Student Handbook

Radernie Low Secure Unit

Stratheden Hospital


▪ Welcome to Radernie Low Secure Unit

▪ Mentor allocation

▪ Philosophy

▪ About the unit

▪ What we offer

▪ Placement expectations

▪ Induction

▪ Learning opportunities

▪ Placement evaluation

Welcome to LSU

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to your new placement.

We hope the learning environment enhances your learning by being supportive and encouraging learning opportunities available in this area.

Hours of work

Early shift - 7.30-15.30 hours

Late shift - 13.15-21.15 hours

While on placement you will work a combination of these shifts 5 days a week. 12 hour shifts or long days will not be granted. Off duty will be allocated by your mentor to ensure optimum mentoring. Any changes to off duty must be discussed with your mentor or charge nurse in their absence.

Any make up time will be added to the end of your placement once the ward has been officially notified by the university.

Dress code

Staff in LSU wear a uniform therefore you will be expected to wear your allocated student uniform. There may be occasions where you are on escort with a patient; on these occasions it is appropriate to wear civilian attire. This will be discussed with you in advance.

Sickness reporting

If you are going to be absent you must contact the ward and the university as soon as possible. Again when you are returning you must contact both parties.

Protected time

Stratheden offers student education sessions, you will be given time to attend these when they are running. You will be given protected time with your allocated mentor/co mentor to complete reviews and assessments.

Mentor Allocation

We are committed to supporting you while on placement in LSU. Alongside your mentor and co mentor the ward also has 2 student link nurses who are Katie Crawford and Greig Calley. They will provide added support and supervision to all students on placement.

You will be expected to participate in all aspects of the ward routine and work as part of the MDT. We would also encourage you to be aware of your own limitations. If you are asked to do something out with your ability, knowledge or status then please speak up.

If you don’t know, ask

Mentor - ______

Co mentor - ______

Our Philosophy

The Radernie Low Secure Unit aims to provide a holistic and patient centred service for people with severe and enduring mental health difficulties. Individuals who require time and support to aid recovery with a provision of security. This is done in the least restrictive environment

Rehabilitation is achieved through patients and carers contributing to care planning, goal setting and social inclusion. With the aid of a supportive network this will facilitate a smooth transition to a meaningful life in the community.

As a team we also aim to support each other and create a safe and positive learning environment.

Low Secure Unit


The low secure unit is within the grounds of Stratheden hospital.


10 individual bedrooms (2 en suite)

OT/activities area

Enclosed garden

Treatment room

Dining/ living area

Relaxation room

Quiet room


Interview/meeting rooms

Various bathroom facilities

Relationship with the service

Low Secure offers a specialist service within the Fife Mental Health Service for individuals with challenging behaviours who require an increased level of security for safety of themselves or others. Many of the individuals also have a forensic history.

Scope for service

LSU admits from various areas within general adult mental health, as well as step down from medium and high secure services. Patients are also referred from court on assessment orders as well as from prison on transfer for treatment orders.

What We Offer

Healthy Living Group

An opportunity for healthy eating education, ward based.

Horticultural Therapy

Stratheden hospital has mature gardens and patients are able to attend and maintain the garden and interact with patients from various other wards.


We have our own gym area as well as a gym in the Ceres centre which the patients can use. There are set times for this on our activities planner. OT and Gym instructor also facilitate circuits training in the ward gym.

Low Intensity Psychological Therapies

Nursing staff within the ward were trained by the Forensic Network to carrying out Low Intensity Psychology Therapies. These closed groups run for approximately ten weeks, 1 afternoon a week. Patients are pre assessed prior to commencing the group and patients out with the Low Secure Unit can also be involved.

Ward based activities

We offer a variety of ward based activities on a daily basis to promote engagement and social inclusion

Placement Expectations

During your placement you will be expected to apply the theory you have learned to practical situations. To facilitate this you may want to use Marks-Maran&Rose (1997) model of reflection.

