Volunteer Application

Thank you for helping us with this greatest of rescue needs.

Diamonds in the Ruff Canine Rescue is a group of volunteer dog lovers that rescue, provide sanctuary, and ultimately re-home abandoned, stray and neglected dogs. The mission of Diamonds in the Ruff is to find healthy, loving, lifelong homes for dogs already born into this world. Volunteers are essential to the success of Diamonds in the Ruff (DITR).

It is a simple truth that organizations like ours could not exist and continue to save lives, without the dedication, compassion and hard work of volunteers.

Volunteer Applicant Information

Last Name: / First Name:
Address: / Apartment #:
City: / State: / Zip Code:
Home Phone: / Cell Phone: / Other:
E-mail Address: (primary communications via email)
About Your Home
Check your type of dwelling: House Townhouse Condo Apartment Other
Do you have a secure fenced in yard? Yes No Fence Type & Height:
Place of Employment: / Job Title:
How long have you been with this employer? / Phone:
Pets (List all pets you currently own or have owned in the last five (5) years)
Type of Pet / Age / Gender / Spay / Neuter
M F / Yes No
M F / Yes No
M F / Yes No
Office: / Phone:
I authorize the veterinarian named herein to release information about me or my pet(s) to Diamonds in the Ruff as necessary.
References (List two references that have personal knowledge of your experience caring for dogs)
Name / Relationship / Phone
What interests you about volunteering for DITR?
Are all family members in agreement with the decision to volunteer?
List all individuals living in the home and their relationship:
Please check all that apply:
Canine Care / Computers / Creative / Fundraising / Adoption Events
Photography / Grooming / Presentations / Dog Training / Special Events
Transporting / Home Visits / Public Relations / Cleaning / Website
Wish List Items / Distributing Flyers / Reference Calls / Grant Writing / Research
Any special skills to share that might benefit the rescue?
Do you have any experience or skills related to rescue?
Do you have experience working with the public?
Describe your life (quiet, active, social, strict, casual, kid-friendly, organized, athletic, flexible, etc.):
Do you have experience handling or working with dogs?
List any rescue groups or animal welfare groups you are associated with:
Have you ever sold, given away or surrendered a pet?
Please provide any other information that you feel is relevant for our review:

If accepted as a DITR volunteer, my signature below indicates that I have read, understand and agree to the following:

·  I will treat all animals and other volunteers with respect and I will work as a team member with all volunteers.

·  I am 21 years of age or older.

·  I will abide by all DITR policies and procedures.

·  I understand the potential safety risks of working with animals. I understand that every effort will be made to ensure that I am provided a safe environment, but working with animals can be unpredictable and there is a risk of injury.

·  I agree to indemnify and hold harmless DITR, its Board of Directors, officers and volunteers from and against any and all liability whatsoever arising out of or related to my duties under this agreement.

·  I will abide by the mission, rules, regulations and policies of DITR while I am a volunteer.

I have read this application in its entirety, and I agree that all statements contained in this document are made by me, and are truthful. I understand a Diamonds in the Ruff coordinator may visit my home for a home inspection before my volunteer application is approved. I will not hold Diamonds in the Ruff responsible for any damage, injury or harm caused directly or indirectly to any person or property by any dog I may volunteer my time to help.


Name: / Date:
For Office Use Only: / Approved Denied

Diamonds in the Ruff Canine Rescue / www.nc-caninerescue.petfinder.com / 919-222-0500

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