PuttenhamChurch of EnglandSchool
Telephone: 01483 810317

NEWSLETTER — 22nd July 2013
Note from the Headteacher
Dear Parents and carers,
As our school year and term draws to a close I would like to thank all the children, staff and yourselves for making my first term a very happy experience albeit a very busy one.
We are sad to see the year 2 children move on from us but they are ready for the next steps in their education. I know that they have had many wonderful learning and fun experiences here in a safe and nurturing environment. I think you will agree that they shone like stars during the production of the Owl and the Pussycat, which demonstrates how effectively they have been encouraged to be confident and happy children. Their new schools are very lucky to have them and we wish them all well.
I am sure you would like to join me and the governors in congratulating Mrs Sandra Barrett on achieving the internal appointment of assistant Headteacher to start here in September. We are looking forward to working together with our excellent team of staff on leading the school forwards.
We all wish Mrs Karen Coxell, Fox Class assistant all the very best as she leaves Puttenham at the end of term. She is a very kind and hard-working member of staff and we shall miss her. We have been successful in appointing Mrs Fiona Gill to replace her.
Wishing you all a very happy and safe summer holiday,
Yours truly,
Sarah Rowlands
Governor news
It seems incredible to think that we have reached the end of another academic year - so much has happened. Top of the list has to be saying our farewells to our old head teacher, Mrs Dingley, and our welcomes to our new head teacher, Mrs Rowlands. It could have been a tricky time but the school’s wonderful children and excellent staff hardly seemed to blink.
Now we have to say more farewells and welcomes as the leavers move on and the new arrivals prepare to start the next chapter of their school lives. I hope that the families leaving will take with them happy memories of Puttenham and that we’ll be able to create new ones for the next intake. The new children, like all the children in the school, will have plenty of memories to choose from.
Take this year - it has been as busy as any with activities and special events happening one after the other. There have been performances; examinations; celebrations; a new extension; and all the fund-raising events organised by the magnificent PSA, lead for the last three terms by Katy Vaculova-Ashton and Fran Willoughby.
It has been non-stop but somehow the school still seems to be heading firmly and happily in the right direction and that’s thanks to the community who support it: the families, teachers and pupils; the office staff; the playtime supervisors; the learning support assistants; the sports coaches; the dinner ladies; the governors; all the volunteers who come in to help; and, of course, the village of Puttenham.
Thank you to everyone who works so hard for the school. It could never be the caring, creative place it is without you.
Georgie Knaggs
Chair of Governors
Class teachers next year
Apologies for not having put teacher names to class lists earlier this month.
Squirrel Class - Mrs Barrett and Mrs Ireland; Learning Support Assistant – Miss Jess Howard
Hedgehog Class – Miss Francessca Guiton; Learning Support Assistant – Mrs Julie Waldron
Fox Class – Miss Alexis Carpenter; Learning Support Assistant – Mrs Fiona Gill
Otter Class – Mrs Katharine Parsons; Learning Support Assistant – Mrs Sue Moore
News from our 2 new Headteachers!!!
Puttenham C of E School had two new and excellent Headteachers for the day - Louis and Isabella. This was a silent auction prize from the Summer Fair. Amongst all the many things they did was welcoming children and parents to school, checking that everybody was working hard, giving out many stickers and ringing the bell at the end of play. They also had their photos taken for the Surrey Advertiser. This is what they thought of their day.
Louis - ‘I like the part when I gave stickers out to my friends because they said thank you! I liked ringing the bell too and bringing it back and on the second time I actually ringed it really loud. I would like to be a Headteacher when I grow up.’
Isabella - ‘I liked the same things because my friends weren’t asking for stickers and I liked ringing the bell too and giving out the birthday cards. It was hard work because when you give out the birthdays you have to have a loud voice. I’m not sure I want to be a Headteacher when I grow up.’
Thank you both you did a really good job! Plus it was a pleasure to need no excuse to have biscuits and tea all day in my office as that is what being a Headteacher is all about.
Website Update
The new website will be launched imminently. The address is Please keep checking through the holidays. If you spot any glitches with the new website please let us know, . I would like to thank Dawn Davidsen for her drive and hard work with building the website as well as the support of Michael Watts. I would also like to thank Martyn Batten who has worked with the school on the previous website over many years. / PSA News
The PSA announced at their AGM that they made a fantastic £1700 at the summer fair despite the terrible weather. The 2 chairs – Fran Willoughby and
Katie Vaculova-Ashton have stepped down. Elections for new chair or chairs will take place on 18th September at the next PSA meeting. Please do consider if you would like this role and/or you would like to be part of the committee.
Confederation news
Our School confederation, Fearnhamme is gathering information about staff training needs for next year. We have plans to work collaboratively across the group on developing implementation of the revised National Curriculum for September 2014. The Curriculum is currently still under consultation. / Breakfast Club
Thank you to all who responded to the breakfast club survey in June. We had 43 responses of which 19 parents said they would use the service, but not necessarily every day. The most popular days were Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We are in negotiations with the proposed provider as the demand is not sufficient to make it viable without reduced costs to the school. We will contact you as soon as we have finalised the decision. Sarah Rowlands
Amazing and Awesome Attendance!
We’d like to congratulate the following children for 100% attendance all year –
Nathaniel Hall, Evie Moore, Thomas Norton, Isabel Snoxell and Toby Willoughby.
99% attendance was achieved by Oliver Butcher, Georgina Dickinson,
Sammy Iddles-Heptonstall, Connie Langridge, Katie Palmer, Coco Prichard,
Ethan Rogers and Oliver Sneath. Well done all of you! Keep it up next year.
A special commendation also needs to be made to Coco Prichard for 99% attendance over her 3 years at Puttenham School.
Contacting school in the holidays
I will be able to respond to emails during the following weeks beginning 5th August; 11th August; 27th August.
The school office opens on Tuesday 3rd September. Sarah Rowlands

