Assess Transmission Planning Future Needs and Develop Transmission Plans- Standard Drafting Team Nomination Form

Please return this form to by November 18, 2005. For questions, please contact Mark Ladrow at 609-452-8060 or .

Please note this Standard drafting team will likely meet initially in mid-December, 2005 to review comments posted on the SAR and to begin drafting the proposed standards. The SAC has directed the drafting team to consider the reduced scope necessitated by the adoption of the current reliability standards and to specifically delineate this reduction in scope during its first public posting. The team will meet as necessary to finalize the scope of standard development activity and to draft the standard(s). The meeting schedule has not been determined yet. It is expected the teams will meet several times in 2006. All candidates should be prepared to participate actively at these meetings.

Proposed Standard: Assess Transmission Future Needs and Develop Transmission Plans. The SAR is provided at: SAR LINK
Office Telephone:
Mobile Telephone:
Please briefly describe your experience and qualifications to serve on the Assess Transmission Future Needs and Develop Transmission Plans Standard Drafting Team. Candidates should have expertise in one or more of the following areas: transmission operations; transmission planning; or regulatory or legal experience related to any of the listed areas. Previous experience working on or applying NERC standards is beneficial, but not a requirement.
I represent the following NERC Reliability Region(s) (check all that apply): / I represent the following Industry Segment (check one):
Not Applicable / 1 - Transmission Owners
2 - RTOs, ISOs, Regional Reliability Councils
3 - Load-serving Entities
4 - Transmission-dependent Utilities
5 - Electric Generators
6 - Electricity Brokers, Aggregators, and Marketers
7 - Large Electricity End Users
8 - Small Electricity End Users
9 - Federal, State, and Provincial Regulatory or other Government Entities
Which of the following Function(s)[1] do you have expertise or responsibilities:
Reliability Authority
Balancing Authority
Interchange Authority
Planning Authority
Transmission Operator
Generator Operator
Transmission Planner / Transmission Service Provider Transmission Owner
Load Serving Entity
Distribution Provider
Purchasing-selling Entity
Generator Owner
Resource Planner
Market Operator
Provide the names and contact information for two references who could attest to your technical qualifications and your ability to work well in a group.
Name: / Office Telephone:
Organization: / Email:
Name: / Office Telephone:
Organization: / Email:

[1] These functions are defined in the NERC Functional Model, which is downloadable from the NERC website.