Medium Term Planning

ILP: Muck, Mess and Mixtures

Date: Spring 2 2017

Memorable Experience: Horniman Museum

Week / Spelling Focus / GPS
Focus / Reading Focus / Writing Focus / Mental/ Mathematics / RE / Art & Design / Computing / D&T / Geography / History / Music / PE / PSHE / Science
Engage / iest / Read the first two chapters of ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ by RoaldDahl and make inferences about each character. Predict what will happenin the rest of the story. Draw large outlines of the characters of George andGrandma, labelling each picture with the character’s age, gender, physicalappearance, personality, thoughts and feelings. / Recall what they did during their ‘Messy Mixtures Morning’ by watchinga presentation of photos from the day. Describe what they can see in thedifferent images. Remember what materials they used and make a list ofwords that describe their properties. / Measures (Capacity) / What is the true meaning of Easter? / Use marbling inks to create multi-coloured prints, observing what happens when colours mix onthe water’s surface. Use sticks to mix and swirl the inks before laying a sheet of paper over the topand taking a print of the patterned surface. Make bubble prints by adding coloured powder paintto bubble mixtures and catching the bubbles on a large sheet of paper. Try to catch their bubbleson paper sprinkled withdifferent-coloured dry powder paint and compare the effect of both methods. / Sort a range of foods in different ways to show where they have come from.Explain how and why foods have been sorted in a specific way. / Invasion Games / Look at a range of bottles or containers that contain dangerous liquids, such as cleaning andmedicinal products. Talk about the hazards of touching dangerous mixtures and potions and sharetheir opinion on how they should be stored and kept safe. Make labels and signs to stick on thefront of a medicine cabinet or cleaning cupboard to warn other children about the dangers. / Investigate a range of everyday materials, such as salt, wax, flour, cornflour, clay, sugar, cookingoil, glitter and shaving foam to find out how each one changes when mixed with water. Makepredictions before mixing and create a simple table or chart to record their results.
Develop / ing / Read George’s magic medicine recipe for Grandma at the end of the secondchapter – it includes jumping fleas, slimy squigglers and the powdered boneof a wombat’s knee! Highlight their favourite phrases and use WordArt towrite colourful versions before printing out. / Write a list of strange ingredients for a magical concoction and decide whothey would give it to and what the effects would be. / Multiplication / To know that Lent is a time when Christians prepare for Easter. / Look in detail at the food landscapes created by artist Carl Warner anddescribe the way he uses different food types, including fresh fruit, vegetablesand meat. Choose one image to study as a group and write a list of ingredientsin that landscape. Create their own food landscape by cutting out images offood items or using photos of their own food.
Teacher Note / Look at a range of pictures showing healthy and non-healthy meals from
around the world. Sort the images into two groups: ‘healthy meals’ and
‘unhealthy meals’. Choose a number of healthy dishes and make them in a
group with an adult. Work collaboratively to read, measure and present the
dishes to others. Explain which is their favourite. / Test different soap products, such as washing-up liquid, soap flakes, bubble bath, hand wash, abar of soap, and non-biological washing powder, to find out which creates the best bubbles! Makepredictions before testing, then use whisks, straws, potato mashers and sponges to create bubbles.Find out which creates the longest lasting, biggest, smallest and foamiest bubbles.
Develop / ing / Read from Roald Dahl’s ‘Revolting Recipes’. Look at the names of differentdishes and imagine what ingredients they contain. Give an opinion on howthe dishes might taste. Look carefully at example recipes and describe howthey are written and organised, identifying any ‘bossy’ verbs. / Choose a food or material and write a riddle about it using its characteristicsas clues. Refer back to their instructions on how to write a good riddle andinclude words learnt in previous activities. Write the riddles on envelopes andput the answers on a piece of paper inside. Share their riddle with others andtake turns to guess which food or material is being described.
Explore a range of acrostic poems and identify genre features. Use the wordbank from previous activities to write an acrostic poem that features the nameof a material or substance. Write the name vertically down the side of the pageand include adjectives that begin with the appropriate letters. / Division / To know how the Christian church celebrates Jesus’ death and resurrection and why it is the most important time of year for Christians. / Create large, collaborative ice cube paintings from frozen blocks ofwatered-down paints. Slide the blocks around the paper to create patternsand allow them to melt into their own fluid shapes. Break up and mix colouredcubes or sprinkle salt on them to see what happens! / Create a dough ball animation using their storyboards as a guide. Importtheir animation into video editing software, such as Movie Maker, and use thenarration tools to add sound effects, dialogue or narration for effect. / Follow a recipe that involves melting ingredients to combine them, such asflapjacks or marshmallow crispy cake. Predict which ingredients will melt andhow the mixture will change when heated and then cooled. / Carry out an investigation to observe the melting process. Select a rangeof foods, including butter, chocolate, marshmallows, ice cream, cheese andsugar. Use their knowledge to predict which foods will melt and in what order.Measure or weigh the same quantity of each food item then put them in bowlsin a sunny location, or in a cupcake tray in a warm oven (100°C). Observethe food at regular, short intervals, recording which have changed or melted.Remove the foods to let them cool and continue recording observations. Orderthe foods in terms of which melted fastest and slowest.
