1. Resume
  2. Cover Letter
  3. Internship
  4. Interview
  5. Presentation
/ Questions &
Critical Thinking
Assessments / Activity Based
Instruction and Exercises
Possible Guest Speakers / Competencies / SCANS Skills
All Core Subject Standards
used monthly:
literacy, reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
Show 2 Videos from RoadTrip Nation each week.
Week 1
  • Instructor sends home course outline and parent letter re: PBL.
  • Course Intro.
  • Getting to Know You
  • Present PBL Project, Driving Question, and Subquestions
Week 2
  • Internship Intro.
  • Work Safety
  • Business Practices
  • Business Attire
Week 3
Week 4
/ What is Business Environments?
What is an Environment?
Why am I taking this course?
What will I learn from this course?
What does the question, “Why reinvent the wheel?” mean?
What are we going to do this semester?
What are this course’s expectations?
What is your favorite cookie?
Chocolate or Starbursts?
What is an Internship?
How can I make my internship experience the most valuable?
What are the Internship’s student expectations?
What is Work Safety?
Why is knowing work safety important?
PBL Project Rubric
Instructor Journal Checks / Ice Breakers
Pair Up Questionnaire Handout
Instructor Guess Questionnaire contest
Instructor Get-To Know Power Point
Journals- 15 min. each day, except on Fri. complete SWP Sheet.
SSR- Per. 3 Silent Reading
Resume Exchange exercise
Cover Letter Exchange exercise
Show 2 films: that represent work environments; Jerry Maguire and ______.
MOCK Interviewers
MediaArtsCenter of San Diego Representative
Retail clothing rep.
PBL Letter to Parents
Course Outline
Work Preparedness’ Resume and Cover Letter
ROP Internship Preparations
Student Weekly Planning (SWP) Sheet pg. 105 PBL Handbook. / Course Competencies
AKnowledge of the skills and personality traits required for career.
BKnowledge of career opportunities.
CKnowledge of career path.
DUnderstands educational requirements.
EAttained awareness of advanced career and educational opportunities and the need for continuous education. / Course Exercise: Students create professional resume, cover letter and participate in a moch job interview.
SCANS Skills:
Resources: Identifies, organizes, plans, and allocates resources.
  1. Time: Selects goal-relevant activities, ranks them, allocates time, and prepares and follows schedules.
Interpersonal: Works with others.
  1. Serves Clients/Customers: Works to satisfy customers' expectations.
Information: Acquires and uses information.
  1. Acquires and Evaluates Information.
  2. Organizes and Maintains Information.
  3. Interprets and Communicates Information.
  4. Uses Computers to Process Information.

Show 2 Videos from RoadTrip Nation each week.
Week 5 & 6
The process
Student’s roles and expectations
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
STUDENT PLANNING BRIEF (pg. 106-107 PBL Handbook) / What is interviewing?
Does everyone like to be interviewed?
Is it easier to interview someone you know vs. someone you do not know?
How long should a job interview take?
How do you know when a job interview is over?
How do we prepare for a job interview?
What do you wear to a job interview?
What do you wear when you are the interviewee?
How do you know what questions to ask when you are the interviewee?
Who are seen as some of the best interviewers and why?
Do’s and Don’ts?
Best and Worst interviewees?
What is Power Point?
What is a presentation?
PBL Project Rubric
Instructor Journal Checks / Ice Breakers
Student interview role playing.
Homework exercise: Students choose one person to interview.
MS Power Point Exercise
Journals- 15 min. each day, except on Fri. complete SWP Sheet.
SSR- Per. 3 Silent Reading
Show Video Examples:
Larry King interviewing icons teens can relate to
Book: “How to talk to anyone, anytime, anyplace” by Larry King.
TechTrade School speaker
Engineer guest speaker
Tech Co. CEO guest speaker
Interview do’s and don’ts
Work Preparedness’ Interview
PBL Grading Rubric
Student Presentation Brief
Student Planning Brief / Course Competencies
AKnowledge of the skills and personality traits required for career.
BKnowledge of career opportunities.
CKnowledge of career path.
DUnderstands educational requirements.
EAttained awareness of advanced career and educational opportunities and the need for continuous education.
E Understands sexual harassment laws.
F Practices safe working procedures. / Course Exercise: Coordinating
PBL Interview Process
SCANS Skills
Resources: Identifies, organizes, plans, and allocates resources.
  1. Time: Selects goal-relevant activities, ranks them, allocates time, and prepares and follows schedules.
Interpersonal: Works with others.
  1. Participates as Member of a Team: Contributes to group effort.
  2. Serves Clients/Customers: Works to satisfy customers' expectations.
  3. Works with Diversity: Works well with men and women from diverse backgrounds.

