Department: Internet Technology
Course Title: Web Programming 2 (PHP&MySQL)
Course No: 1504280
Credit Hours: 3
Semester: First, 2015/2016
About The Course
Course Title: Web Programming 2
Course No: 1504280
Credit Hours: 3
Obligatory/ Optional: Obligatory
Text Book: : Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS
Association, Inc. O’Reilly Media, Inc.2012.
Author. Robin Nixon
Edition. Second Edition
The Instructor
Name Title:
Office No: Scientific Research Deanship
Office Hours:
Course Description

This course aims to teach the students the main concepts of dynamic web programming. Mainly, the server side programming and enabling students to build web pages that access the databases that reside on the server. The application of the dynamic web programming will be using the PHP language.

Course Objectives

The main goal of this course is that students obtain the Knowledge and Understanding to:

1.  Understand the dynamic web pages concepts.

2.  Learn the PHP language syntax, data types, arrays control statements.

3.  Learn how to interact with all the tools and software needed to develop full dynamic websites, such as, servers' applications and MySQL.

4.  Developing full dynamic web sites that relay on databases (server side development).

Learning Outcome

On completion of the course a student will be expected to be able to:

1.  Use reference material to determine syntax and function of language features.

2.  Model and solve problems using PHP.

3.  Develop full dynamic websites that deal with databases efficiently.

Course Outline and Time schedule

Course Outline



Course Description
The dynamic web programming concept
The description of the server side programming / 1st week
The idea of PHP and its use.
Setting Up a Development Server
What Is a WAMP, MAMP, or LAMP?
Installing a WAMP on Windows
Using an IDE
Introduction to PHP
Basic Syntax
Understanding Variables
Variable Assignment
Variable Typing
Functions / 2nd + 3rd week
Expressions and Control Flow in PHP
Literals and Variables
Implicit and Explicit Casting
PHP Dynamic Linking / 4th week
PHP Functions and Objects
PHP Functions
Including and Requiring Files
PHP Version Compatibility
PHP Objects
Declaring a Class
Creating an Object
Accessing Objects
Writing Methods
Declaring Properties
Declaring Constants
Property and Method Scope in PHP 5
Inheritance / 5th + 6th week
PHP Arrays
Basic Access
The Loop
Multidimensional Arrays
Using Array Functions
Practical PHP
Using printf
Date and Time Functions
File Handling
System Calls
XHTML / 7th + 8th week
Introduction to MySQL
MySQL Basics
Summary of Database Terms
Accessing MySQL Using PHP
Querying a MySQL Database with PHP
The $_POST Array
Deleting a Record
Displaying the Form
Querying the Database
Running the Program
Practical MySQL / 9th +10th week
Form Handling
Building Forms
Retrieving Submitted Data / 11th +12th Week
Cookies, Sessions, and Authentication
Using Cookies in PHP
HTTP Authentication
Using Sessions / 13th + 14th Week
Topics in advanced web programming / 15th Week

Presentation methods and techniques

The following techniques are usually used as teaching methods during the semester:

1-  Lecturing with active participations.

2-  Problem solving.

3-  Cooperative learning.

4-  Discussion.

5-  Learning by activities.

6-  Connecting students with different sources of information

7-  Weekly worksheets to be implemented in the lab.

Sources of information and Instructional Aids

-  Text book.

-  Lecture notes.

-  PowerPoint slides

-  Labs

-  Library sources

Assessment Strategy and its tools

The assigned syllabus is assessed and evaluated

Through: feed back and the skills that are acquired by the students

The tools:

1-  Diagnostic tests to identify the students level and areas of weakness

2-  Formal (stage) evaluation

a) Class Participations

b) Fist Exam

c) Second Exam

d) Labs and Home works

Tool & Evaluation

Tests are permanent tools & assessment, in addition to the activity file which contains curricular and the co-cussiculor activities, research, report papers and the active participation of the student in the lecture.

The following table clarifies the organization of the assessment schedule:

Grade / Date / Test
15 / Specified later / 1 st
15 / Specified later / 2 nd
20 / Lab assignments. / Activities & Participation
50 / Specified later / Final Exam
Activities and Instructional Assignment

1-  Practical assignments to achieve the syllabus objectives.

Regulations to maintain the teaching-Learning Process in the Lecture:

1- Regular attendance

2- Respect of commencement and ending of the lecture time.

3- Positive relationship between student and teacher

4- Commitment to present assignments on time.

5- High commitment during the lecture to avoid any kind of disturbance and distortion.

6- High sense of trust and sincerity when referring to any piece of information and to mention the source.

For more information please refer to:


7- The student who absents himself should submit an accepted excuse.

8- University relevant regulations should be applied in case the students behavior is not accepted .

9- Allowed Absence percentages is 15%.

Internet websites
