
In Attendance: Robin Ambroz, NIFA; Brett Anderson, PCM; Andra Backer, Community Action; Susanne Blue, MTKO; Tamara Cartwright, UNL-CCFL; Jeff Chambers, UNL- CCFL; Jay Conrad, Houses of Hope; Jennifer Coon, LMEP- Young Families; Cynthia Covert, GA; Leah Droge, Friendship Home; Jason Dubas, Bryan LGH ED Connections; Bobbi French, League of Human Dignity; Lee Heflebower, Community Action; Dennis Hoffman, CenterPointe; Ruth Karlsson, Released and Restored; Christina Lloyd, Cedars; Clarice Mackey, Salvation Army; Amber Maddox, TASC; Michelle, Martinez, Community Action; Robin McDannel, united Way; Sandra Miller, VA; Diana Poskochil, NE Dept of Corrections; Rob Robinson, VA; Roy Schoen, Lincoln Vet Center; Nikki Siegel, The Bay; Anna Sullivan, Catholic Social Services; John Turner, Region V; Sarah Virchow, Community Corrections; Amy Wagner, LHA; Chris Webster, LPS; Lea Wroblewski, Legal Aid; Monica Zinke, Fresh Start; Kerry Miller Loos, VA;

John Turner opened the meeting.
Minutes from January 2013 were reviewed and approved. There were no minutes from February 2013, as that meeting was canceled due to snow.
Treasurer’s report was reviewed and approved. Additional dues have been received. Agencies can still join; dues should be mailed to Homeless Coalition c/o Amy Wagner at LHA.
Presentation by Released and Restored. Ruth Karlsson
Ruth Karlsson provided information about the needs people who are incarcerated have when they are released as well as the services offered by Released and Restored. The top three things people need are housing, employment and pro-social connections. Released and Restored works with ten state correctional facilities in Nebraska, four of which are in Lincoln, that house approximately 4,700 inmates. Ruth shared that 95% of the prison population is released each year. Only approximately 250 will never be released. Average length of incarceration is two years. Approximately 90% of the prison population is men. Released and Restored operates a program within the prison and they are on their 17th cohort. The program emphasizes changing the inmates thinking skills in order to change behaviors. The focus is on decision making and critical thinking skills. There are several modules, including some on job readiness and life skills. Starting this fall, they are going to partner with a local church to provide a positive environment for social activities in the community that are not tied to recovery/addictions. They plan to offer activities every Saturday that will include social activities, programming and recovery meeting options. Contact Ruth for more information about Released and Restored, 402-806-0565 or

Committee Updates
Committee sign up sheet was passed around.

Executive Committee- John Turner
John congratulated agencies that received HUD renewal funding.
A Homeless Symposium is being planned by the Balance of State Continuum of Care to be held August 6-8 in Kearney. They are looking for help planning the event and also for workshop presenters. Email John if you are interested and he will connect you to the symposium planners. The Lincoln CoC is exploring possible assistance for travel to this event.
State level CoC is conducting a strategic planning session with ESG recipients. It is tentatively planned for April 25 from 10:30- 12. The focus will be on performance measured.

Planning and Data- for Jeff Chambers
The Point in Time data indicates that there were 977 people in the 2013 count. This is a slight decrease from 2012 (982 in 2012). Jeff or John will email the draft of the numbers and it also will be placed on the website.
The NE Universal Data Set is now open in ServicePoint and will show services received. It won’t show where the person has been.

Consumer Engagement- Lea Wroblewski, Rob Robinson, Co-Chairs
Lea and Rob are getting this committee going again, and there are several new members. They are seeking more members and representation from current or former consumers. They are reviewing the purpose of the committee before moving forward. They are planning another Employment Workshop for July 12, 2013. The next meeting is April 3, 2013 at 2PM at MTKO.

Public Awareness- Lee Heflebower, Chair
No report.

Youth- Chris Webster/ Nikki Seigel, Co- Chairs
Nikki Siegel will now be the co-chair of the committee, along with Chris Webster. They are reviewing the goals for the committee that were set during the NAEH visit. They also plan to recombine all of the people/youth committees that became involved but have split apart, and meet as an entire committee versus all of their subcommittees.
The Human Trafficking Symposium will be April 22, 2013 at UNL and flyers were distributed. It is free. There is also a symposium on human trafficking being held in Omaha that day.
Project Homeless Connect- Monica Zinke, Chair
Planning is beginning after today’s meeting. Please contact Monica if you are interested in being involved with the committee, or if you have suggestions on what services to offer or how to improve the event.

Rent and Utility Network- Michelle Martinez, Chair
This group is growing and continues to meets monthly. The next meeting is 03/25/13 at 1PM at Community Action.

Reentry Alliance-
No report.

Agency Updates were provided.
Meeting adjourned.
The next meeting is scheduled for Friday 4/26/13 at 9:30AM at Cedars Northbridge.

Respectfully submitted by Monica Zinke