Willow Road PTA meeting minutes

January 30, 2018

Approval of minutes: Mrs. Palazzolo and Joanne Naumov.

Treasurer’s report: Starting balance on December 1st was $22,537.03, we had an income of $12,948.35, expenses were $12,131.63, leaving an ending balance of $23,157.31

Correspondences: Thank You card from Mrs. Ambrosio to the PTA for the generosity during the holidays. Thank You card from Ms. Shaw for the grant she received in October. Thank You card from Mrs. Grosso for our thoughtfulness during the holidays.

Administrative Report: New chairs: Willow and Howell received several hundred new folding chairs (we received 300 to be exact). New doors were put in by the 5th and 6th grade dismissal doors, this was not under the BOND. The main office also received new furniture (new desks). Mrs. Cornetta’s desk is now at the front lobby. NWEA tests were administered and our scores were wonderful. Chunkies are used by 1st and 2nd graders, only kindergartners use the kindergarten playground, grades 3-6 use the blacktop. As of now we do not know the cause of the fire, it is an ongoing investigation. Once they come to a conclusion, Mrs. Ambrosio will share that information with us.

Committee Reports: School Pictures retakes went well. Not many students retook and they all were received already. Holiday Party: Wonderful time was had by all! DJ was great! Very generous with the desserts. Holiday Boutique: We made $1200 profit. Everyone liked the new vendor, it was nice to have a different variety of items. Reflections: We had 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners, unfortunately we didn’t have anyone move on to the next level. Those winners will be revealed at the assembly on February 12th. Their parents were notified and can be present at the assembly to see their child receive their award. Interschoool: 3 grants were given to Willow; (1) Ms. Shaw, Mrs. Tringone and Ms. Pulvidente (2) Mrs. Geidel and (3) Mr. Rosenfeld. High School: PTA meeting was last week. January 26th was the last day to accept resumes for the Principal position then February 7th will begin the interview process. Just to name a few of the capitol projects that are being done outside the BOND are: the Deans office is being updated, the wrestling room is getting new mats, bathrooms are being renovated, the music room is being refurbished, the piano is being replaced, concrete work outside and they are getting new elevators. There is still no resolutions for the traffic at drop-off and pick-up. 6th Grade: Thank you to everyone who supported the 6th grade by purchasing raffle tickets at the winter concert and buying books at the book sale. We took our candids for the yearbook. The theme for the school dance has been chosen, it has not been revealed yet. There will be a bake sale at the children’s BINGO this Friday night. Council Delegates: Nothing to report. We are hosting the next meeting which will be next Monday. The guest speaker will be discussing health awareness. Parent’s Night Out: Had to be rescheduled due to the low number of RSVP’S to March 9th. It’s going to be a lot of fun! We have tons of raffles and baskets. Please come and support this event. Dancing Classes: In full swing! Always a great event. Children are really enjoying it. This is our 10th year participating. This is for 4th grade only. Pre-School: First visitation was on January 12th. We had a good turn-out, about 32 kids attended. March 8th is the next visitation. New Business: Founders Day is February 13th. We will be having a special meeting that evening at 7:00. A parent will be honored. Dr. Jasin and Mrs. Berlin will be our guest speakers.

Angela: Made a motion to put a committee together to look at the function of our PTA board. This committee will review the by-laws to maybe restructure the board for the upcoming school year. The committee will consist of 7 people; a chair, a parent that has been out of Willow for a least 2 or 3 years, a 6th, 3rd, and 1st grade parent, a teacher and a current board member. They will see what we can do within our restrictions and consider restructuring the board as far as how we operate and possibly reducing the number of people on the board and how we each function. The reason for this is due to less involvement is all PTA activities. All approved the motion!

Thank you to everyone who attended this meeting tonight and we look forward to seeing you at our next meeting on February 12th at 7:00 which we will also be celebrating Founder’s Day!