This process will be facilitated by your mentors by encouraging you to reflect regularly on your practice, as well as examine where there may be gaps in your knowledge in relation to your practice. The aim is to enhance your performance and learning opportunities, by providing an environment which enhances your learning by being supportive, encouraging openness and avoiding competitive judgement.

Support network

§  Mentor

§  Co Mentor

§  Student Link Nurses

Katie Crawford Greig Calley

§  Senior Charge Nurse - Tanya Lonergan

§  Charge Nurse – Nicky Laing

§  Acting Charge Nurse – Yvonne Donaldson

§  Practice Education Facilitator – Walter Cambers

Learning Opportunities

§  Communication and de-escalation skills

§  Policies and procedures specific to Low Secure

§  Forensic assessment and management

§  Understanding of mental health act

§  Understanding of criminal procedures act

§  Enhanced CPA

§  Liaise with community forensic team


§  Specified person

§  Risk assessments/ risk meetings

§  Assessment tools

§  Incident management

§  Debriefing

§  Therapies

§  Coordinating shifts

§  Handovers

§  Recovery focused practice

§  Multidisciplinary team meetings

§  Administering depot medication

§  Escorting patients

§  Rapid tranquilisation

§  High dose monitoring

§  Observation levels

§  Adult basic life support

§  Clinical observations

§  Visiting other services

§  Student talks and protected student time for self study

Ward Induction

Must be completed with on first day of placement

Mentor Signature / Student Signature / Date
Introduction to mentor and co mentor
Orientation to ward
Safety systems and guidelines
·  Safety guidelines
·  Prohibited and restricted items
·  Observation policy
·  Alarm system
·  Emergency numbers
·  Location of emergency medical equipment
·  Fire procedure
Introduction to ward team
Dress policy
Sickness reporting
Hours of work
Protected time
Issued student diary and handbook
Arrange NHS email for access to FACE

Learning Opportunities

Must be completed during placement

Learning Activity / Mentor Signature / Date
Forensic estate
Forensic mental health/criminal procedures
Admission/referral procedure
Risk assessments
Enhanced CPA
Specified person
Policies and procedures
Student education sessions
Incident management/ debrief process
Present /chair multidisciplinary team meeting
Participation in ward activities and groups
Shadow security nurse

Additional Learning Opportunities

(additional learning opportunities that are available and space for personal learning needs indentified through discussion with mentor)

Learning Activity / Mentor Signature / Date
Risk meeting with community forensic team
Day with community forensic team
Day in IPCU
Shadow other members of the MDT e.g. OT, medical, psychology

Student Evaluation

This feedback is confidential and is only seen by the link nurses. Your feedback helps us improve as a learning environment for future students.

very poor / 2
poor / 3
satisfactory / 4
good / 5
very good

1. Were you made welcome and allocated a mentor and co mentor? Score…..

Please provide an example


2. Did you feel you were fully orientated to the ward and made aware of safety procedures? Score…..

Who did this, and in what way?


3. Did you sit down with one of your mentors in the first few days to identify key issues and record these in your documentation? Score…..

Please provide the timeframe and were these your own objectives?


4. Did you feel all your learning needs were met during your placement? Score…..

Please provide a couple of examples of your needs and how these were met or if they were not met can you think why?


5. Did you receive protected student time every week? Score…..

Was this with your mentor or another member of staff? Did you find this time beneficial to your learning experience.


6. Were you supported by your mentors and the team?


Please can you provide any good or bad examples of this?


7. Was all university assessment documentation filled out in time? Score…..

Was this done with your mentor? If not, why?


8. Were the learning opportunities and teaching methods appropriate to your level of learning needs? Score…..

Please tell us either how these will benefit you in your future roles or why they were not appropriate.


Please use the space below to add any further comments on your placement experience or feedback for your mentor.


Thank you for your feedback.

Please put in a sealed envelope FAO: Katie Crawford

Katie Crawford Updated October 2016