What is fasting? Fasting is abstaining from something; usually food, for spiritual purposes.

What does the Bible say?

  • Biblical examples: Moses (Exodus 34:28; Deut. 9:9,18), David (2 Samuel 12:16), Elijah (1 Kings 19:8), Nehemiah (Nehemiah 1:4); Esther (Esther 4:16), Daniel (Daniel 1:12), Anna (Luke 2:37), Paul (Acts 14:23), Jesus (Matthew 4:1-2), the early church (13:2).
  • Jesus placed fasting on the same level as financial giving and prayer (Matthew 6:1-18).
  • Jesus said that there is a time for fasting (Matthew 9:15)
  • Paul says we should give ourselves at times to prayer and fasting (1 Corinthians 7:5).

What is the purpose of fasting?

  • The primary purpose of fasting is to focus on God and to center our attention on Him. In doing so, we glorify God (Zechariah 7:5).
  • Outer fasting is to lead to inner prayer, worship, and devotion. We “fast on food so we can feast on God.”
  • Fasting is not for personal glory or any other selfish motives (Matthew 6:16-18).
  • Secondary purposes of fasting: Fasting can reveal non-essential things that control us and take precedence in our lives (1 Corinthians 6:12); fasting can increase the effectiveness of prayer (2 Samuel 12:16); fasting can bring guidance from God in decisions (Acts 14:23); fasting can bring revelations (Acts 13:2); fasting can help our physical wellbeing (Daniel 1:12); fasting can aid in concentration; fasting can help bring deliverance for those who are in bondage.

But these benefits come only when fasting is our attempt to diligently seek God.

What are the different types of fasting?

  • Absolute Fast: no food or water for a period of time (Exodus 34:28; Esther 4:16)
  • Normal Fast: only water, but no food or other drink (Nehemiah 1:4)
  • Daniel Fast: usually only water, juices, and sometimes fruit (Daniel 1:12)
  • Yom Kippur Fast: sundown to sundown … liquids only.
  • Wesley’s Jesus Passion Fast: sundown Thursday to 3pm Friday (Luke 22:14, 23:44)
  • John Wesley Fast: 10 Day bread and water fast … eat good whole grain breads.
  • Lent fast: giving up something specific for the duration of Lent (Ash Wednesday, March 1st – Easter Sunday, April 16th)
  • Other things to fast from: people, media, cell/smart phone, certain activities/habits, etc.

Why should I fast for Lent?

  • As Christians, we fast during Lent because of sorrow at the loss of our Lord and the expectation of the resurrection on Easter, the intention of giving our individual relationship with God more depth and more seriousness of purpose, and the need to prepare spiritually for the celebration of Easter.
  • Personally, fasting during Lent would improve your focus on God and increase your time in prayer as Easter approaches. You will be dedicating yourself to Christ as you remember what He has done for you and as you prepare for Easter.
  • Finally, fasting during lent reminds us of the people we know that do not yet know Jesus and His work on the cross for forgiveness and redemption. It is a reminder that we are to pray for courage to talk to them about our faith and/or invite them to worship on Easter. Eternities truly hang in the balance. Pray about what God wants you to do.

Fasting Proposal for Lent 2017

In order to focus more intently on God, I will utilize the “______Fast” for ______

(day or time)

for the duration of Lent (Ash Wednesday,March 1st– Easter Sunday, April 16th).

Every time my thoughts turn to food, I will dedicate myself to pray for my personal

relationship with Jesus Christ, for my family and friends who do not have a relationship with Jesus

and/or a church home, my courage to ask my friends to come to worshipwith me on Easterand for

BMZ Church.



Fasting Proposal for Lent 2017

In order to focus more intently on God, I will utilize the “______Fast” on ______

(day or time)

for the duration of Lent (Ash Wednesday, March 1st – Easter Sunday, April 16th).

Every time my thoughts turn to food, I will dedicate myself to pray for my personal

relationship with Jesus Christ, for my family and friends who do not have a relationship with Jesus

and/or a church home, my courage to ask my friends to come to worshipwith me on Easter and for

BMZ Church.

