Tax Levy 09/06/27 43 Light & Power Impr. 10/05/36

1 Appropriation 06/04/28 44

2 45 Electric Cert. Purch. 11/02/36

3 Tax Levy 09/04/28 46 Adminis. Salaries 04/09/37

4 Impr. Elec/Power Plant 10/01/28 47 Appropriation 07/07/37

5 Regulate Elec. Sold 02/04/29 48 Tax Levy 09/07/37

6 Appropriation 07/01/29 49 Adminis.-Night Marshal 12/17/37

7 City Hall Custody/Use 07/05/29 50 Adminis.-City Marshal 12/17/37

8 Tax Levy 09/03/29 51 Waterworks 01/03/38

9 Appropriation 07/07/30 52 Elec. Rates Amend. 01/03/38

10 Water Rates 08/04/30 53 Vacate Street 02/15/38

11 Tax Levy 09/02/30 54 Elec. Rates Amend. 02/17/38

12 Water & Serv. Fee 04/06/31 55 City Hall-Custody/Use 05/02/38

13 RR ROW Becker Mill 06/01/31 55 Tax Levy 09/06/38

14 Appropriation 06/06/31 56 Appropriation 07/05/38

15 Tax Levy 09/09/31 57 Peddlers 11/07/38

16 Regulate Elec. Rates 04/04/32 58 Fireworks-Nuisances 05/01/39

17 Appropriation 06/05/32 59 Appropriation 07/03/39

18 Tax Levy 09/07/32 60 Liquor-Closings 07/03/39

19 Land Dedication/Streets 11/29/32 61 Bldg-Fire Limits 07/03/39

20 Appropriation 06/05/33 62 Tax Levy 09/05/39

21 Liquor Licenses 06/12/33 63 Mtr.Veh.-No Parking 11/06/39

22 Tax Levy 09/05/33 64 Mtr.Veh.-Tires; Chain 11/06/39

23 Administr.Survey-Eng. 10/02/33 65 Appropriation 07/01/40

24 Administration-Council 10/02/33 66 Tax Levy 08/05/40

25 67 Storm Sewer Regs. 08/05/40

25A Liquor License 02/05/34 68 Electric Rates 01/06/41

26 Liquor License 05/07/34 69 Contract: F. Morse 01/06/41

27 Solicitors-Retail 06/34 70 Appropriation 06/02/41

28 Solicitors-Magazines 06/34 71 Storm Sewer Regs. 06/24/41

29 Solicitors-Money 06/34 (71) Tax Levy 08/04/41

30 Appropriation 06/04/34 (71) Elec. Cert. Purch. 10/06/41

31 City Hall: Custody/Use 1934 72 Diesel Engine Unit 10/06/41

32 73

33 Tax Levy 09/04/34 74 F. Morse Co. Bid 10/20/41

34 Sewer District A 09/14/34 75 Electric Rates 10/23/41

35 Administration-Clerk 10/08/34 76

36 Sewer District A 01/07/35 77 Refund Bonds 12/01/41

37 Electric Rates 04/01/35 78

38 Brd. Local Impr. 05/06/35 79 Elec. Cert. Purch 12/01/41

39 Appropriation 07/01/35 Refund Bonds 12/01/41

40 Tax Levy 09/03/35 80

41 Appropriation 07/06/36 81

42 Tax Levy 09/08/36 82 Appropriation 06/01/42

42 Diesel Engine Unit 10/05/36 Tax Levy 08/03/42


83 117

84 Appropriation 07/06/43 118 Motor Veh. - Licenses 04/07/47

85 City Clerk/Registrar 09/07/43 119 Appropriation 07/07/47

86 Water Rates 09/07/43 120 Tax Levy 08/04/47

87 Liquor License 09/07/43 121 Electric Rates 11/17/47

88 Mtr. Veh. Parking Regs 09/13/43 122 Water Rates 11/17/47

89 Sale of Real Estate 10/19/43 123 Sewer Rates 12/01/47

90 Streets Established 12/06/43 124

91 Mtr. Veh. Angle Parking 12/06/43

92 Drill Water Well 12/20/43 125 Appropriation 07/06/48

92 Appropriation 07/03/44 126

92 Library 12/04/44

93 Storm Sewers 02/05/45 127 Police Car Purchase 10/04/48

93 Administrative Terms 02/05/45 128

93 Adminis. Sewer Insp. 07/02/45

94 Library 07/02/45 129