We have celebrated the birthdays of
Daisy Sampson, Isla Wilson, Connie Cook, Evie Moore and William McCubbine. We also wish happy birthday to
Emily Case, Ayanah Harrison, Toby Willoughby,
Coco Prichard, Olivia Bugg, Nathaniel Hall,
Sammy Iddles-Heptonstall, William Brew and Alfie Skinner who all celebrate their birthdays in the summer holidays. /
We have celebrated the achievements of Thomas Norton, Xenia Chappell,
Sammy Iddles-Heptonstall, Jesper Rosvall, Leyla Honey, William McCubbine,
Ethan Rogers, Louis Vacula-Ashton, Charlie Bromley, Tilly Murdoch, Isabella Vaculova-Ashton, Emilia Lukas, Daisy Sampson, Emily Case, Ivy Boullé, Zoë Dennison, Connie Langridge, Archie Lyon Taylor, Nathaniel Hall, Alex Costantini, Phoebe Binns, Truman Lewis,
Ruth Middleton, Leo Northcott and Mrs Coxell.
Well done to them all.


Tuesday 3rd & Wednesday 4th September / INSET DAYS
Thursday 5th September 8.40am / Autumn Term begins for Years 1 & 2
Week Commencing 9th September / Reception children start
Monday 16th September 9.00am / Coffee morning for new parents
Monday 16th September 2.00pm – 3.00pm / Meet the teachers Year 2
Wednesday 18th September 2.00pm – 3.00pm / Meet the teachers Year 1
Wednesday 18th September 8.00pm / PSA Meeting
Monday 23rd September / Scholastic Book Fair (In school all week)
Tuesday 24th September 9.30am – 11.00am / Open Morning for Prospective Parents
Thursday 26th September 7.00pm – 8.00pm / Meet the teachers Year R
Friday 27th September 2.00pm / Macmillan Coffee Afternoon
Saturday 19th October 10.00 – 12.00 / Autumn Ground Force Day
Friday 25th October / School Disco
Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November / HALF TERM
Tuesday 5th November / School Photos (Individual)
Friday 8th November 2.15pm – 3.00pm / “Come and see where I learn”
Tuesday 12th November 3.15pm – 6.00pm / Parent Teacher Meetings
Thursday 14th November 6.00pm – 8.30pm / Parent Teacher Meetings
Tuesday 3rd December 9.30am / Reception Christmas Play
Friday 6th December / Christmas Fair
Tuesday 10th December 9.30am / Years 1 & 2 Christmas Play
Wednesday 11th December 2.00pm / Years 1 & 2 Christmas Play
Thursday 12th December 9.30am / Years 1 & 2 Christmas Play
Friday 20th December 9.15am / Christmas Church Service