Kellis Marching Band Handbook



The goal is to keep you informed! Almost any question you will have can be answered in one of the following sources:

  • RSKHS Band Handbook (which you are holding now!)
  • Our Website:
  • Band Update Emails-from the boosterclub: send an email nd let us know you would like to receive these.
  • The Kellis Band Facebook Page: Kellis Marching Corps
  • Email:
  • Phone: 623-412-5425 (This is the number to the school’s front office.)

Mr. Garrison’s class schedule

Fall Semester / Spring Semester
1st period / Marching Band / Concert Band
2nd period / Jazz Band / Jazz Band
3rd period / Lunch / Lunch
4th period / Prep / Prep
5th period / Choir / Choir

I am generally available for tutoring on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 2:30pm-3:30pm. Students need to communicate their desire to come in for tutoring ahead of time.


As a member of the Kellis High School Band Program, you will be a part of one of the most EXCITING and entertaining programs in the state of Arizona. You must have the motivation, desire, and willingness to put in the time and energy to continue this success. Band is a group in which strong friendships and lasting relationships develop.

All that will be asked of you is that you follow instructions, understand and abide by the policies and rules, and (above all) do your best and HAVE FUN! Having the “right kind” of fun is imperative. The rewards of discipline and hard work will pay off in so many other aspects of your life!

The information in this handbook is important to your success and the success of the organization. Even though it may seem to be “common sense,” don’t take anything for granted. If you have questions, just ask!

Band Handbook Form

Each band member will need to turn in the form at the back of this handbook during the early stages of class. Turning in forms, assignments, and fundraisers when they are due is important! You must have your parents sign the permission form or you will not be permitted to travel with the band. The information forms for parents and students help us to keep our records up to date

Traveling To/From Band Events

Transportation will be provided for all students to any required marching band event. In many cases, transportation will also be offered to voluntary events (such as auditions, clinics, performances, etc.). For any kind of band event, students are expected to travel with their band-mates to and from all performances, unless there is an extenuating circumstance. If necessary, students may travel to or from a band event with their parent or legal guardian. In these cases, please follow these guidelines:

  • Students who must arrive or leave separately must ride with their legal guardian/parent.
  • Students who must arrive or leave separately must complete the form required by the Athletic Office. This form must be turned in to the Athletic Office as early as possible so that it can be approved and given to Mr. Garrison’s hands before the district transportation leaves the school.
  • Mr. Garrison will need to see the parent to verify that the student is, in fact, leaving with the parent. This also lets Mr. Garrison know when the student is leaving and no longer under his supervision.
  • Students are not, under any circumstances, permitted to drive with anyone other than their own parents.
  • Students will not be permitted to drive themselves to or from any required event.
  • Students must stay for the entire event before leaving with their parents, unless prior arrangements have been made with Mr. Garrison. The best time and place to meet to be released is usually at the bus as we are taking attendance before leaving.

Trip (Off-Campus) Expectations

Students who perform in any of the Kellis Bands will frequently travel off-campus. Regardless of the trip distance, or whether the band stays overnight in a hotel, there are several expectations. Students will:

  • represent KellisHigh School well through musicianship and mature behavior.
  • will follow the rule: If in doubt, don’t “just do it;” ask first.
  • will stay with assigned rooms and bus seats unless given permission by Mr. Garrison or designated chaperone.
  • will speak respectfully to all adult leaders and fellow travelers.
  • will follow policies set by the professional bus driver.
  • will be at assigned locations, on time, and stay with the group at all times.
  • will not bring any device which will create a disturbance for other travelers (this means bring headphones!).
  • will stay in groups of at least 4 when not with the whole group.
  • will not drink alcohol, take any drug that’s not on my permission form, or smoke.
  • will understand that any breach of the alcohol/drug policy will result in immediate discipline (including being sent home, earning a disciplinary referral, and possible removal from the Band Program).
  • will refrain from PDA (Public Display of Affection – anything more physical than holding hands is inappropriate).
  • will clean up after myself on the bus and in the band room.
  • will spend my money wisely, considering the needs of the whole trip.
  • will be responsible for my equipment, my uniform and its parts, and my baggage throughout the entire trip.


In order for the band to operate, it takes a lot of money. Throughout the school year, fundraising opportunities will be available to band students and their familiesto raise money for the band program in order to provide the best band experience possible.Students are strongly encouraged to participate in at least one fundraiser.


Tax Credit

Arizona tax law (ARS 43-1089.01) allows a tax credit donation of up to $400 if filing jointly or $200 per individual or head of household if they contribute to extracurricular activities (such as band) in public schools. This donation is a dollar-for-dollar tax credit on your Arizona state income taxes.

