Vote Jodie Waite for Vice President of Education

About Me

My name is Jodie Waite, I have been a Full Time Officer at Glasgow Caledonian University for two years, and I’m running to be your next Vice President of Education.

I have spent the past two years campaigning for Students and Apprentices nationally at Westminster and Holyrood, and have made a huge number of changes on my own campus. However, I wasn’t always a Student Activist.

I fell into Student Politics by accident just three months before I was due to graduate. I hadn’t even heard of NUS as a Student, and I don’t want any other Student or Apprentice to be in that position.

I want to make sure that more Students and Apprentices across Scotland areincluded in the politics that affect their education and I promise that, as your VP Education, I will always put your interestsfirst.

Elect someone who can bring new and innovative ideas to NUS Scotland, and who can make our National Union strong again.

Elect me, as your Vice President of Education.

What I’ve Done

•Developed a Student and Staff Partnership Agreement on campus to ensure that students are at the heart of decision making

•Developed and launched a policy for Student Carers so that students with caring responsibilities are fully supported whilst studying

•Increased student representation on all levels of University committees

•Made Student Registration more accessible for Disabled Students

What I Want to Do

1. Partnership: Students and Apprentices at the Heart of Decision Making

The ability for Students' Associationsto work in partnership with their institutions is crucial in representing Apprentices and Students. I have developed a Partnership Agreement at my campus, and I will now support all Students' Associations to do the same so that we have a stronger voice in Scotland.

I will also support Students' Associations to work with institutions to ensure that:

•We have a say in the future of our EU and International students after Brexit

•We encourage our institutions to opt out of the Teaching Excellence Framework

•There is always student representation on Prevent groups

•Students and Apprentices on placement are always provided with the correct support


The Ability to Progress and Complete

I firmly believe that allStudents and Apprenticesshould have an equally beneficial educational experience.

If elected I will:

•Campaign to stop Council Tax for transitioning College Students

•Campaign to stop Council Tax for Apprentices

•Fight to reduce the compulsory attendance at Colleges from 100% to 80%

•Support Students' Associations to develop Support Policies for underrepresented groups, such as Student Carers and Care Leavers

•Support College Students' Associations in ensuring that the 'How Good is Your College' scheme recognises Students' Associations, and that it is used to strengthen Colleges

•Campaign to get the same rights provided for Apprentices as Students, such as travel discounts

•Campaign for more money for Scottish Colleges and Apprenticeships

Putting the ‘U’ back in NUS

NUS has become increasingly divided over the past year, and I want to make our National Union strong again. Overall, I promise to always put themembership of NUS Scotland first, and will never exclude anyone for having different opinions or beliefs. NUS Scotland should be a safe place for all to share ideas and to feel included, but often this isn't the case. As someone who has felt excluded from NUS, I promise to ensure that we are a truly inclusive Union for everyone, and not just for a minority. I always welcome newthoughts and ideas, and Iknow how challenging it is to be new to the Student Movement. I will make a Guide for members on the basics of NUS and its terminology to ensure that you always feel comfortable to discuss your ideas and to make educated decisions.

Quotes from NUS Members

"NUS Scotland needs a team that can fight for national change and inspire work on a local level. Jodie has proven she is the officer who can make that happen!" Rob Henthorn, Vice President Education, NUS Scotland

“I couldn’t think of a better VP Education than Jodie. She understands exactly what College Students’ Associations need, and that’s why I’m voting Jodie #1” Taylor Campbell, Vice President,Glasgow Clyde College

"Jodie has the experience, drive, determination and personal touch that all students need from an elected official and I know from my own experiences in dealing with her that she is not only an outstanding candidate, but a top person too. That is why I am voting Jodie #1 for Vice President Education" David Walker, President,Glasgow Kelvin College

Contact Details

Phone: 0141 273 1612


