Recording of Team’s Minutes

Professional Advisory Committee

December 2, 2013

Members: Mission:

June Gallup, QI Director, Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m.

Introduction of new Committee Members.

Motion to approve the 05-16-13 minutes as written by Julie Reynolds, seconded by Jennifer Gullison, all in favor, so moved.

Old Business: None.

New Business:

  • Policies:
  • TITLE: Medical Supply Inventory


PURPOSE: To procure medical supplies for the agency and its clients and to ensure the quality of supplies.

POLICY: The agency will ensure appropriate supplies will be stocked/ordered for utilization with patient care and personal protection.

Motion to accept the “Medical Supply Inventory” Purpose and Policy as written above by Terry Sanfacon, seconded by Jackie Fitzpatrick, Dr Lanzetta abstained, so moved.

  • TITLE:Wound Pictures


PURPOSE:To provide guidelines to the staff to ensure patient confidentiality, accurate documentation and appropriate communication.

POLICY:. Wounds may be photographed for documentation purposes and/oreducational needs as recommended by MD/RN.

Motion to accept the “Wound Pictures” Purpose and Policy as written above by Julie Reynolds, seconded by Terry Sanfacon, all in favor, so moved.

  • TITLE:SecureElectronic Mail


PURPOSE:To provide secure electronic access through the computer system for business communication.

POLICY: It is the policy of Cornerstone VNA to facilitate and maintain a secure electronic mail (e-mail) communication system.

Motion to accept the “Secure Electronic Mail” Purpose and Policy as written above by Terry Sanfacon, seconded by Doreen Sceggell, all in favor, so moved.

  • TITLE: SmartCare

RESPONSIBLEPERSONNEL: All staff as appropriate

PURPOSE: To offer a technology-based system designed to provide simplified access to resources to all patients and the community as appropriate

POLICY: SMART Care technology will be offered to Cornerstone VNA (CVNA) patients, clients and service area population.

Motion to accept the “Smart Care” Purpose and Policy as written above by Julie Reynolds, seconded by Terry Sanfacon, all in favor, so moved.

  • TITLE: Managing Psychiatric Emergencies



  1. To alleviate life threatening and potential for life-threatening situations, to stabilize patient’s condition and to ensure patient’s safety.
  2. To conduct a comprehensive evaluation of patients with a mental health diagnosis and/or patients exhibiting signs and symptoms of suicidal intent. To aid staff in assessing the potential for suicide of this type of patient.
  3. To assist staff in providing the most appropriate care during a mental health crisis.


The agency will provide guidelines for evaluation and interventions during a mental health crisis..

All staff will be trained in reporting and implementing emergency action for patients in crisis as appropriate

Motion to accept the “Managing Psychiatric Emergencies” Purpose and Policy as written above by Dr. Lanzetta, seconded by Julie Reynolds, all in favor, so moved.

Update on QI:

  • SHP

Preliminary review of the SHP software and utilization. Reviewed the 30 day hospitalization rate. June and Jen will look into specific information in SHP and where the data is being pulled from and how we can use this to position ourselves to decrease the numbers in alignment with the outcomes area hospitals are looking at. We continue to learn more and more about the information in SHP including a change in the team meeting format utilizing the Episode Einstein and in the future using information in SHP for annual clinician evaluations.

  • 2014 QI Plan

Review of the QI Plan for the agency for 2014. Slight revisions were made in the Outcome software utilized and removing the ADC team from the list – Jean Corvinus made a motion to approve the plan, seconded by June and unanimously agreed by the team – Will be presented to the full board at the November meeting.

  • Discussion regarding the make-up of the QI team team. Jo Ann has been a valued member for many years and is now focusing on the behavioral Health program and precepting, Several of the newer staff have QI experience and are interested in joining a QI team. We will discuss adding a different clinician in place of Jo Ann and also ask that Karen Parker (QI) join the team
  • VNAA Clinical Book – continues to be reviewed and revised as needed – any new policies will be brought to the PAC committee
  • Next meeting: February 10th at 3 pm for review and approval of all Agency Policies statement – June will provide a list in January – and identify any that are new – will need committee to approve as a whole.

Meeting Adjourned 4:10p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Paula Carr, Administrative Assistant

Sent to Members: 12-3-13