95 Appropriation 07/02/45

95 Tax Levy 08/06/45 130 Light or Water Plant 05/02/49

96 Motor Vehicle License 12/03/45 131 Appropriation 07/07/49

97 Electric Rates 03/04/46 132 Abandon Street 09/06/49

98 Daylight Savings Time 04/22/46 133 Tax Levy 09/06/49

99 Nuisances/Slaughter 04/22/46 134 Telephone Franchise 02/06/50

100 Vacate Alley 04/22/46 135 Subdiv. Guebert's 04/03/50

101 Vacate Street 05/06/46 136 Ch. 1 Lic. Fee 04/03/50

100 Zoning - Plan Commission 06/03/46 137 Street Name Guebert's 07/03/50

101 Appropriation 06/03/46 138 Subdiv.: Loesche-Gielow 07/03/50

102 Daylight Savings Time 06/07/46 139 Water Well Site Purch. 08/14/50

Tax Levy 07/01/46 140 Police Car Lease 10/02/50

Mtr. Veh. No Parking 08/05/46 141 Motor Vehicles 08/06/51

103 142 Electric Rates 08/06/51

104 143 Appropriation 08/07/51

105 144 Tax Levy 09/04/51

106 145

106A Electric Redeem Cert. 01/06/47

107 Diesel Engine Installed 01/06/47 146 Subdiv.: Kimzey's

107A Diesel Engine Bids 01/06/47 147 Streets - Dedicate 01/07/52

108 Refund Bonds 01/06/47 148 Appropriation 08/04/52

109 Light Plant Bonds 01/06/47 149 Tax Levy 09/02/52

110 150 Diesel Engine Instal. 09/15/52

151 Diesel Engine - Bids 09/15/52

111 152 Bond Issue 12/03/52

153 Sewer Rates Amend. 03/02/53

112 Electric Rates 01/20/47 154 Subdiv. Ratz & Wehrnbrg. 03/02/53

113 Diesel Engine 01/20/47 155 Appropriation 08/03/53

114 Reinhardt & Gardner 01/20/47 156 Tax Levy 09/08/53

115 Reinhardt & Gardner 01/20/47 157 Water Rates 11/16/53

116 Light Plant Bldg. 03/11/47 158 Appropriation 07/06/54


159 Annex: McBridge, 197 Mtr. Veh. Regs. 02/29/60

Holtmann & Stellhorn 07/06/54 198 Nuisances-Hogs 04/04/60

160 Tax Levy 09/07/54 198 Park Regs. 06/05/60

161 Annex/Subdiv: Kimzey's 2nd 10/13/54 199 Tax Levy 09/06/60

200 Utility Water Easement 02/11/61

162 Dashner-Horrell Subdiv. 12/20/54 201 Park Accept. Deed 02/14/61

162 Adminis. Salary 02/07/55 202 Streets Vacated 02/14/61

163 Adminis. City Clerk 02/07/55 203 Streets Vacated 03/14/61

163 Mtr. Veh. Parking 04/04/55 204 Sewer, Water Regs. 03/14/61

164 Park Land Donation 04/14/55 205 Appropriation 07/19/61

165 Park-Maintenance 04/14/55 206 M.S.O. Tax 07/24/61

166 Annex/Subdiv. Kimzey's 3rd 207 Solicitors 08/07/61

208 Gas Regs. 11/06/61

167 Subdiv: Weber 209 Gas Revenue Bonds 12/04/61

168 Tax Levy 09/06/55 210 Annex/Subdiv: Kimzey's 4th

169 M.R.O. Tax 09/09/55

170 Utility Easements 10/13/55 211 Streets Accepted 04/02/62

171 Subdiv: Kimzey's 3rd 01/09/56 212

172 Annex/Subdiv: Kimzey-

Hartmann 01/09/56 213 Zoning-Plan Commission 07/02/62

173 Annex/Subdiv: McCarthy 01/09/56 214

174 Street-Name Change 06/04/56

175 Street-Signs 06/04/56 215 Tax Levy 09/04/62

176 Business License 07/09/56 213 Amend #181 07/01/63

177 Appropriation 07/09/56 215 Appropriation 07/01/63

177 Street-Dedication 216

178 Sewer Regs 07/09/56

178 Tax Levy 09/10/56 217 Gas Deposit 10/07/63

179 Annex/Subdiv: Wagner 02/04/56 218 Electric, Water & Sewer

