EM Holt Elementary PTO Board Minutes

October 12, 2015

On October 12, 2015, an EM Holt PTO Board meeting was held at 5:30. India Kingery, our PTO President welcomed each of us and called our meeting to order at 5:40.

Members present: 9

Treasurer’s Report: Shanon Lee provided the PTO Treasurer’s Report

Cash Balance $



Cash Balance$


Jennifer Shaw, PTO Secretary, read minutes from the September 14th meeting. Motion was made to approve minutes: Motion: E. Gilley; 2nd: I, Kingery

Committee Reports:

Backpack Program: The backpack chair was excited to report there was a record number of canned food collected at the Fall Festival this year! Each backpack child now has an EM Holt t shirt. EMH PTO has 24 childrencurrently in the program.

Box Tops: collection next week.

Butter Braids: butter braid sales start November 9th& delivery is December 14th

Cultural Arts: on 10/16 there will be Spanish dancers & food.

Enrichment Program: There are 78 kids that are signed up for Mad Science. Bricks for Kids will be in the Spring.

Fall Festival: the Fall Festival was a HUGE success! Everyone that commented about the festival said only positive things & it was ENJOYED BY ALL! The final numbers are not in but we are suspecting to have made an approximate $25,000 profit! The committee will be working on Thank You Notes to all sponsors in the upcoming weeks.

Hospitality: There will be snacks provided for the teachers & staff on the early release day (10/23).

Paw Print: The next due date for ads & info for the Paw Print will be 11/16. Please provide Renee Johnson with a brief article about your Committee, Committee needs, etc by November 16thso she can get it put in this Issue of the Paw Print.

Spirit Nights: McTeacher night will be November 19th. They plan to do a spirit night monthly. The committee will follow up with YoZone about our last Spirit Night. Freddy’s, & Firehouse Subs are prospective places to hold Spirit Nights.

Santa Shop: Santa Shop will be held December 7th-11th. We still need a Santa Shop chair to organize the flow of the shop. We will need lots of volunteers to wrap gifts & help the younger classes shop. Class Parents will be contacted to help with their classes. K. Kronbergs will set up a meeting with the Santa shop distributor to discuss supplies, etc.

School Store: The newly designed Spirit Wear shirts are in! Order forms will go home this week.

Texas Roadhouse: picking up packets on 10/13 & packets will be coming home with the kids this week.

Website & Calendar: Keep Jamie updated with current information so she can add it to the website & PTO Calendar.

There was a survey sent out to the PTO & Committee Heads in regards to Special Projects for this year. India is still waiting to receive more responses for a vote is presented. There is also a survey that will be posted on FaceBook for the entire school, volunteers & general public to submit about likes, dislikes, suggestions, etc so we can continue to make the Fall Festival even better with each passing year!

Next Board meeting: November 9th@ 5:30pm EMH media center.

Important Dates:

November 9th / Butter Braid Fundraiser Begins
November 9th / PTO Board Meeting
November 16th / Paw Print Articles Due
December 14th / Butter Braid Delivery
December 14th / PTO Board Meeting

***Be sure to LIKE the PTO Facebook Page to stay up to date on current events & happenings***

With there being no further business to be discussed our meeting was adjourned at 6:40pm.

Respectively Submitted,

Jennifer Shaw

2015-2016 PTO Secretary