External Training and Development Fund for Researchers in the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

A scheme to support professional development which is not directly related to research.

Guidance Notes

This fund aims to support Researchers to participate in training and development activities which are not currently available within the University of Manchester, and to enable uptake of development events offered at regional or national level. The criteria for this award are below; please ensure you read these fully before applying. Funds are awarded on the condition of the applicant producing a report or other resources which will support the development of other researchers.

Note that these guidance notes may be subject to change.

Who is eligible?

Researchersbased within the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences who are

  • PhD students at least 6 months into their PhD programme
  • Research Staff (Post-docs, Research Associates, early-career Research Fellows)

What activities are eligible?

Activities that support general professional development or career development, in areas which are generally transferable between a range of careers.

Examples include participation at:

  • Events provided by Vitae, the national researcher development organisation
  • Careers fairs and events
  • Public engagement activities
  • Science communication festivals or conferences for the general public
  • Events to enhance expertise in teaching and learning, e.g. HEA events (
  • Training offered by other institutions, in themes such as leadership, communication, inter-personal skills, media work, creativity, and transferable IT skills (which are not discipline-specific)
  • Activities which develop skills detailed in sections C – G of the Research Council’s Joint Statement on Skills


This fund is not for research-related or discipline-specific activities. It cannot be used to attend research conferences or to present research at other institutions (unless eligible as above). It cannot fund training for operating new equipment; carrying out new scientific/technical techniques; Health & Safety training; or other technical training. Such support may be available for staff via the STDU External Training Scheme. (

What is covered?

This fund will cover registration or course fees, necessary travel and subsistence costs, within the usual University Expense Guidelines. It will normally contribute up to a maximum of £500 per year to one individual.

Your commitment

A condition of this funding is that successful applicants will share some of their experiences with other researchers within the Faculty of EPS. You can decide the format of this, such as a written article for the skills training newsletters: INCITE and STEPS Graduate or Researcher Development websites, a presentation or workshop for other researchers, a video or audio interview. The focus of these contributions could cover the content of what you learnt, or your subjective experiences and the impact on you or your work. The details of this commitment will be negotiated following your application.

Details of successful bids will be posted online, with subsequent reports.

Application dates

Applications close 1September 2009, 1 December 2009, 1 March 2010, 1 June 2010.

You will receive confirmation of successful applications within two weeks of the application closing date.

How to apply

  1. Read the guidance notes.
  2. Check whether similar opportunities are available at the University of Manchester, via STDU, other Faculties or other training providers such as the Manchester Enterprise Centre, UMIP or the Careers Service.
  3. Discuss your proposal with your PI/Supervisor (line manager) to ensure their support.
  4. Complete and submit the application form by the specified dates.

Process for assessing applications

All applications will be reviewed by a sub-group of the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences Skills Training Steering Group, who will decide on one of the following outcomes:

  • Fully fund the application
  • Partially fund the application (further funding should be sought from other sources)
  • Not fund the application
  • Request further information
  • Invite resubmission based on the panel’s comments

This decision will be based upon demonstration of the following assessment criteria:

  • Submission of a fully completed Application Form
  • Endorsement of the Supervisor / Principal Investigator / line manager
  • Request for an amount within the £500 limit
  • Relevance to clearly defined individual professional development needs
  • Clear training and development focus, with transferable nature, i.e.not specific to particular research or disciplines
  • Proposed activity relating to one or more of the skills areas in sections C to G of the Research Councils’ Joint Skills Statement, or developing skills in leadership, public engagement, inter-personal skills, media work, creativity, teaching and learning
  • Appropriate timing regarding career and ongoing professional development
  • The approach to sharing the experiences gained with other researchers
  • Value for money, likely impact.

Further information and enquiries

If you have queries regarding eligibility or other aspects of application, contact:

Dr. Gemma Muckle
Researcher Development Officer
Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Ext. 64169 or

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