Names of Group Members: ______

1. Make a group of either 4 or 5 students.

2. Pick a synovial joint in the body (ie. elbow, shoulder, knee, wrist, thumb, neck, etc.) and confirm your choice with your teacher.

3. Research your selection and fill out the chart provided below. (You may download the original MS Word file from

4. Make a model of the synovial joint you selected. Be certain that your model:

- is made from sturdy, high quality materials. You should consider visiting an art store to find materials ideally suited to represent anatomical structures (ie. bones, ligaments, tendons, etc.)

- contains all key structures that you listed in the chart in step 3 (ie. ligaments, tendons, bones(with landmarks))

- is a realistic, detailed reproduction of the actual joint.

5. Hand in your chart, a title page (listing the name of the assignment, all group members, course code, teacher, etc), and your model on or before the due date.

6. Be sure this piece of paper (and the rubric on the back of this piece of paper) are handed in with your project.

7. Submit the attached group work evaluation form. Each individual in the group should have the same answer on page 1 of the group work evaluation, but individual answers on the 2nd page.

(Due date to be determined, but it will not be before September 28th, 2009!)


Fill in the chart and submit ONE copy per group with your model.

Type of synovial joint:
Bones involved… / Tendons that cross joint…
Ligaments that hold joint together… / Muscles that allow motion in joint…
Muscle name / Action
Description of movement at joint. Include movement in planes and axis and anatomical movements (e.g. adduction in transverse plane)
Groupwork Evaluation Form
Name of Member
Research Responsibilities
Shopping Responsibilities
Word Processing Responsibilities
Construction Responsibilities
Other Responsibilities

List group members and describe contributions towards your final product. Include the # of hours spent by each member

Please grade each group member on the following. For each group member, you may write:

- E à Excellent

- G à Good

- S à Satisfactory

- N à Needs Improvement

Name of Member
Quality of Work
Amount of Work

Identify any problems with respect to people in your group who, in your opinion, did not hold up their end of the bargain:

Identify anyone in your group who went above and beyond the call of duty on this project:

Synovial Joint Model Project Rubric

Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
(20 marks) / - model does not accurately represent the real joint.
- chart is very disorganized / - model is mostly accurate
- chart is somewhat disorganized / - model is accurately built
- chart is neatly prepared / - model is accurately build and with sturdy material
- chart is professionally prepared
Thinking and Inquiry
(20 marks) / - chart contains a limited number of key anatomical structures.
- many answers are inaccurate and/or lack detail. / - chart contains some key anatomical structures
- some answers are inaccurate and/or lack detail / - chart contains many key anatomical structures
- answers are mostly accurate and have reasonable detail / - chart contains all key anatomical structures
- answers are accurate and detailed