All tax credit donations should be made through the Kellis Bookstore. It usually works best for tax credit donations to be turned in to Mr. Garrison first. They will then be delivered to the bookstore. (The exception to this is tax credit money used to pay the participation fee for athletics and activities.) Tax credit donations should be made to “tutoring: band,” “high school band,” or “educational competition: band” in order for the band program to be able to use it.

Earning Band Letters and Patches

To earn a letter in MarchingBand, students must participate and remain in “good standing” with the Kellis Marching Band Program for three full semesters. Students that join the Kellis Marching Band Program after moving from another school may be eligible to earn a letter based on the total number of semesters that they have participated in a High School Marching Band Program. In these cases, a student must have a combined total of at least three semesters of participation in a High School Marching Band with the third (or fourth) complete semester being as a member of the Kellis Marching Band Program. (These students may need to provide documentation detailing their participation prior to joining the Kellis Marching Band Program.) The band council may also choose to award a band letter to senior students that do not meet the above requirements if the council feels that the student has been an outstanding member of the ensemble during their time in the group.

Classroom Responsibilities

These responsibilities are to be adhered to in all situations in which the band is involved, whether on campus or off campus.

1. Be prompt to all rehearsals and performances.

2. Be prepared for all rehearsals and performances.

3. Be on task at all times.

4. Maintain a positive learning environment.

5. Respect all people and equipment.

6. Food, drink, and candy, are not allowed. (except for water)

When students are not actively keeping up their responsibilities, they will be redirected to those responsibilities in the following manner:

1. Reminder of responsibilities

2. Clarification of the problem

3. Student/Teacher conference/possible detention

4. Parent Involvement

5. Administrator Involvement

In the event that a student is severely disrupting the educational process, the director may skip steps in the previously mentioned process.

All district and school policies will be followed. Please refer to the RSK Student Handbook available on the RSK website.


Athletic Participation Clearance

All student athletes and marching band members must meet the minimum requirements set forth by the district before they will be issued any equipment, allowed to practice, or participate in interscholastic competition (including marching band events).

This all needs to be done on-line through the website

The district also requires students to pay a participation fee of $100 in order to take part in athletics and marching band. Payment plans are available through the athletic office if needed.

The full details of the Athletic Clearance policy can be found on the school website under “Athletics.”

No Pass-No Play

Students must maintain academic eligibility in order to perform at festivals throughout the marching band season. The full details of the No Pass-No Play policy can be found on the school website under “Athletics.”

Rehearsal and Performance Attendance

Band is an activity that requires commitment and planning. We plan rehearsals to minimize the time requirement and maximize the productivity of the band. When any person is absent from a rehearsal, whether it is for legitimate reasons or not, it affects the group in many ways. When a student misses a rehearsal, it is much more difficult for the others to learn. When that student returns to the next rehearsal, it creates tension and confusion when we need to slow down rehearsal to re-teach what the students have missed due to absences. All rehearsals and performances are mandatory. Active and appropriate participation in, and preparedness for rehearsals and performances are a big part of the overall grade for this class. (INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC ENSEMBLES ARE CO-CURRICULAR CLASSES. MEANING THAT ACTIVITIES DIRECTLY RELATED TO GRADE A class CREDIT WILL, AT TIMES, EXTEND BEYOND THE NORMAL SCHOOL DAY.)