180 Real Estate Purchase 04/01/57 Deposits 10/07/63

181 Mtr. Veh. - Parking 07/18/57 219 Offenses-Curfew 10/07/63

182 Storm Sewer Regs. 07/18/57 220 Street Excavated 10/07/63

183 Tax Levy 07/01/57 221

183 Diesel Engine Purchase 05/05/58

184 Diesel Engine Bids 05/05/58 222 Diesel Fuel Eng. Bids 11/04/63

185 Bond Issue 07/21/58 223 Electric Bonds 11/04/63

186 Reinholdt & Gardner 07/21/58 223 Electric Bonds 01/13/64

187 Appropriation 07/28/58 224 Electric Bonds 01/13/64

188 Gas Bond Issue 08/11/58 225 Sewer Bonds 03/02/64

189 Gas Spec. Election 08/11/58 226 Sewer Impr. Bid 03/02/64

190 Amend #185 08/11/58 227 Sewer Revenue Bonds 03/02/64

191 Tax Levy 09/02/58 228 Sewer Rates 04/06/64

191 Appropriation 07/06/59 229 Mtr. Veh. - Parking 12/02/63

192 Tax Levy 08/17/59 229 Mtr. Veh. - Parking 06/08/64

193 Swimming Pool Spec. Elec. 08/17/59 230 Annex/Subdiv: Kimzey's 5th 06/08/64

194 Swimming Pool Bonds 12/21/59

195 Amend #194 02/04/60 231 Appropriation 07/06/64

196 Swimming Pool Bids 02/08/60 232 Utility Deposits 08/03/64


233 Tax Levy 08/03/64 276 Civil Defense 07/10/67

234 Mtr. Veh. - Parking 12/07/64 277 Appropriation 07/10/67

235 Annex/Subdiv: Red Bud Dev. 12/07/64 278 M.S.O. Tax 07/17/67

279 Gas Rates 07/20/67

236 Adminis. - Terms 12/07/64 280 Electric Bonds 07/20/67

237 Adminis. - Terms 12/07/64 281 Electric Bonds 07/20/67

238 Correct Ord. 235 01/04/65 282 Tax Levy 08/07/67

239 Gas Regs. 01/05/65 283 Water Rev. Bonds 09/05/67

240 Mtr. Veh. - Parking 02/01/65 284 Water Rev. Bonds 09/05/67

241 Adminis. - Salaries 02/15/65 285 Water Sys. Impr./Tank 09/05/67

242 Adminis. - City Clerk 02/15/65 286 Adminis. - Meeting 01/08/68

243 Street Named 04/05/65 287 Subdiv: Country Aire Est./

244 Water Connec. Rates 04/05/65 Streets 04/22/68

245 Adminis. - Terms 04/05/65 288 Spec. Election - Firehouse/

246 Appropriation 07/06/65 City Hall 05/06/68

247 Tax Levy 08/02/65 289 Appropriation 06/03/68

248 Mtr. Veh. - Speed 08/02/65 290 Improvement Bonds 07/01/68

249 Annex/Subdiv: Wagner's 2nd 08/02/65 291 Reinholdt & Gardner 07/01/68

250 Mtr. Veh. - Parking 11/15/65 292 Red Bud Dev. 3rd Subdiv. 08/05/68

251 Mtr. Veh. - Abandoned 11/15/65 293 Tax Levy 09/09/68

252 RR Easement 11/15/65 294 Electric Rates 11/04/68

253 Street Vacated 11/15/65 295 Spec. Election - Library 03/10/69

254 Mtr. Veh. - Parking 12/06/65 296 Adminis. - Salaries 03/10/69

255 Mtr. Veh. - Parking 12/13/65 297 Appropriation 06/02/69

256 Ill. Mun. Retirement 12/27/65 298 Library Bonds 07/07/69

257 Electric Rates 01/03/66 299 Library Bonds 07/07/69

258 Street Vacated 02/07/66 300 Mtr. Veh. - Traf./Parking 07/07/69

259 Annex: Dashner, Offerding, 301 Tax Levy 08/04/69

Wagner 03/07/66 302 Gas Transm. Line Impr. 08/04/69

260 Adminis. - City Clerk 04/25/66 303 M.R.O. Tax 08/18/69

261 Zoning - Plan Commission 04/25/66 304 M.S.O. Tax 08/18/69

262 Zoning - Plan Commission 06/20/66 305 Annex: Triangle/SE corner

