aged about ……….. years, Occupation ……………….., resident of ...... , P.O.- ………………….., P.S.- ...... , District- ...... , in the state of …………….., at present resident of ...... , P.O.- ………………….., P.S.- ...... , District- ...... , in the state of ……………..,Nationality Indian.

2.Details of Vendee:-

Name of the Claimant (Vendee) :-

Sri/Smt...... son/daughter/wife ...... , aged about ……….. years, Occupation ……………….., resident of ...... , P.O.- ………………….., P.S.- ...... , District- ...... , in the state of …………….., at present resident of ...... , P.O.- ………………….., P.S.- ...... , District- ...... , in the state of ……………..,Nationality Indian.


NORTH-……………, SOUTH- ……………, EAST- ……………, WEST- …


Signature of VendeeSignature of Vendor