Questions on Endocrine system

I-Mention in short

*hormones of adrenal medulla and their functions

*hormones of adrenal cortex and function of each

*hormones of posterior pituitary and their

*hormones of pancreas and their effects

*three major groups of hormones produced by adrenal cortex

*hormones of pituitary gland and functions of each

*Hormones of the thyroid gland and their effect

*the two regulating systems of the body

*the two regulating mechanisms of hormone secretion

*disorders of growth hormone

*names of tropic hormones and function of each

*names of hormones secreted by anterior pituitary

*gonadotropic hormones and effect of each

*hormones of parathyroid gland and their effects

*disorders of adrenal cortex

*hormones of the ovary and functions of each

*hormones of the testis and functions of each

*some functions of prostaglandins


-target organ



-mixed endocrine gland

-tropic hormone

- acromegaly

- giantism

- pituitary dwarfism

- gretinism

- myxedema

- Addisons disease

- Cusgings disease

III-Put (T ) opposite true and (F) opposite false statements:

-Most of the endocrine glands decrease their secretions with age,

-Each hormone has a specific stimulus for secretion.

-calcitonin is hyocalcemic while PTH is hypercalcemic

-In the case of severe hemorrhage, ADH is released in large amounts

-ADH causes vasoconstriction, especially in arterioles,

-ADH help to raise or at least maintain blood pressure.

-Oxytocin stimulates contraction of the uterus at the end of pregnancy

-oxytocin stimulates release of milk from the mammary glands.

-The secretion of oxytocin is one of the few positive feedback mechanisms withinthe body,

-anterior pituitary hormones are regulated by releasing hormones from the hypothalamus.

-Growth hormone increases the transport of amino acids into cells, and increases therate of protein synthesis.

-Any type of dehydration stimulates the secretion of ADH to conserve body water

-Hormones are secreted by endocrine glands when there is a need for them,

- The cells of endocrine glands respond to changes in the blood or perhaps to otherhormones in the blood.

-When a hormone brings about its effects, the stimulus is reversed, and secretion ofthe hormone decreases until the stimulus reoccurs.

- Insulin is secreted by the pancreas when the blood glucose level is high

-When blood calcium levels drop below certain level;the parathyroid releases PTH

- Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is an antagonist to calcitonin

-anterior pituitary is controlled by thalamus

-glucagon is hypoglycemic hormone

-posterior pituitary gland (neurohypophysis),is an extension of the nerve tissue of the hypothalamus

-The two hormones of the posterior pituitary gland are actually produced by the hypothalamus.

III-fill the following spaces with proper words:

------is exocrine and endocrine gland ------are bone eating cells.

------produces secondary male sex characters

------produces secondary female sex characters

-The pituitary gland (or hypophysis) hangs by a short stalk (infundibulum) from the ------and is enclosed by the ------of the sphenoid bone.

------; is the stimulus for secretion of insulin.

-the other name for------is vasopressin.

-The secretion of most hormones is regulated by------

------hormone is necessary for normal physical, mental, and sexual development.

-the stimulus for secretion of------isTSH from the anterior pituitary.

------secreted by the pineal gland during darkness; brings on sleep.

------hormones synthesized by cells from the phospholipids of their cell membranes; exert their effects locally

-The target organs of aldosterone are the ------

-Secretion of insulin is stimulated by ------

------are both secreted in stress situations and help prepare the body for “fight or flight.

-PTH increases the reabsorption of calcium and phosphate from bones to the blood.

------increases blood calcium levels.

-PTH increases the reabsorption of calcium and the excretion of phosphate

-Secretion of PTH is stimulated by hypocalcemia,

- PTH and ------have antagonistic effects

------is essential for the process of blood clotting and for normal activity of neurons andmuscle cells.

------a sustained hypersecretion of PTH, remove calcium from bones and weaken them.

------, is responsible for initiation and maintainence of milk production by the mammary glands.

------increases the reabsorption of water by kidney tubules

------decreases the amount of urine formed.

------helps maintain normal blood pressure

The stimulus for secretion of ------is decreased water content of the body

-the two major portions of pituitary gland are------&------

------is hypoglycemic hormone while------is hyperglycemic and both are produced by------

- Gonadotropic hormones are released from------and their names are------and------

- iodine is needed for------hormone generation

------causes uterine contraction

------hormone causes water reabsorption in kidneys

- hormones of the anterior pituitary are secreted in response to------secreted by hypothalamus

The two hormones of the posterior pituitary gland are actually produced by the ------

- The hormone-producing cells of the pancreas are called ------

IV-Match table A With table B

Table A Table B

( )-Calcitonin a-every cell is a target

( )-Parathormone b-hypercalcemic hormone

( )-Glucocorticoids c-hyperglycemic hormone

( )-Thyroxin d-deposits calcium in bones

( )-Growth hormone e-related to pituitary dwarfism

f-tropic hormone


Table A Table B

( )-Aldosterone a-male sex hormone

( )-Epinephrine b-promotes sodium reabsorption

( )-Androgens c-hypoglycemic hormone

( )-Insulin d-stimulates milk production

( )-Prolactin e-female sex hormone

f-secreted by adrenal medulla


TableA( )- prostaglandin TableB 1-hyperglycemic hormoe

( )-insulin 2-salt and water retention

( )-aldosterone 3-locally acting hormone

( )-glucagon 4- hypercalcemic hormone

( )-parathormone 5- major metabolic hormone

6-hypoglycemic hormone