James L. Taylor III Curriculum Vitae

James L. Taylor

Loyola Marymount University

Academy of Catholic Thought and Imagination

1 LMU Drive, Suite 4404

AOS:20th Century Continental Philosophy(Ethics, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Post-Structuralism);Social and Political Philosophy (Peace, Conflict, and Reconciliation as inspired by the Catholic Intellectual Tradition)

AOC: History of Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Critical Thinking


Title: The Ethics of Subjectivity: Activity and Passivity in Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Askesis

Committee: Richard Kearney (director), Mark Gedney, Jeffrey Bloechl


Ph.D. in Philosophy, 2016

Boston College, Boston, MA

Master of Arts in Philosophy, 2006

Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA, 2006

Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, 2003

Gordon College, Wenham, MA,

Summa Cum Laude


Edited Volumes

Heidegger and Politics, eds. James L. Taylor and Sarit Larry,special issue of Philosophy and Social Criticism, November 2013; 39 (9).

Hosting the Stranger: Between Religions, eds. Richard Kearney and James Taylor. London and New York: Continuum, 2011.


“Heidegger and Politics: Introduction” with Sarit Larry, to Heidegger and Politics special issue of Philosophy and Social Criticism, November 2013; 39 (9).

“After the Modern Subject: Between Activity and Passivity in Heidegger, Levinas and Gadamer.”The HermeneuticRationality/La rationalité herméneutique, Maria Luisa Portocarrero, Luis Umbelino, and Andrzej Wiercinski, eds.,Münster: LIT Verlag, 2011.

“Introduction,” with Richard Kearney in Hosting the Stranger: Between Religions, eds. Richard Kearney and James Taylor. London and New York: Continuum, 2011.

“Hospitality as Translation,” Chapter One inHosting the Stranger: Between Religions, eds. Richard Kearney and James Taylor. London and New York: Continuum, 2011.

“Paul Ricoeur and the Ethics of Translation.” The New Arcadia Review, Vol. 4, 2011.

“Gadamer’s Language: Meaning, Word, Event.” The Kent State Online Journal, March 2006.

Book Review

Foucault’s Law by Ben Goulder and Peter Fitzpatrick, Routledge, 2009, inContinental Philosophy Review,Volume 43:4, 2010.

Selected Presentations

“Two Rival Askeses: Kierkegaard and Foucault on Becoming a Self”. Kierkegaard: A Christian Thinker for Our Time? Baylor Symposium on Faith and Culture, Baylor University, October, 2013.

“Immanent Spirituality and the Recalcitrance of Transcendence: On the Problem of Foucault’s Religious Sources”. Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, University of Athens, Greece, August 2013.

“Modern Subjectivity as Spiritual Crisis: Reading Foucault Backwards”. International Conference on Philosophy and Crisis, University of Ioannina, Greece, July 2013.

“After the Modern Subject: Between Activity and Passivity in Heidegger, Levinas and Gadamer.”International Congress on Hermeneutics, Warsaw, Poland, September 2011.

“Heidegger and Lonergan: Hermeneutics and Ereignis.” Invited response to Fred Lawrence at the Lonergan at the Edge Conference, Marquette University, September 2010.

“Hospitality of Hermeneutic Distance.” Hosting the Stranger: An Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Hospitality and Embodied Imagination, Boston College, Spring 2009.

“From Here to Being-There: Heidegger and the Ethics of Dasein.” Boston College Philosophy Forum, Fall 2009.

“The Ethics of Self Transformation: Foucault and the Arts of Life.” Transformation and the Dynamics of (Radical) Change: Insights from Political Theory and Philosophy, Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, November 2008.

“Foucault and Heidegger on Nihilism, Modernity and Transformation.” Regeneration and Reinvention Interdisciplinary Conference, Salford University,Manchester, September 2008.

“Gadamer’s Language: Meaning, Word, Event.”The 13thAnnual Kent State Graduate Philosophy Conference, March 2006.