Show 2 Videos from RoadTrip Nation each week.
Week 10-13
Once a week meet with students:
Internship Admin.
PBL Progress
Students begin interviewing and taping interviews. / Where is your internship?
Who would you like to interview on your internship?
Share with your colleagues your first week at your internship?
Are you hungry?
What is your favorite movie and why?
Project Driving Question:
Do adults make the right choices?
Project Subquestions:
Students analyze and discuss PBL Project subquestions.
PBL Project Rubric
Instructor Journal Checks / Selected Students to update course website with PBL updates.
Journals- 15 min. each day, except on Fri. complete SWP Sheet.
SSR- Per. 3 Silent Reading
Work on MS Power Point
Digital Story Video:
Students video their interview experience if not able to attain a rep. from MediaArtsCenter of San Diego.
Pre-conceived ideas or assumptions about Interview project.
PBL Progress Rubric / Course Competencies
AKnowledge of the skills and personality traits required for career.
BKnowledge of career opportunities.
CKnowledge of career path.
DUnderstands educational requirements.
EAttained awareness of advanced career and educational opportunities and the need for continuous education.
ACreates and word processes a resume.
BCreates and word processes a cover letter.
D Successful completion of a job interview.
ADemonstrates effective communication skills.
BHandles customer complaints.
CPractices time management skills.
DWorks collaboratively as a member of a diverse team.
EDemonstrates initiative.
FUnderstands business ethics. / Course Exercise: Participating in an Internship, conducting and recording PBL Project Interview
SCANS Skills
Resources: Identifies, organizes, plans, and allocates resources.
  1. Time: Selects goal-relevant activities, ranks them, allocates time, and prepares and follows schedules.
  1. Human Resources: Assesses skills
Interpersonal: Works with others.
  1. Participates as Member of a Team: Contributes to group effort.
  2. Serves Clients/Customers: Works to satisfy customers' expectations.
  3. Works with Diversity: Works well with men and women from diverse backgrounds.
Information: Acquires and uses information.
  1. Acquires and Evaluates Information.
  2. Organizes and Maintains Information.
  3. Interprets and Communicates Information.
  4. Uses Computers to Process Information.

Week 14-16
Once a week meet with students:
Internship Admin.
PBL Completion
Students continue and complete interviewing and taping interviews. / You have experienced your first month at your internship, describe your experience?
After a month at an internship, what have you learned about the real world?
How do you feel family members play an effect on the choices we make on career roads we take?
Does your family celebrate holidays? If so, do you have any family traditions? Explain.
Project Driving Question:
Do adults make the right choices?
Project Subquestions:
Students analyze and discuss subquestions.
PBL Project Rubric
Instructor Journal Checks / Selected Students to update course website with PBL updates.
Journals- 15 min. each day, except on Fri. complete SWP Sheet.
SSR- Per. 3 Silent Reading
Work on MS Power Point
Digital Story Video:
Students video their interview experience if not able to attain a rep. from MediaArtsCenter of San Diego.
PBL Progress Rubric / Course Competencies
AKnowledge of the skills and personality traits required for career.
BKnowledge of career opportunities.
CKnowledge of career path.
DUnderstands educational requirements.
EAttained awareness of advanced career and educational opportunities and the need for continuous education.
ACreates and word processes a resume.
BCreates and word processes a cover letter.
D Successful completion of a job interview.
E Completes a presentation that summarizes the internship experience.
ADemonstrates effective communication skills.
BHandles customer complaints.
CPractices time management skills.
DWorks collaboratively as a member of a diverse team.
EDemonstrates initiative.
FUnderstands business ethics. / Course Exercise: Participating in an Internship, conducting and recording PBL Project Interview
SCANS Skills
Resources: Identifies, organizes, plans, and allocates resources.
  1. Time: Selects goal-relevant activities, ranks them, allocates time, and prepares and follows schedules.
  1. Human Resources: Assesses skills
Interpersonal: Works with others.
  1. Participates as Member of a Team: Contributes to group effort.
  2. Serves Clients/Customers: Works to satisfy customers' expectations.
  3. Works with Diversity: Works well with men and women from diverse backgrounds.
Information: Acquires and uses information.
  1. Acquires and Evaluates Information.
  2. Organizes and Maintains Information.
  3. Interprets and Communicates Information.
  4. Uses Computers to Process Information.

Week 17
Week 18
Student Presentations
Vote on Interviews
End-Of-Project Self-Assessments (pg. 123-124 PBL Handbook)
Week 19
Last week of course.
Business Environments in review.
Students create and share:
course hypothesis
interview hypothesis
STUDENT LEARNING LOG (pg. 108 PBL Handbook) / Present to students a End of PBL set of questions:
What did they like about the project?
What did they not like?
If you were to change something about this project, what would you change and why?
What did you learn from doing this project about careers?
What did you learn from doing this project about working on a team?
What did you learn from doing this project about your beliefs?
Have your fears increased or decreased?
What do you want to do when you grow up?
Do people grow up?
How old is old?
What is an obstable/barrier?
PBL Presentation Rubric (pg. 74 PBL Handbook)
Instructor Journal Checks / Journals- 15 min. each day, except on Fri. complete SWP Sheet.
SSR- Per. 3 Silent Reading
TechTrade School speaker
Hospitality Technology Representative- AV/Sound Engineer
End of project questionnaire.
PBL Progress Rubric
End-Of-Project Self-Assessments
Student Learning Log / Course Competencies
2WORKPLACE SKILLS AND BEHAVIOR - The student has demonstrated the following standards of professionalism:
AWorks independently and collaboratively.
BCommunicates effectively and appropriately.
CPerforms reliably and responsibly.
DRespects diversity.
EIs punctual and dependable.
FFollows directions.
HIs cooperative.
JMeets job standards of neatness and grooming.
KResponds appropriately to constructive criticism.
LUses basic reading, writing quantitative, speaking, and listening skills.
MApplies creative thinking, decision making, and reasoning skills to solve social and job related problems.
NSuccessfully completed a job related internship.
E Completes a presentation that summarizes the internship experience. / Course Exercise: Present interview PowerPoints, vote on presentations, and proposition local film festivals.
Information: Acquires and uses information.
  1. Acquires and Evaluates Information.
  2. Organizes and Maintains Information.
  3. Interprets and Communicates Information.
  4. Uses Computers to Process Information.
Technology: Works with a variety of technologies.
  1. Selects Technology: Chooses procedures, tools, or equipment including computers and related technologies.
  2. Applies Technology to Task: Understands overall intent and proper procedures for setup and operation of equipment.