Procurement Specialist
Job Group / Reports to
Directorate/CSC / Accountable to
Existing Grade
Base Location
Client Focused / 2
Embrace Change / 3
Communicate & Engage / 4
Team Player / 5
Manage Performance / 6
Innovate & Continuously Improve / 7
Achieve Efficiencies / 8
Influence & Collaborate / 9
Educate Stakeholders / 10
Analyse Data & Make Decisions
Profile: Main Purpose of Job
Take responsibility for the purchase of goods and services by delivering contracts. Foster a highly professional and responsive client service and build collaborative relationships with all stakeholders to deliver work plans and savings targets. Implement change and support and enable staff to deliver and continuously improve the service. Enhance theprocurement profile, your own and others’ capability and expertise.
Key Responsibilities and Activities / Key Outcomes
Team supervision
  • Recognise how own tasks align with the strategy.
  • Deputise as needed.
  • Develop a strong culture of teamwork and communicate change initiatives.
  • Share best practice, collaborate and work as one team.
  • Identify services that would increase the efficiency of those you support and take action.
  • Provide support, guidance and feedback through staff appraisals, 1-2-1and team meetings.
  • Coach, mentor, train and supervise the team and other staff.
  • Promote closer working relationships between procurement and supply chain colleagues.
/ Team supervision
  • Procurement plan aligns with strategic goals.
  • Team aware of the context for change and are kept up to date with internal and NHS changes.
  • Harmonious collaborative workforce who support and work well with all colleagues.
  • Team clear about performance expectations.
  • Appraisals completed on time/within the guidelines.
  • Team and individual development plans exist.
  • Benefits achieved through sharing best practice.

Implement procurement processes
  • Take an active role in developing the annual work plan and implementing policy.
  • Take the lead for the procurement process by delivering a portfolio of medium value contracts.
  • Manage the production of the required deliverables and control risk.
  • Update risk assessments for relevant areas.
  • Identify new areas for contracting and work with stakeholders.
  • Complete, clinical trials and R&D activities.
/ Implement procurement processes
  • Delivers key objectives on time to standard.
  • Better patient outcomes through better procurement.
  • Compliant with legal and professional rules.
  • Positive feedback on how clinical trials and R/D are handled.

Advise and support clients
  • Supervise the work of others and ensure a courteous and quality service is delivered.
  • Maintain the work plan and data base to make sure it’s always up to date.
  • Listen to the needs of stakeholders and engage about options.
  • Answer queries and resolve complaints promptly.
  • Offer reliable expert advice on commercial and contractual issues from initial scoping through to contract award and contract management.
  • Assist to produce advertisements, tender and documentation for an agreed portfolio of clients.
  • Enable clients to produce robust specifications/business case.
  • Attend client base review meetings and follow up on any issues/actions agreed.
/ Advise and support clients
  • Deliver on promises and SLAs to all clients.
  • Clear identification of best value and quality outcomes for clients.
  • New areas for investigation and improvements are proactively identified.
  • Clear accurate specifications with lifetime costing methodology through evaluation criteria.
  • Invited to meetings as a trusted advisor.
  • Positive feedback from clients about management of meetings/tendering process.

Contract negotiation and management
  • Research commodities and markets through trials and questionnaires.
  • Prepare and analyse evaluation sheets.
  • Undertake negotiation exercises in accordance with EU legislation/commercial/contract law.
  • Apply SFI rules for relevant capital projects.
  • Develop and implement innovative ways to evaluate tenders to release cash savings.
  • Negotiate with suppliers/user departments to achieve optimum value for money.
  • Lead tender adjudication and supplier meetings pre and post tender.
  • Co- ordinate national framework agreements in maximise value for money.
/ Contract negotiation and management
  • SFI comply with the rules.
  • Up to date log concerning contract queries.
  • Positive feedback from colleagues.
  • Internal audit system in place.
  • No legal challenges.
  • Increase in purchase order expenditure which is managed by contracts.

Source suppliers
  • Support market assessment, management and analysis and produce evaluation sheets.
  • Ensure client commitment with sourcing plans is compliant over the long term.
  • Create opportunities to leverage suppliers by driving proactive and collaborative monitoring of contracts.
  • Develop and enhance key supplier relationships and explore new business opportunities.
  • Negotiate with suppliers and user departments to ensure optimum value for money and transparent decision making.
/ Source suppliers
  • Year on year improvements in quality/cost.
  • Accurate evaluation sheets
  • Transparent decision making.
  • Evidence of robust measurement techniques to evaluate success criteria.
  • Strong partnerships exist between suppliers/clients.

Supervise day to day operations
  • Assist manager to write and implement tender procedures and policies
  • Liaise with the finance department to ensure supplier invoices are paid on time.
  • Behave flexibly and rotate team to achieve fast and efficient delivery for clients.
  • Use the work plan and data base to prioritise and/or reprioritise work for the team.
  • Liaise with internal and external colleagues to ensure that work is neither over looked nor duplicated.
  • Deliver discrete procurement work to specification, on time and within budget.
/ Supervise day to day operations
  • Policies updated and shared
  • Internal RAGS green.
  • 100% compliance with the rules.
  • No evidence of waste or duplication of effort.
  • No delays in paying invoices to suppliers.
  • Purchase orders generated correctly and sent to the right supplier.
  • Supplier data correct.
  • Work on time to budget.

Engage and network
  • Engage successfully with clinical/managerial/end users.
  • Report back about changes that impact on the work of the team.
  • Use operational networks to raise the profile of procurement and highlight its value
  • Take the lead in networking with key current and future suppliers/clinical/professional bodies.
  • Craft client engagement plans with your team.
/ Engage and network
  • Positive feedback on stakeholder engagement.
  • Team up to date on important changes.
  • Examples of how engagement has resulted in a service improvement.
  • Attendance at strategic, operational and personal development networking events.
  • Engagement plans implemented.

Change and innovate
  • Recognise the need to engage others in discussions about proposed changes and explain the reasons and benefits.
  • Promote innovation/improvements and encourage ideas from others.
  • Facilitate discussion, field questions and listen to concerns and or objections from all.
  • Implement the change and agree milestones and activities with all.
  • Evaluate the benefits achieved.
/ Change and innovate
  • Change aligned to key deliverables/work plans.
  • Team up to date on important changes.
  • Able to deal with objections, hold difficult conversations and influence senior colleagues.
  • Examples of how other’s ideas have been implemented and rewarded.
  • Cost benefit analysis evident to support case.

Personal effectiveness and development
  • Deputise for manager.
  • Update industry/business knowledge.
  • Identify own development needs agree a development plan to close the gap.
  • Prioritise and organise own workload.
  • Work within the rules and procedures.
/ Personal effectiveness and development
  • Registered with relevant professional bodies.
  • Networked with Industry specialists.
  • Compliance with procedures.
  • Constantly developing self.

Necessary Experience and Qualifications
  • Knowledge of professional purchasing principles acquired through Degree or Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply (CIPs) or equivalent experience (desirable).
  • Significant experience of negotiating with suppliers and customers in a large organisation and a track record of achieving significant cost reductions.
  • Demonstrable experience of competitive tenders/quotations.
  • Experience of a customer service environment.
  • Experience of working within the public sector and working knowledge of EU regulations (desirable).
  • Experience of public or major corporation procurement.

National Role Profiles for Purchasing and Supply Roles – Procurement Specialist - 08/04/15 FINAL