Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Friday, March 11th, 2016

Location: Brighton Center

Attendance: Melissa Sommer, Dawn Fogarty, Jennifer Bennett-Phillips, Becky Ewing, Andy Brunsman, Bob Ford, Jill Brown

I.  Welcome

II.  Committee Reports

a)  Food Committee

·  Freestore Foodbank will send out an RFP for school pantries ( Elementary, Middle and High School)

·  So far 6 SNA food committee member partners have agreed to, and will be meeting with Ericka Phillips, Silver Groves school resource officer on March 30th, 2016 at 5:30 PM to discuss options of getting food home with students.

SNA food committee will seek support from local business in Wilder to support the food need in Silver Grove. Backpack program may be put in place until a more stable option is established in Silver Grove.

·  Postal Carrier Food Drive is up coming and a list of agencies who would like food from the drive will be forthcoming. St. Bernard in Dayton, Ky. would like to participate, and have actively attended SNA Food Committee meeting and SNA General Meetings. Fairhaven RM and SVDP have not been actively participating in the SNA. Andy will reach out to those agencies to see if they are still interested in participation.

·  Melissa will draft an MOU for the partner agreement.

·  Hunger Walk will be held 5/30/16

·  John Eldridge and Andy Brunsman are currently working with Costco for retail pickups.

·  Next SNA Food Committee Meeting 5/11/16 at Master Provisions.

b)  Web Committee

·  Bob Ford reviewed Web Committee report with EC; alerts system is still not functioning. Barbara Schaefer is working on a fix to provide a new email server. Coding has been an issue, due to old coding with the SNA portal.

·  Meeting with Clermont County SNA 4/14/16

·  Next SNA Web Committee Meeting is 4/12/16 at BCFC

c)  Housing Task Force

·  The housing Task Force has decided to form two groups; Group 1 will pool resources, and be led by Maggie Volkering; Group 2 will be led by Justin Beale to collaborate with caseworkers regarding the homelessness barriers they face with their clients.

·  Jared Mueller former Public Alley VISTA, and current Brighton Center Resource advocate has created a shareable Google Doc for landlords. Jared has agreed to continue to update the doc to be used as a resource for resource advocates and landlords.

·  The SNA Housing Task Force is looking at other projects to update resources:

o  United 211 newest updates; due for completion soon.

o  Volunteer to do tech support; develop a housing app

o  Kellogg Grant to update technology on the SNA portal

d)  Work Support

·  Childcare is an issue currently affecting working families. A change in state government has caused some programs to lie dormant. Becky Ewing with United Ministries currently has an intern, and is willing to help write a narrative for submission.

e)  Furniture Task Force

·  Sweet Dreams NKY to hold event 3/19/16

·  Next SNA Furniture Task Force Meeting will be 4/6/16 at BCFC.

III.  Documents and History

·  Evergreen Agreement and protocols are ready to share at the Executive Directors breakfast.

IV.  Evergreen Agreement

·  The ED breakfast will be delayed until May 2016. Melissa is working on a collaborative with Life Learning Center.

V.  Clermont County

·  Meeting with Clermont SNA on 4/14/16

VI.  Goals to Projects

·  Committee Chairs to report goals to Melissa.

VII. Tony Aloise

·  Ask Tony to the next SNA Executive committee meeting to validate need for SNA volunteer committee.

VIII.  Next SNA General Meeting 3/16/16

·  Mike Delaney will address building relationships at the next SNA General meeting. Ideas to have round table style meetings or potentially leaving more time at the end of meetings to network with other members.

Next SNA Executive Committee Meeting:

Friday, April 15th, 2016 9:00–10:30 AM

Brighton Center Family Center

799 Ann St. Newport, Ky. 41071