Unit Theme: 6.1 Characters Facing Challenges Week: #:______

Teacher: Subject: Grade: ______6______Date: From ______to ______20____

Desired Result /
EQ1. How do challenges lead to new learning?
EU1. Challenges are openings to new learning.
EQ4. What makes great writing?
EU4. The writing process helps us more effectively communicate our own stories. /
Assessment Evidence /
Summative Evaluation (Performance Task): Character Traits Essay
Learning Plan /
Suggested Learning Activities: /
Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Standards / Listening, Language / Speaking, Listening, Reading / Reading / Reading / Writing
Expectations / 6.L.1d, 6. LA.4 / 6 S.2c; 6L1d, 6. R.1 / 6R3L, 6.R.1 / 6R3L / 6.W.3
Academic Strategy
Objective / Through a read aloud, the students will determine or clarify unit/story vocabulary.
/ Through the reading of “Gonzalo”, the students will fill out a story map. / By using a problem and solution diagram, the students will point out the problem, 3 events and resolution of the story. / After analyzing the story “Gonzalo”, students will develop the character traits chart. / Based on the story “Gonzalo”, the students will write and develop a two paragraph essay.
Initial Activities / The teacher explains the use of word walls ( 6.1 using word walls) / Instructions to do independent reading. / Give instructions and explain the diagram. / Explain in detail the performance task. / Review the steps of an essay.
Development Activities / ·  Point out new vocabulary words.
·  Define each new concept. / Fill out the story map. / Students fill out the diagram using the story “Gonzalo”. / Students develop the character traits chart.( Activity: 6.1 character traits organizer) / Students write their draft.
Closing Activities / Review the new words. / Discuss the story map. / Discuss the diagram. / Discuss answers. / Peer feedback.
Formative Assessment – Other evidence
Differentiated Instruction Strategies
___ Special Education ___ LSP/LEP
___ Section 504 ___ Gifted
Teacher Reflection