London Borough of Sutton WM220 – V8

Environment, Housing and Regeneration

Acting Executive Head of Commissioning

Matt Clubb



Strategic Director -Environment , Housing and Regeneration

Mary Morrissey

Chief Executive

Niall Bolger

Dear Resident/ Business

As part of its work to keep Sutton clean, the Council provides a free graffiti or fly posting removal service where it is visible from the public highway or public open space.

Overleaf is a permission form and a copy of our service standards. Once signed and returned by yourself it will give us your permission to remove any graffiti on your property for a year from the date signed.

Graffiti on brickwork and fencing will usually be removed by pressure washing. When graffiti is on a painted surface, the area of graffiti will be painted over, we will not usually repaint the whole surface. We will match the paint colour as best we can but cannot guarantee a exact colour match.

Graffiti is a criminal offence and Sutton Council works closely with the Police to catch offenders. If you see someone carrying out graffiti please ring 999, if you have any information on who might be carrying out graffiti, please contact Sutton Police non emergency number on 02086491212.

Please sign this form quickly and return it to us at: London Borough of Sutton. Street Scene Services, Unit 1 Therapia Lane, Beddington , CRO 4TN.

So that we may programme the removal of this graffiti as soon as possible. Evidence does show that the quicker graffiti is removed the less likely it is that it will be repeated.

You have been left two copies of this letter so you may return one and keep the other one for your records.

If you have any queries about this form or would like to report graffiti, please phone our Contact Centre on 02087705070 or go online at

Yours Sincerely

Mick Dangerfield

Borough Wide Supervisor

Service Standard for Graffiti and Flyposting.


·  To keep public property free of graffiti or flyposting by removing or painting it out and to assist owners of private property.

·  The Council will take due care in removing or painting over graffiti or fly posting but can accept no liability for any damage whatsoever caused to the property by the proposed works. It is on this basis alone that the work is carried out.

What is covered?

·  Provide a free removal or painting out service where it is visible from the public highway or public open space (subject to Health and Safety considerations).

·  Respond within 5 working days from notification (or receipt of a disclaimer if the graffiti or fly posting is not on public property).

·  Offensive graffiti or fly posting will be removed as soon as practically possible. We aim for 2 hours.

What is not covered?

·  Routine removal or painting out of graffiti or fly posting above 3 metres.

·  Removal or painting out of graffiti or fly posting if not visible from the public highway or public open space.

You can help us by

·  Quickly removing graffiti from your property if you are able to do so.

·  Signing a Council disclaimer if requested to do so to authorise us to remove graffiti or fly posting.

I have read this letter from Sutton Council and agree to the removal or painting out of graffiti or flyposting on the basis of the standards shown above.

I give my consent to Sutton Council to remove or paint out as appropriate graffiti or fly posting from my property.

Address of property….………………………………………………………….……………



Location of graffiti…………………………………………………………………………….


Description of graffiti…………………………………………………………………………


Commercial Property / Private Property (please circle)

I confirm that I am the owner of the property or

have the authority to agree to the work: Yes No (please circle)

Print Name ……………………………………………………………….

Contact Phone Number …………………………………………………..

Signed ……………………………………………………………….

Date …….. ……………………………………………………………..

Please return this form to:
By Post: Street Scene Services, London Borough of Sutton,
Unit 1, Therapia Lane, Beddington , CRO 4TN

By Fax: 0208 770 5217