
Teacher: Circle one: Car rider? Bus?

(write load/color)

Please write a short essay below on the following question:

Why do you want to be an Eagles Safety Patrol Officer?

Standards: W.5.1. Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information.

W.5.4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. L.5.2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.



Important information:

  • there will be four sets of safety patrol officers - one for each grading period
  • officers will be chosen from each 5th grade class for every rank
  • your classroom teacher will help to choose the officers
  • selection is based upon classroom behavior, attendance and availability
  • give your completed application to your teacher
  • no late applications will be accepted.

Thank you for applying to be an Eagles Safety Patrol Officer!

Safety Patrol Schedules:

Rank # Dates Served

Rank 1- August - October 19th

Rank 2-October - December 20th

Rank 3-January - March 15th

Rank 4-March – May 23rd

All students may apply for each rank. You can apply all year; even students who have served as officers previously may turn in an application. Norton Park needs your leadership skills!


How do I get to be Safety Patrol Officer?

Since well-behaved Eagles have a better chance of being selected, show your teacher Eagle Expectations at all times. Being an ESP (Eagles Safety Patrol) is a big responsibility. It is a job for leaders. Eagles who want to make a difference.

If that’s you, you:

  • Participate fully in all classes
  • Are respectful and kind to others
  • Show respect to your students, adults and others
  • Following Eagle Expectations at all times
  • Are responsible; you turn in homework and complete all assignments for teachers
  • Pay attention in class
  • Have good attendance,
  • Among other positive character traits.