263 Zoning Commission 06/20/66 of town 10/06/69

264 Appropriation 07/18/66 306 Gas Rates 11/03/69

265 Subdiv. Constr. Curbs & 307 Gas Revenue Bonds 11/03/69

Gutters 08/15/66 308 Gas Rev. Bonds Escrow 12/09/69

266 Tax Levy 09/06/66 309 Mtr. Veh. - Rt. 154 01/05/70

267 Liquor License 10/03/66 310 Sewer Rates 05/04/70

268 Electric Rates 01/03/67 311 Appropriation 07/06/70

269 Adminis. - Salaries 03/06/67 312 Tax Levy 08/03/70

270 Electric Generator 04/03/67 313 Mtr. Veh. - Parking 11/09/70

271 Water Rates 05/01/67 313A Mtr. Veh. - Speed 11/09/70

272 Annex/Subdiv: Red Bud 314 Electric Bonds 01/25/71

Dev. #2 06/19/67 315 Adminis. - Salaries 01/25/71

273 Street Ded. - Easements 06/19/67 316 Sewer Regs. 04/20/71

274 M.S.O. Tax 07/10/67 317 Subd. Cntry. Aire Est. 05/10/71

275 M.R.O. Tax 07/10/67 318 Streets Vacated 05/19/71


318 Sewer Bonds 05/28/71 364 Appropriation 07/07/75

319 Gas Rates/Rules 06/23/71 365 Tax Levy 08/04/75

320 Appropriation 07/12/71 366 Water Rates 10/20/75

321 Tax Levy 08/16/71 367 Water Tap-in Fee 10/20/75

322 Electric Bonds 09/13/71 368 Sewer Rates 10/20/75

323 Light Plant Imp. Bonds 09/13/71 369 Annex/Subdiv: SKK,

324 Light Plant Imp. Bonds 10/18/71 Country Club 11/03/75

325 Annex: Emily Menard 02/07/72 370 Mtr. Veh. - Stop Signs 11/03/75

326 Mtr. Veh. - Stop Signs 04/10/72 371 Police - Committee 11/17/75

327 Water Tap-in Fee 06/05/72 372 Mtr. Veh. - One-way 12/01/75

328 Appropriation 07/24/72 373 Storm Sewer Regs. 03/15/76

329 Tax Levy 08/07/72 374 Public ROW Encroachment 03/15/76

330 Streets Accepted 09/25/72 375 Mtr. Veh. - Parking 03/15/76

331 Mtr. Veh. - Stop Signs 09/25/72 376 Mtr. Veh. - Turns 03/15/76

332 Water Rates 01/22/73 377 Mtr. Veh. - Load Limit 03/15/76

333 Gas Rates 01/22/73 378 Water Cross-Connection 04/05/76

334 Electric Rates 01/22/73 379 Mtr. Veh. - Stop Signs 04/19/76

335 Sewer Rates 01/22/73 380 Mtr. Veh. - Stop Signs 04/19/76

336 Sewer Rev. Bonds 02/12/73 381 Civil Defense - ESDA 04/19/76

337 Sewer Rev. Bonds 04/02/73 382 Zoning SKK, Subdiv. 06/21/76

338 Gas Bonds 05/21/73 383 Zoning Map Amended 06/21/76

339 Appropriation 06/18/73 384 Mtr. Veh. - Parking 06/21/76

340 Mtr. Veh. - Parking 07/09/73 385 Appropriation 07/07/76

341 Mtr. Veh. - Stop Sign 07/09/73 386 Tax Levy 08/02/76

342 Mtr. Veh. - Parking 07/23/73 387 Zoning Board/Appeals 08/02/76

343 Tax Levy 09/10/73 388 Mtr. Veh. - Parking 09/13/76

344 Mtr. Veh. - Driving 10/01/73

345 Utilities Deposit 10/01/73 389 Electric Bonds 09/13/76

346 Annex: N. County Home 10/01/73 390 Mtr. Veh. - 4-way stops 10/04/76

347 Annex/Subdiv: Red Bud 391 Zoning Use - Variance 12/06/76

Dev. 4th 11/05/73 392 Zoning Use - Variance 12/06/76

348 Annex: Sparta Fed S&L 12/03/73 393 Zoning Use - Variance 02/07/77

349 Zoning 12/03/73 394 Garbage Regs. 02/07/77

350 Amend #349 02/04/74 395 Adminis. - Salaries 03/21/77

351 Annex/Subdiv: Randolph 396 Nuisances 04/04/77

Acres 02/04/74 397 Mtr. Veh. - Parking 04/04/77

