
Concepts study guide for Chemistry Unit Test. Test will be Friday 12/18/2014

Chapter 1

1.  What is mass?

Large body of matter

2.  What is matter?

Anything that takes up space and has mass.

3.  How are mass and matter related?

Think of mass as the amount of matter a given object has. Matter is what makes up the object.

4.  What do droplets of water stick together? Attraction!

5.  5. When liquid is heated and cooled, how do molecules inside of the liquids move? They move apart due to energy

6.  When you heat a solid, what happens to the solid and the particles inside? (Think metal ball and ring demonstration) heat provides motion to molecules they move away from one another

7.  7. How do particles behave in different states of matter? (Solids, liquids, gases) Solids- molecules vibrate in place. Liquids- molecules move around. Gases- particles move apart and are very spread out.

8.  How does energy affect the speed in which particles move? More energy -> faster movement

9.  What does not have mass?

Examples of things that are not matter- Human emotion, Energy, electrons

Chapter 2

1.  How is energy transferred in the process of conduction? Must be direct contact.

2.  What does a molecule of water consist of? H2O

3.  What happens to the water molecule when water evaporates? Nothing about the molecule changes.

4.  How does energy (heat) affect rates of evaporation? More heat -> faster evaporation

5.  How does the process of evaporation work? (you need to name the states of matter and what molecules are doing)

6.  How does the process of condensation work? (You need to name the states of matter and what molecules are doing) water vapor molecules slow down and energy is lost. This occurs when the hot water vapor is cooled off by a colder surface.

7.  How does the process of evaporation work? (You need to name the states of matter and what molecules are doing) the increase in energy causes molecules to move away from one another at a rapid rate and become a gas.

8.  How does the process of freezing work? (You need to name the states of matter and what molecules are doing) molecules get closer together, some space between molecules of water. Orderly arrangement of molecules.

9.  How does the process of melting work? (You need to name the states of matter and what molecules are doing) A frozen substance becomes a liquid substance due to an increase in energy

Chapter 3

1.  What is the definition of density?

Density- how much matter is in something for the amount of space it occupies

2.  What is the mathematical formula for calculating density?


3.  Know that density is a characteristic property of a substance. If something is denser than water it will sink in water. If something is less dense than water it will float in water

4.  Does the size of a sample (of an object) affect density? (Think stack of paper and single sheet of paper) Size of sample does not affect density

5.  There are two ways of finding the volume of an object. What are they? (Think about objects you use to measure like a graduated cylinder or a ruler) Graduated cylinder-> water displacement. Ruler-> L x W x H

6.  If two objects have the same mass but different volumes how is density affected? Greater volume -> lower density

7.  If two objects have the same volume but different masses how is density affected? Greater mass -> Greater density

8.  How could you find out if an object sinks in water if you were only able to calculate its density? If an object has a density of greater than 1g/cm3 it will sink in water.

Chapter 4

1.  Know the components of an atom, where they are located, and the charge that they have.

P +, E -, N (no charge). P and N in nucleus E in energy levels

2.  Do electrons have mass? No

3.  Define atomic mass, atomic number, isotope, ion, and element.

Atomic mass- P and N.

Atomic number- Just P

Isotope- varying number of neutrons.

Ion- charged particle due to loss or gain of an electron.

Element- substance made entirely of one type of atom.

4.  What happens to opposite charges? They attract

5.  What is an energy level? How many electrons can “fit” in the first four energy levels? What energy levels need to be filled first? Energy levels are where the electrons are. Energy levels-number of electrons that can fit….

1st level-2 E

2nd level- 8 E

3rd level- 8 E

4th level- 18 E

6.  What do the periods on the period table tell you about electrons in the energy levels? # Of elements in period= the number of electrons that can fit in each energy level.

7.  What is the outermost energy level referred to as? Why are these electrons important? Valence energy level using the valence electrons in bonding.

8.  The atoms in a column of the periodic table all have the same amount of what? Think negative charge. Valence electrons

9.  What is covalent bonding? What happen to electrons during covalent bonding? Atoms bond through the sharing of electrons

10.  What is ionic bonding? What happens to electrons during ionic bonding?

Atoms bond due to opposite charges.

11.  What does a Lewis dot diagram look like?

Chemical symbol with dots showing valence electrons.

Chapter 5

1.  Define the term physical change.

A change in the viewed structure of an item.

2.  Define the term chemical change.

A change in the chemical makeup of an item. This occurs at the atomic level.

3.  What are some examples of things that are chemical changes and things that are physical changes? (Broken glass, fried egg)

Physical- changes of state like water freezing and becoming ice, paper ripping

Chemical- frying an egg, metal rusting.

4.  What is the law of conservation of mass?

Matter cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction

5.  How do you balance an equation?

Make sure your math adds up on both side- law of conservation of mass. There is a YouTube video on the website.

6.  Be able to balance a chemical equation

7.  What are reactants and what are products? (In terms of a chemical equation)

In a chemical equation Reactant -> Products.

8.  How can mixtures be separated?

Many different techniques. Evaporation, filtration, using magnets…..