/ EC-08
External Combustion (Ovens, Dryers, Furnaces, etc.) Calculation Form
Air Quality Permit Program
Doc Type: Permit Application

Instructions on Page 4

Use this form to calculate combustion emissions for each furnace, oven, or dryer, or attach sheets with equivalent information.

Use Form EC-13C to calculate emissions of hazardous air pollutants (HAP) from external combustion of fuels.

Use Form EC-17 to calculate emissions of greenhouse gases.

Instructions begin on Page 4.

1a) AQ Facility ID No.: / 1b) AQ File No.:
2) Facility Name:
3) Emission Unit Identification Number:
4) Stack/Vent Designation Number:
5) Maximum Rated Capacity: / million BTU/hr
6) Control Equipment:
7) Fuel Parameters:
Fuel Type / 7b)
% Sulfur / 7c)
% Ash / 7d)
Heat Value / Units / 7e)
Fuel Consumption Rate / Units
Btu/ton Btu/gal Btu/cf / ton/hr gal/hr cf/hr
Btu/ton Btu/gal Btu/cf / ton/hr gal/hr cf/hr
Btu/ton Btu/gal Btu/cf / ton/hr gal/hr cf/hr
8) Calculations Summary – Primary Fuel. When calculating Potential Emissions, use items 8a, 8b, 8d, 8e, 8g-i. When calculating Actual Emissions, use items 8a, 8b, 8c, 8f, 8g, and 8j.
8a / 8b / 8c / 8d / 8e / 8f / 8g / 8h / 8i / 8j
Pollutant / Emission
Factor / Actual Annual Fuel Use / Emission
Rate / Maximum Uncontrolled Emissions / Actual Uncontrolled Emissions / Pollution Control Efficiency / Maximum Controlled Emissions / Limited Controlled Emissions / Actual Controlled Emissions
(lbs/ton, lbs/gal, lbs/cf, etc.) / (tons, gallons, cf, etc.) / (lbs/hr) / (tons/yr) / (tons/yr) / (%) / (tons/yr) / (tons/yr) / (tons/yr)
9) Calculations Summary – Back-up Fuel. When calculating Potential Emissions, use items 9a, 9b, 9d, 9e, 9g-i. When calculating Actual Emissions, use items 9a, 9b, 9c, 9f, 9g, and 9j.
9a / 9b / 9c / 9d / 9e / 9f / 9g / 9h / 9i / 9j
Pollutant / Emission
Factor / Actual Annual Fuel Use / Emission
Rate / Maximum Uncontrolled Emissions / Actual Uncontrolled Emissions / Pollution Control Efficiency / Maximum Controlled Emissions / Limited Controlled Emissions / Actual Controlled Emissions
(lbs/ton, lbs/gal, lbs/cf, etc.) / (tons, gallons, cf, etc.) / (lbs/hr) / (tons/yr) / (tons/yr) / (%) / (tons/yr) / (tons/yr) / (tons/yr)
10) Calculations Summary – Back-up Fuel. When calculating Potential Emissions, use items 10a, 10b, 10d, 10e, 10g-i. When calculating Actual Emissions, use items 10a, 10b, 10c, 10f, 10g, and 10j.
10a / 10b / 10c / 10d / 10e / 10f / 10g / 10h / 10i / 10j
Pollutant / Emission
Factor / Actual Annual Fuel Use / Emission
Rate / Maximum Uncontrolled Emissions / Actual Uncontrolled Emissions / Pollution Control Efficiency / Maximum Controlled Emissions / Limited Controlled Emissions / Actual Controlled Emissions
(lbs/ton, lbs/gal, lbs/cf, etc.) / (tons, gallons, cf, etc.) / (lbs/hr) / (tons/yr) / (tons/yr) / (%) / (tons/yr) / (tons/yr) / (tons/yr)
11) Worse-Case Potential-to-Emit Summary: (Ignore this item if filling out this form for a Registration Permit Option D)
11a) / 11b) / 11a) / 11b)
Pollutant / Before Operating Limits: / After Operating Limits: / Pollutant / Before Operating Limits: / After Operating Limits:
(tons/yr) / (tons/yr) / (tons/yr) / (tons/yr)
PM10 / VOC
PM2.5 / CO
SO2 / Lead
12) Operating Limitations, if applicable: (Ignore this item if filling out this form for a Registration Permit Option D)

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aq-f1-ec08 • 10/22/10 Page 3 of 6

Instructions for Form EC-08

1a) AQ Facility ID No. -- Fill in your Air Quality (AQ) Facility identification (ID) Number (No.). This is the first eight digits of the permit number for all permits issued under the operating permit program. If your facility has never been issued a permit under this program, leave this line blank.

