¡¡¡Hola Chicos. Feliz 2017!!!

(I will be out this week, recovering from last Monday’s back surgery. Make me

feel proud by behaving and doing all I have planned for you. I will miss you!♥)

Esp. 2 Semana del 2 al 6 de enero de 2017

►lunes, 2 de enero

Student Holiday “Enjoy your last day of Winter Break!”

►martes, 3 de enero

-as you come in you will see your warm-up of the day written on the front board for you to copy and translate into your journal. I also left a textbook on each seat, so you can find the translations on pg. 124. This will give my sub a chance to take attendance.

-Once she is done, the activities of the day are on the side board next to the door. She might read them to you, but they are self-explanatory.

-Those absent can do their work, too. Under Jan 6th in Our Calendar the vocabulary page from the textbook was downloaded for you. There are 52 Voc. Words that you will practice by writing them 3 times each Spanish-English.

-If in doubt, go to our Google Classroom, there too, I have left instructions for you.

-Start preparing for your Vocab. Test, this Friday, Jan. 6th!

►miércoles, 4 de enero

-as you come in you will see your warm-up of the day written on the front board for you to copy and translate into your journal. Do this quietly while the teacher takes attendance.

-when done with the warm-up, open chrome book and go to our Google Classroom. There you look under: Work for Wednesday, Jan. 4th.

-You will be given the Voc. 2B Study Guide Sheet that you will use to make your 3 columns Voc. Practice Graphic Organizer. You have done this before, remember create a word Doc for the 50 words you will be tested on Friday. See example in our Google Classroom. Don’t forget to number your words!!

-Due date is Friday, Jan. 6th by midnight!

-Continue preparing for Voc 2B test this Friday!!

►jueves, 5 de enero

-as you come in you will see your warm-up of the day written on the front board for you to copy into your journal. Do this quietly while the teacher take attendance.

-once attendance has been taken you will be given a yellow sheet of paper for you to prepare:

Repaso # 1 Para el Examen del Voc. 2B Nombre Periodo Fecha (see pg124)

Page 1: A- Words to talk about shopping (1-7)

B- Words to talk about colors (1-5)

C- Words to describe what clothing is made of (1-7)

Page 2: A. Words to discuss paying for purchases (1-14)

Page 3:A. Words to discuss clothing purchases 1-11

B. Other Useful words 1-8

-when completed open chrome bookand go to Quizlet.comand create a study guide of the words for: Vocabulario 2B pg 124. Then you can play the Matching game and Gravity to prepare for this Vocab test and the Chapter test!. Don’t forget to give it a title: Esp. 2 Voc 2B by and your first and last name!!

►viernes, 6 de enero

-when you come in, take out your completed review and study from it silently while the teacher takes attendance.

-she will then hand out the yellow answer sheet.

-she will be requesting you put everything away in your backpack.

-you will be responding to your Chapter 2B Vocabulary Test. “Buena Suerte”

-after the test you will be picking up an “All I have learned so far in Spanish” review packet.

-work on it silently and individually.