Administrative Experience

Director, Balkans Semester for Study of War and Peace

Gordon College, Global Education Office, Fall 2012 to present

Director of International Programs

European Center for the Study of War and Peace, Fall 2013 to present

Coordinator, Peace and Conflict Minor

Gordon College, Fall 2014

Program Manager

Guestbook Project, in association with Boston College, Fall 2008 to Spring 2011

Conferences Organized

“Violence and Religion: Applied Perspectives across Disciplines”, Balkans Semester for the Study of War and Peace, Spring 2015

“Peacemaking across the Disciplines: Challenges and Possibilities”, Balkans Semester for the Study of War and Peace, Spring 2014

“Heidegger and Politics”, Boston College Workshop in Contemporary Philosophy, Fall 2010

“On Hans Georg Gadamer”, Boston College Workshop in Contemporary Philosophy, Fall 2009

“Hosting the Stranger: Interreligious Hospitality”, Boston College, Fall 2009

“Phenomenologies of the Stranger”, Boston College, Spring 2009

“Theophanies of the Stranger”, Boston College, Spring 2009

Teaching Experience


James L. Taylor III Curriculum Vitae

Teaching Professor

Gordon College, Philosophy Department, Fall 2013 to present

Adjunct Professor

Northeastern University, Philosophy, Global Pathways Program, 2012/2013

Adjunct Professor

Salem State University, Philosophy Department, 2012/2013

Teaching Fellow

Boston College, Philosophy Department, 2008-2011

Adjunct Professor

Gordon College, Philosophy Department, Spring/Summer 2009

Adjunct Professor

Loyola Marymount University,Philosophy Department, 2006/07

Teaching Fellow

Loyola Marymount University, Philosophy Department, Fall 2005

Senior Teaching Assistant

Gordon College, Philosophy Department, 2003/04

Teaching Awards

Donald J. White Teaching Excellence Award, Boston College, 2011

Outstanding Teaching Fellow Award, Loyola MarymountUniversity, 2006

Courses Taught

Gordon College

Peacemaking: Personal, Social, Global

War and Peace: Philosophical and Theological Perspectives

The Examined Life (Intro to Philosophy)

The Great Conversation (Intro to the Liberal Arts)

Introduction to Philosophy: Antiquity

Introduction to Philosophy: Modernity

Salem State University

Social Ethics

Introduction to Philosophy

Boston College

Philosophy of the Person (6 sections over 3 years)

Loyola Marymount University

Philosophy of the Person (4 sections)

Critical Thinking

Teacher Training

Teaching Seminar (PL 99001, 4 semesters), Boston College

The Teacher Orientation and Practicum (2 semesters), Loyola Marymount University

Other Honors, Scholarships and Awards

Dissertation Completion Fellowship, 2011

Pass with Distinction on Doctoral Comprehensive Exam, Boston College, 2011

Pass with Honors on Comprehensive Masters Exam, Boston College, 2009

High Pass on Comprehensive Masters Exam, Loyola Marymount University, 2006

Teaching Fellow, Loyola Marymount University, 2006

Department Assistantship Grant, Loyola Marymount University, 2004-2006

Departmental Grant, Loyola Marymount University, Philosophy, 2004-2006

Member of Phi Alpha Chi Honors Society, 2001-Present

Phi Alpha Chi Scholarship, 2002

Luke A. & Mary Moore Wood Memorial Scholarship, 2001 Presidential Honors, Gordon College, All semesters

Other Academic Work Experience and Service

Director, Lead Faculty

International Seminar to Croatia and Bosnia, (Gordon College, May 17 – June 5, 2009)

Associate Director

Guestbook Project and Hosting the Stranger Seminar, Boston College, 2009

Editorial Assistant

Philosophy and Social Criticism: An International, Interdisciplinary Journal, 2008/09

External Referee

Foucault Studies, journal, 2009


“Facing the Stranger Across the Divide: Youth of Kosovo and Serbia Speak Up.” Documentary Film, 2011. Premiered at World Voices Festival at Pen International, New York City, April 25 – May 1, 2011


Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy

Society for Continental Philosophy and Theology

American Philosophical Association







James L. Taylor III Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Richard Kearney

The Charles B. Seelig Professor in Philosophy Boston College
(617) 964-8664

Dr. Jeffrey Bloechl

Associate Professor of Philosophy

Boston College

(617) 964-8664

Dr. Judith Oleson

Associate Professor of Social Work

Gordon College

(617) 875-5340