1b) AQ File No. -- Fill in your AQ File Number, if known. This number can be found in the “cc” section of correspondence from the MPCA. If you do not know this number, leave this line blank.

2) Facility Name -- Enter your facility name.

3) Emission Unit Identification Number(s) -- Fill in the identification number of the emission unit. Obtain this number from your Emission Unit Information Form (GI-05B). Indicate total facility or multiple units if applicable. [Note: If you are using this form for Registration Permit Option D, you did not fill out Form GI-05B; instead, just provide information identifying the emission unit.]

4) Stack/Vent Designation Number(s) -- Fill in the designation number of the stack(s) or vent(s) through which the unit will exhaust into the atmosphere. Obtain these numbers from your Stack/Vent Information Form (GI-04). Indicate total facility or multiple stacks if applicable. [Note: If you are using this form for Registration Permit Option D, you may skip this question.]

5) Maximum Rated Capacity -- Fill in the boiler manufacturer's maximum rated capacity for the fuel to be listed in item 6 below. If the boiler has been derated, attach supporting documentation explaining the derating.

6) Control Equipment – Fill in a description of the type of control equipment. Use either the identifying number from Form GI-05A, or the description from Form RP-D2, as applicable. If none, enter "None."

7) Fuel Parameters – For each type of fuel used (primary and backup), provide the following information:

7a) Fuel Type -- Fill in the fuel type used by the boiler (e.g., natural gas, No. 2 fuel oil).

7b) % Sulfur -- Fill in the weight percent sulfur content of the fuel, if applicable.

7c) % Ash -- Fill in the weight percent ash content of the fuel, if applicable.

7d) Heat Value -- Fill in the heating value of the fuel. Check the box of the applicable units.

7e) Fuel Consumption Rate -- Fill in the manufacturer's maximum fuel consumption rate, or calculate it using the following equation, and check the box for the applicable units.

Fuel Consumption Rate = Maximum Rated Capacity ÷ Heating Value of the fuel

Fuel Consumption Rate = [item 5] ÷[item 7d]

8) Calculations Summary - Primary Fuel – When calculating Potential Emissions, use the items in columns a, b, d, e, g, h, and i (if applicable). When calculating Actual Emissions, use the items in columns a, b, c, f, g, and j.

8a) Pollutant -- For each pollutant listed in the table, calculate the boiler's emissions when combusting the primary fuel. (See also Form EC-13C to calculate emissions of hazardous air pollutants from fuel combustion.)

PM = particulate matter

PM10 = particulate matter smaller than 10 microns in aerodynamic diameter

PM2.5 = particulate matter smaller than 2.5 microns in aerodynamic diameter

SO2 = sulfur dioxide

NOX = nitrogen oxides

VOC = volatile organic compounds

CO = carbon monoxide

8b) Emission Factor – Use the most current emission factors available. As defined in Minn. R. 7005.0100, subp. 10a, “emission factor” means the most accurate and representative emission data available from one of the following sources:

A. The emission factor listed in the Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors (AP-42), fifth edition, United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Technical Support Division, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711, January 1995, as amended, which is incorporated by reference and is available at the EPA Internet site www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ap42/index.html. It is not subject to frequent change. Where more than one emission factor is listed in AP-42, "emission factor" means the one approved by the commissioner using best engineering judgment and based on one or more of the considerations in item C, subitem (2).

B. The emission factor listed in Factor Information Retrieval (FIRE) Data System, Version 6.25, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Technical Support Division, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, as amended, which is incorporated by reference and is available at the EPA Internet site http://cfpub.epa.gov/oarweb/index.cfm?action=fire.main. Where more than one emission factor is listed, emission factor means the one approved by the commissioner using best engineering judgment and based on one or more of the considerations in item C, subitem (2). It is subject to frequent change.

C. (1) An emission factor developed or approved by the commissioner and derived from the following sources:

(a) other EPA publications including, but not limited to, Locating and Estimating documents, Control Technology Center documents, the preamble and background information documents for New Source Performance Standards or National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants;

(b) EPA databases and computer programs;

(c) engineering publications;

(d) performance test data from the same or a similar emission unit at the same or a similar facility;

(e) manufacturer's performance tests; or

(f) emission data developed by the regulated party using the best engineering judgment criteria listed in subitem (2).

(2) The commissioner shall develop or approve an emission factor using best engineering judgment and based on one or more of the following considerations:

(a) the precision and accuracy of the data;

(b) the design and operational similarity between the emission units tested and the emission units to which the emission factor is to be applied;

(c) the number of emission units tested in developing the emission factor under consideration;

(d) the availability of emission data of equal or greater quality;

(e) the emission unit operating conditions under which the tests were conducted; and

(f) the data analysis procedures.