Marching Band, page 2
Absences can often be avoided by considering the following: / Even the most responsible students find themselves in the predicament where a scheduling conflict can’t be avoided. When you find that conflict, follow these guidelines:
  • Schedule doctor and dentist appointments with your band schedule in hand.
  • Sit down with all schedules at the beginning of the year, including sports, family, school, and the calendar included in this Handbook. Work out conflicts at the BEGINNING of the year.
  • Discuss ALL conflicts with all parties involved as soon as they are noticed. Many students are nervous to discuss conflicts because they feel they are letting people down. You let people down only when you don’t plan ahead and don’t handle the conflicts early.
  • Consider ALL commitments as IMPORTANT. In life, it is great to be involved in many things, but be careful not to sacrifice your commitment to one activity for another. If you find yourself doing that, you should reconsider your activity level.
  • “Family” is your most important commitment. Most of the time, it is also your most flexible – especially with advance notice. Schedule family activities with your commitments in mind.
  • Make an appointment RIGHT AWAY with Mr. Garrison to discuss the conflict.
  • Assess the relative importance of each activity. Performances are more important that rehearsals, just as, in sports, games are more important than practices.
  • Consider compromises. It is always better to “give and take” with both conflicted activities. Is it possible to do part of EACH activity, rather than missing one to go to another? Also, it shows responsibility toward your commitments to compromise. Of course, some things are more difficult, and sometimes impossible, to compromise.
  • Consider the consequences and communicate those to all parties involved. Is missing that practice going to mean you won’t be able to play in the next game? Will missing rehearsal lower your grade? Are you willing to live with those consequences?
  • Realize that working commitments are NOT considered excusable. Every working conflict I have ever dealt with has been the result of students not planning ahead by giving their boss the calendar. However, if your boss schedules you to work during a band commitment, let Mr. Garrison help you discuss the problem with your boss. There has never been a case where that process has not worked out for all parties involved!
  • If it is determined by Mr. Garrison that the conflict cannot be avoided and he excuses the absence, the absence MUST be excused in writing. Have your parents write a note and give it to Mr. Garrison as soon as possible before the missed rehearsal (at least two weeks before, if possible). If this isn’t done, it’s quite likely that the excuse will not be put into the grade book and cause a headache later!
  • ALL EXCUSED ABSENCES NEED TO BE MADE UP. Don’t assume that once you have an excused absence the matter is resolved. It is the responsibility of the student to discuss makeup work with Garrison and complete the work in a timely manner.


Football Games

  • Only band students will sit in the band seating area in the stands during football games. Your friends will have to sit in another place if they are not in the band. It doesn’t look professional when students who are not in uniform sit with the band.
  • No one is to leave the stands during the game unless excused by the drum majors. The drum majors will excuse students to go to the restroom in pairs during the game.
  • There is NO drinking or eating in uniform at any time. The uniforms are expensive and must be kept clean and in good shape at all times. Only water is allowed.
  • Uniforms are to be worn for the entire game, unless Mr. Garrison says otherwise. To keep the best possible appearance for the crowd, we wear our uniform in “performance ready” fashion at all times.
  • All wind & percussion players must have their stand tune music with them at every football game. It’s important that we sound our best all the time, not just when we’re on the field. Students are not expected to memorize the “stand tunes,” so they must have their music with them. Students are expected to be ready to play at any time they are called on to do so.
  • There will be a uniform inspection before each game. Students must wear black socks and have a uniform that is clean for every game. If a uniform is wrinkled or excessively dirty, that student may not be permitted to perform.

Grading Policy

All band classes are graded on a 50/30/20 scale, per district policy. The Marching Band class is considered a co-curricular activity. The required work for this course includes both “in-class” and “out-of-class” activities. All marching band students will be evaluated based on work completed both in school and after school. Students will be required to attend after school rehearsals and performances as a part of their grade for the course. All students and parents must agree to this policy to participate in the marching band.

50% (Major Assessments) /
  • Performance evaluations and critiques
25 points for evaluation of each performance.
25 points for critique of other band performance when assigned
  • Major Playing Tests (as assigned)

30% (Aligned Checks) /
  • class time rehearsals (1st period)
  • 5 points per day for appropriate rehearsal techniques
  • after-school rehearsals (such as Monday night rehearsals/sectionals/etc.)
  • 10 points per week for appropriate rehearsal techniques
  • minor performances (such as assemblies, etc.)
  • 20 points per event
  • other playing tests
  • student self-evaluation/goal setting/action plan
  • written assignments
  • points determined per assignment

20% (Course Assessment) / This is the final exam for the class. There are multiple parts to the assessment.

Music/Routine Check-Off: All band members must check off with their section leader or sergeant. Music/Routine memorization must be thorough and complete to earn a rating of “pass”.

  • Wind Musicians testing on the show, theFight Song and The Star Spangled Banner and other music as needed:
  • Section Leaders may test members of their own section.
  • Section Leaders must first check-off with Mr. Garrison before they may test other students
  • Students who test with their Section Leader will earn a “pass” or a “not sure”
  • Students who earn a “pass” will earn the grade given for that week.
  • Students who earn a “not sure” must re-test in order to be given a grade.
  • Students who earn a “not sure” twice must then test with Mr. Garrison.
  • Percussion and Guard members must check off with their instructors. This will likely be done in a large group setting.

A (50 points) / B (40 points) / C (35 points) / D (30 points) / F (25 points)
A Life of Wonder Mvt 1 / August 25 / September 1 / September 8 / September 15 / September 22
A Life of Wonder Mvt 2 / September 1 / September 8 / September 15 / September 22 / September 29
A Life of Wonder Mvt 3 / September 8 / September 15 / September 22 / September 29 / October 6
A Life of Wonder Mvt 4 / September 15 / September 22 / September 29 / October 6 / October 13
