Why and How Should I Read the Bible? Guest Notes

Why and how should I read the Bible?


The Bible is the best-selling book. More than 40 million Bibles are sold every year. It has been translated into over 2,000 languages. The Bible is a very precious book.

The Bible was written over 1,500 years and was written by at least 40 authors, but even though humans wrote the words, it was God who inspired and guided them. Every word came from God.

The words in the Bible are God speaking. The Bible is 100 per cent the work of human beings. But it is also 100 per cent inspired by God.

2 Timothy 3:16–17 (CEV)

Everything in the Scriptures [the Bible] is God's Word. All of it is useful for teaching and helping people and for correcting them and showing them how to live. The Scriptures train God's servants to do all kinds of good deeds.


1.  What is your most precious possession?

2.  Does anyone in your family own a Bible?

3.  Have you ever tried to read the Bible?

4.  What do you think about the Bible?

A Manual for life

Our physical hunger can be satisfied by food. But we also have a spiritual hunger. Spiritual hunger can only be satisfied by God. We are made to have a relationship with God – who created us.

Matthew 4:4 (NIrV®)

‘Jesus answered, “Man does not live only on bread. He also lives on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” ‘

God speaks to us through his word – the Bible. It is like a manual for life – giving us guidelines for how to live:

·  The Bible shows us how to act and how to live our lives in the best way

·  The Bible helps us to understand what is right or wrong

·  The Bible shows us how to treat other people; husband or wife, our parents; our children; even our bosses, our teachers and our government

·  The Bible tell us to be generous and to forgive others when they hurt us

‘All [Scripture] is useful for teaching and helping people and for correcting them and showing [us] how to live.’ (2 Timothy 3:16, CEV)

God speaks through the bible

The Bible is one of the main ways that God speaks to us. God reveals his love for us though the Bible and we can experience God’s love by reading it.


1.  What do you think about the Bible being like a ‘manual’ giving us guidelines for life?

2.  How do you feel about living your life the way the Bible says?

3.  What do you think about God communicating to you through the Bible?

4.  Were there any verses in The Father’s Love Letter that you feel spoke to you? Which ones and why?


Here is a simple plan to help you start reading the Bible:

1.  Time

Find a time of the day when you can concentrate. Make it a regular pattern.

2.  Place

Find a quiet place where you can be alone, and where you won’t be distracted. Get yourself a cup of tea or coffee and maybe a journal. It is often good to write down anything you feel God might be saying something, and to write down your prayers (it is so helpful to look back and see the ways that God has answered prayers you’ve prayed).

3.  Method

Pray and ask God to speak to you through the Bible

·  Start with a few verses a day (the Book of John or Mark in the New Testament)

·  As you read, ask yourself three questions:

o  What does it say?

o  What does it mean?

o  How does it apply?

§  to me

§  to my family

§  to the church

§  to the community

4.  Respond to God in prayer

5.  Obey

Listen and be willing to do what God is telling you to do.

Matthew 7:24 (NLT)

‘Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise.’

‘The Bible was not given to increase our knowledge. It was given to change lives.’

D.L Moody

‘Reading the Bible generates [gives] life, it produces change, it heals hurts, it builds character, it transforms [changes] circumstances, it imparts [brings us] joy, it defeats [beats] temptation, it gives us hope, it releases [gives] power, it cleanses [washes] the mind.’

Rick Warren


1.  Do you think you would like to read the Bible? Why or Why not?

2.  What things could stop you from reading the Bible?

3.  Do you think reading the Bible could change your life in any way or teach you something new?

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