352 Mtr. Veh. - Stop Sign 02/18/74 398 Zoning: Hospital 04/04/77

353 Gas Emergency Assoc. 04/08/74 399 Subdiv. SKK-Cntry Club 05/02/77

354 Streets Vacated 05/06/74 400 Park - Hours 06/06/77

355 Electric Rates 05/06/74 401 Mtr. Veh. - Bike Path 06/06/77

356 Appropriation 07/01/74 402 Annex: 4 Flags Rest 07/11/77

357 Sewer Rates 07/15/74 403 Appropriation 07/11/77

358 Tax Levy 08/05/74 404 Water-Sewer Rates 08/01/77

359 Randolph Acres/Correct 02/17/75 405 Tax Levy 08/01/77

360 Mtr. Veh. - Stop Sign 02/17/75 406 Zoning Use - Variance 08/01/77

361 Telephone - Harrisonville 03/03/75 407 Zoning Use - Variance 09/05/77

362 Electric Rates 04/07/75 408 Liquor 09/19/77

363 Gas Regs. 07/07/75 409 Electric Rates 09/19/77


410 Electric Regs. 09/19/77 457 Zoning Use-Variance 05/07/79

411 Gas Rate 09/19/77 458 Zoning Use - Variance 05/21/79

412 Water Rates 09/19/77 459 Solicitors 06/04/79

413 Water Tap-in Fee 09/19/77 460 Administration - Meetings 06/04/79

414 Zoning Use - Variance 10/17/77 461 Appropriation 06/18/79

415 Zoning Use - Variance 11/07/77 462 Zoning Use - Variance 06/18/79

416 Zoning Use - Variance 11/07/77 463 Mtr. Veh. - Parking 06/18/79

417 Annex: Jaycees, park 12/05/77 464 Tax Levy 07/02/79

418 Water Bonds 12/05/77 465 Utility Easements 08/06/79

419 Annex: Kimzey 01/09/78 466 Subdiv. - Cntry Club IV 08/06/79

420 Subdiv. Hart-Lane 01/24/78 467 Zoning Use - Variance 08/06/79

421 Adminis. - Industrial 01/24/78 468 Streets 08/06/79

422 Zoning Use - Variance 02/06/78 469 Park Closing 08/06/79

423 Water Bonds 02/06/78 470 Zoning - Rezoning 08/22/79

424 Zoning Use - Variance 02/20/78 471 Zoning Use - Variance 08/22/79

425 Subdiv. SKK Cntry Club 03/06/78 472 Annex: Wagner, Clark

426 Mtr. Veh. - Parking 03/06/78 Carnahan 08/22/79

427 Vacate Randolph St. 03/06/78 473 Electric Rates 09/10/79

428 Park Land Sale Ad 03/06/78 474 Zoning Variance 09/10/79

429 Zoning Change 04/03/78 475 Gas Tap Fees 10/01/79

430 Mtr. Veh. - Parking 04/17/78 476 Zoning Use - Variance 10/01/79

431 Mtr. Veh. - Parking 04/17/78 477 Repeal #463 10/01/79

432 Park Land Trade 04/17/78 478 Subdiv. Amend #466 11/05/79

433 Zoning Use - Variance 04/17/78 479 Gas Rates Amended 11/19/79

434 Streets (Trees) 05/15/78 480 Motor Vehicle Stop St. 11/19/79

435 Nuisances - Burning 05/15/78 481 Real Estate Purchase 01/07/80

436 Annex Knott Tr Ct 06/05/78 482 Streets Accepted 04/07/80

437 Subdivisions - Knotty 06/05/78 483 Subdivision Regs. 04/07/80

438 Zoning - Annex Property 06/05/78 484 Mtr. Veh. - Parking 05/05/80

439 Zoning Use - Variance 06/05/78 485 Mtr. Veh. - Traffic 06/02/80

440 Appropriation 07/10/78 486 Mtr. Veh. - Parking 06/16/80

441 Zoning - District Map 07/10/78 487 Appropriation 07/07/80

442 Tax Levy 08/07/78 488 Mtr. Veh. - Stop Signs 07/07/80

443 Sewer Rates 08/07/78 489 Gas Rates 07/07/80

444 Prevailing Wages 08/07/78 490 Zoning Use - Variance 07/07/80

444A Mtr. Veh. - Parking 10/02/78 491 Tax Levy 08/04/80