Develop / ed / Write a description of how their food tastes, imagining that it will be added tothe original book. Include funny and descriptive words and phrases that willamuse and appeal to the reader.
Choose a dish they have made in the Enrichment activities on page 7 andwrite a recipe card telling others how to make it. Include all the featuresneeded for a recipe, including a final description of how the food shouldtaste. / Watch simple stop motion animations of dough balls or characters beingmanipulated and morphed, and talk about what happens. Describe how thematerial helps the animator to create effects or tell a story. Brainstorm andlist words that describe the properties of dough. / Addition / To talk about their own experiences of getting ready for Easter or another religious festival. / Experiment with a variety of art and craft materials, investigating theirproperties to create mixed-media pictures and collages. Try out chalks, variouspapers, net, pastels, charcoal, paint, inks and paste on the same surface usinglayering techniques. / Use presentation software such as Publisher or PowerPoint to present theirrecipe as a page for a class cookbook. Proof-read their work to check for anyerrors in spelling or punctuation. List ingredients then upload and insert animage of their dish. Use the spell checker to search for errors before saving afinal copy. / Make ice cream in a bag! Pour a cup of whole milk into a medium-sized,zip-sealed bag and add a tablespoon of sugar. Seal and gently swirl themixture. Half-fill another large zip-seal bag with ice cubes and add sixtablespoons of salt. Seal and shake the mixture. Open the large bag and putthe sealed bag of sweetened milk inside so it is surrounded by the salty icecubes. Seal the large bag and work in teams to gently shake the bags for five
minutes. Remove and open the medium bag and enjoy the frozen dessert!Discuss the changes and evaluate the success of their ice cream.
Innovate / est / Handle a ball of dough, manipulating it in different ways to make variousshapes. Create six different shapes and give each shape a name. Record thename of each shape in a list. Use a dictionary or a thesaurus to help findwords
Using a six-window animation storyboard, plan a short animation about thechanging shape of the dough ball. Draw a shape in each box in line withtheir list and write a sentence to describe how the ball changes using timeconnectives.
Plan and write a simple narration or dialogue to add to their animation andinsert into their storyboard. Practise voicing their narration and dialogue. / Subtraction / To reflect on how they will celebrate Easter at home or in church / Use a viewfinder to isolate a vibrantly coloured area of a painting and explainwhy they chose that particular section. Describe the colours they see in their‘window’. Mix colours to match the area of the painting selected usingpowder and ready-mixed paints. Use a range of different-sized brushes andsponges to apply the paint to their paper in imaginative ways. / Make bread or pizza dough and investigate its properties by rolling, twisting,flattening, cutting and imprinting items into its surface. Add lavender, lemonrind, cinnamon or herbs to alter its scent. Explore what happens when moreflour or water is added – how and why does the consistency change?Teacher Note
Encourage the children to use scientific vocabulary such as squash, bend,twist and stretch, when exploring the dough. Take photographs and notetheir comments.
Innovate / Double constants / Collect and read leaflets from galleries and museums. Talk about the type ofdetails they include and how their layout helps the reader to find essentialinformation. Ask and answer questions generated in discussions. / Think carefully about information they might like to include in a leaflet abouttheir own exhibition. Make a list of important details they would like toinclude and share their ideas with the class.
Begin to compose sentences and short paragraphs that present keyinformation about their exhibition. Write clear, concise sentences so that theinformation is easy for the reader to understand and think how they mightpersuade the reader to come and visit their exhibition. / I can recognise symbols, pictures and artefacts which relate to Lent and Easter. / Explore the properties and consistencies of clay. Slowly add water to a pieceof clay and mix it until it becomes clay slip. Draw patterns using the clay slipand watch what happens as they dry. / The Big Messy Art Exhibition! / Explore liquids that don’t mix. Place coloured ice cubes in a deep-sided traythat contains a layer of baby oil 2cm deep. Observe what happens as theice cubes melt. Visit the tray at regular intervals until the ice cubes have fullymelted and see how the two materials behave. Use a spoon to move theliquids around and a hand whisk to mix them quickly. Describe what they seeand what happens to the mixed oil globules.
Express / Revision / Church visit
I can talk about a special thing I remember from visiting the church and how I plan to celebrate Easter. / Follow instructions to make an enormous bowl of messy jelly! Use a range ofdifferent coloured jelly cubes and utensils including spoons, wooden stirrers,measuring jugs and scissors to cut, tear and mix the jelly. Test for taste andinvite others to enjoy a bowl of rainbow jelly. Apply good hygiene principlesat all times. / Take digital photos of the transformed exhibition space and create a classemail to send to a local gallery. Explain their task and describe any challengesthey encountered. Invite the gallery to visit their exhibition. / Design and help set up an outdoor kitchen for messy, muddy fun! Decide onthe best location for the kitchen and list equipment they will need, such aspots, pans and utensils. Work in a small group to create a labelled plan fortheir kitchen using large pieces of paper or simple drawing software, suchas Paint. Think about the essential elements in a kitchen – sufficient worksurfaces are a good start! / Reflect on the science investigations they have carried out during the projectand choose a favourite. Become a science teacher for a day by invitingparents, carers, siblings and other family members into school. Demonstrateand explain scientific processes at work!