Fill in the emission factors for your primary fuel. Remember to use uncontrolled emission factors, and include the applicable units. Show any calculations used to determine maximum continuous rates, and include the source of the emission factors used. Attach a separate sheet, if necessary.

8c) Actual Annual Fuel Use – Use the average quantity of fuel used per year for the past two years, unless you are using this form for Registration Permit Option D. If you are using this form for Registration Permit Option D, use the quantity of fuel used during the most recent 12 months (for example, if you are filling out this form in July, use the quantity of fuel used starting July 1 of last year through June 30 of this year).

8d) Emission Rate -- Fill in the Emission Rate in lb/hr. Calculate the emission rate by using this method:

Emission Rate (lb/hr) = Emission Factor x Fuel Consumption Rate

Emission Rate (lb/hr) = [item 8b] x [item 7e]

(e.g., if the fuel consumption rate is 8571 ft³/hr and the emission factor for PM is 0.000003 lb/ft³, then the emission rate is 8571 ft³/hr x 0.000003 lb/ft³ = 0.0257 lb/hr)

8e) Maximum Uncontrolled Emissions -- Fill in the Maximum Uncontrolled Emissions in tons/yr. Use this method for calculations:

Maximum Uncontrolled Emission (ton/year) = Emission Rate (lb/hour) x 8760 (hour/year) x (1 ton/2000 lb)

Maximum Uncontrolled Emissions (tons/year) = [item 8d] x 4.38

(e.g., if the emission rate is 0.0257 lb/hr, then the maximum uncontrolled emissions are 0.0257 lb/hr x 4.38 [hrs/yr·tons/lb] = 0.113 ton/yr of PM emissions)

8f) Actual Uncontrolled Emissions -- Fill in the Actual Uncontrolled Emissions in tons/yr. Use this method for calculation

Actual Uncontrolled Emissions (ton/year) = Emission Factor (lb/unit) x Actual Annual Fuel Use (units)

Actual Uncontrolled Emissions (ton/year) = [item 8b] x [item 8c]

8g) Pollution Control Efficiency -- The pollution control efficiency is the product of the capture efficiency and the destruction/collection efficiency indicated on Form GI-05A or Form RP-D2. Enter this number here and remember to include on Form CD-01 a plan to demonstrate and maintain the destruction/collection efficiency (unless you are using this form for Registration Permit Option D - in that case, Form CD-01 does not apply). The efficiency should be expressed for each pollutant. If there is no control for the particular pollutant, indicate “zero” as the control efficiency.

8h) Maximum Controlled Emissions -- Fill in the Maximum Controlled Emission in tons/year. Use this method for the calculation:

Maximum Controlled Emissions (ton/year) = Maximum Uncontrolled Emissions (ton/hear) x ([100 – Pollution Control Efficiency] ÷ 100)

Maximum Controlled Emissions (ton/year) = [item 8e] x ({100 – [item 8g]} ÷ 100)

(e.g., if the maximum uncontrolled emission is 0.113 ton/yr and the pollution control efficiency is 90%, then the maximum controlled emission is 0.113 ton/yr x (100-90) ÷ 100 = 0.0113 ton/yr)

8i) Limited Controlled Emissions -- The Limited Controlled Emissions are calculated by taking into account all limitations on operation of the source that you are proposing to comply with in this application. These limitations include limits on hours of operation, on the amount of material mined, handled, crushed, screened, etc. You start the calculation of Limited Controlled Emissions by repeating the calculation of Emission Rate (item 8d) but taking into account the limits you propose.

If an emission unit is subject to an emission limitation specified in 40 CFR pt. 60, 40 CFR pt. 61, 40 CFR pt. 63 or Minn. R. ch. 7011, you must show this requirement in the calculation of Limited Controlled Emissions and take this into account in calculating the Limited Controlled Emissions. If you choose to propose to comply with more a stringent limit, you should state this clearly and show the resulting allowed emissions in this calculation.

8j) Actual Controlled Emissions -- If this is an existing unit and historical records exist, calculate actual emissions using the average of the previous two calendar years of usage data, or average the previous two emission inventory reports if an inventory was submitted. [Note: If you are using this form to calculate actual emissions for Registration Permit Option D, you may base this calculation on the previous 12 months of operation.] If this is a new unit or no records exist, use a reasonable estimate of how many hours the unit will be operated, how much fuel will be used, etc. Report actual emissions in tons/year.

9) Backup Fuel -- If the unit uses a backup fuel, complete this table for backup fuel number 1, following the instructions for items 8a) through 8j).

10) Backup Fuel -- If the unit uses a backup fuel, complete this table for backup fuel number 2, following the instructions for items 8a) through 8j).